and Twitter@DunbarPrimary
Dear Parents and Carers
I was delighted to see so many of you at the Meet the Teacher evenings in August and I hope that you are more informed about our plans for the coming session and the exciting activities your children will be involved with over the coming year.
Dress Down Day for Childhood Cancer Awareness
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness ( month and we are delighted once again to promote this charity to raise the profile of childhood cancer and help to raise funds for this important cause. We are also raising funds for ‘Brainwave’ who provide specialised programmes to help children with developmental delays. On Friday 30th September all children are invited to dress down or to come in fancy dress etcand make a donation to show their support.There will also be home baking on sale at both campuses.Staff will be having their own Coffee Morning and dress down day in support of MacMillan Cancer.
John Muir Playground - Stop Hop and Drop!
I am very grateful for all the parents who are standing back in the morning to give the pupils space to line up and start to become independent. I have also really noticed a big improvement in pupils and nursery pupils getting off their scooters, bikes and rip-sticks at the two gates coming into the playground – thank you and I will be out with stickers again next week! We really appreciate your support in keeping our playground safe for every pupil when it is so busy in the morning and at home time.
Message from Community Police
PC Johnston, Youth Community Officer, would like to remind parents that speed limits and parking restrictions around the school are in place for the safety of the children. Complaints have been made in relation to vehicles speeding in the area (specifically Brodie Road), both during the day and in the evenings. As such, officers have carried out patrols and checks with a number of drivers being charged and reported for speeding offences. It is appreciated that the majority of parents/road users abide by the restrictions; however we would like to highlight the issue and prevent further offences or accidents from occurring.
LEPRA Fundraising
We have been supporting Leprawho are a UK registered international charity focusing on people who find themselves trapped by disease, poverty and prejudice and aimsto help them to improve their health, lives and livelihoods.LEPRA are providing fun workouts for all pupils on Thursday 15th September to say ‘Thank You’ for our fundraising efforts. If you have not done so already could you please return your LEPRA envelope to the school office.
Dunbar Unplugs and Reads
It is coming! Another of our exciting community reading events is asking everyone in Dunbar to join in with some or all of our activities aimed at promoting reading and persuading pupils to unplug games consoles, TV, tablets, mobiles and DVD’s and choose to read instead. Launch date is Monday 3rdOctober. Every pupil should be trying to read individuallyor with an adult or sibling 4 times a week for 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter what you read, where you read or how you read - just enjoy the words. Together we aim to raise the reading attainment of each child who takes part, it is that simple. Information leaflets are coming. We hope this will be a great year for Dunbar Unplugs and Reads! Any queries to Helen Gillanders 860997.
Pupil Photographs
We sent home a letter last week detailing the arrangements for school photographs. Individual pupil photographs will be taken at Lochend Campus on Tuesday 20th September during school time, and at John Muir Campus on Wednesday 21st September in school time. Anyone wanting a family photograph of siblings should bring their children along to John Muir Campus on Wednesday 21st from 3pm – 4.30pm. We are trying this system out this session so would be grateful for comments so we can take a decision for next year.
Flu Vaccine Days
NHS Scotland has arranged for the flu vaccination to be given to all school aged children, whose parents have opted to take it. P1-P7 Pupils will be vaccinated during the school day at both Campuses on Wednesday 26th October.
Grandparents Days – Please can children and Mums and Dads pass this onto Grannies and Granddads.
Once again we would like to invite Grandparents to come into school and join their grandchild’s class. This year we are really keen that Grandparents come and join in Reflective Reading activities that the classes are involved in. Some classes might be at ICT, P.E, Science or Music. We look forward to welcoming grandparents of any pupils in P1–P3 on Tuesday 11thOctober at John Muir Campus and grandparents of any P4-P7 pupils on Wednesday 12th October at Lochend Campus. On both days we will be opening our doors to you at 9am and we would like you to join their class in a variety of different learning activities for about 45 minutes.We will be providing tea, coffee and biscuits in the dining hall from 9.45am.
Outdoor Coats/Outdoor Shoes
Please can we ask that pupils come to school with a coat. Often the weather changes and we like our pupils to be out in the fresh air at break and lunch; only in exceptional weather will we keep the classes in. Can I also request that pupils do not wear wellies, boots or ugg type boots as their main school footwear. We are finding that they do not give them the flexibility needed when sitting on the carpet, participating in active literacy games, drama or climbing on the equipment.
Parent Council
If you are interested in being a Parent Council Class Representative for any of the following classes please contact the school office. The Parent Council are also looking for a Treasurer. The link for the Parent Council Webisite is:
Haven (AM) & (PM) / P2C (1 Rep) / P4D (1 Rep) / P6E (1 Rep)Woodlands (AM) & (PM) / P2D (1 Rep) / P4E (1 Rep) / P6F (1 Rep)
Har/Sea (AM 1 Rep) & (PM) / P2E (1 Rep) / P5B / P7A
P1A / P3A / P5C / P7B
P1B / P3B / P5E / P7C
P1C / P3C / P5F / P7D
P1E (1 Rep) / P3D (1 Rep) / P6A / P7E
P1F / P6B
P2B / P4B (1 Rep) / P6C
Primary 7 Camp – Monday 3rd October – Friday 7th October
Primary 7 pupils are off to camp and we would be very grateful if parents would park cars at Hallhill car park and walk down with luggage. This will ensure that the road is kept clear for P7 pupils and staff moving about and other pupils arriving at school safely.
Congestion near Hallhill
It was reported to me recently that there is a lot of congestion at the area to the back of Hallhill when pupils are leaving both campuses. The addition of bikes and scooters, and parents with younger pupils and buggies mean it is getting tricky to negotiate safely. We have spoken to the pupils and asked them to slow down and to be aware that this is a problem; the Pupil Council are also going to be looking at ideas to make this area safer for everyone.
Getting in Touch
In order that we ensure that you are dealing with the people most able to answer any questions, offer support or deal with issues here are our school procedures:
- Please contact the school officeto query dates or times of events or finance questions, changes to pick up arrangements and especially if your child is going to be absent. Please also look at DPS website or twitter which we try very hard to keep up to date ( and Twitter@DunbarPrimary)
- For any other issues we ask that in the first instance you contact your child’s class teacher, especially with regard to homework, curricular issues, changes in behaviour, friendship concerns, etc.
Each of the members of the senior management team all look after a specific year stage:
Nursery: Mrs Dingwall, P1: Mrs Legge, P2: Mr MacRury/Mrs Gray, P3: Mr MacRury, P4 Mrs Gillanders,
P5: Mrs Gillanders, P6: Mr Mackenzie, P7: Miss Eeles. The Cove: Mrs Hagart. Please be assured that if any member of the SMT is not available we will endeavour to either answer your query or call you back as soon as possible. The most important thing we ask is that if you have any concerns you get in touch rather than let it worry you or your child.
Reminder that Friday 16th September and Monday 19th September is a holiday for all pupils.
Mrs Helen Gillanders