Term 2 Week 5 Thursday22nd May2014
Quote for the Week: Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Aldous Huxley
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Education Week Celebrations
A big thankyou to those parents who were able to spend time in our classes on Tuesday and participate in Under 8’s Day today. We appreciate your interest and the children loved showing their work and knowledge.
Head Lice
We have received a number of reports of head lice in various year levels. Please ensure your child(ren)’s hair is checked regularly and treated if necessary.
The school will be undergoing a general audit on Tuesday 3 June and Friday 6 June. Office staff have been busily preparing for this event and will generally be unavailable on both of those days. We acknowledge this may be an inconvenience. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
Student leader process
It’s that time of year to commence our recruitment process for the role of School Leader. School Leaders support our Captains with various duties and learn vital leadership skills to prepare them for future captain’s roles. Current year 5 students are eligible to apply.
Staff attending professional development
A gentle reminder that a number of teachers will be attending various professional development events over the next fortnight. We have attempted to develop a pool of regular supply teachers to ensure consistency with program delivery but acknowledge that this sometimes isn’t possible. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Semester one interviews will take place on Tuesday 3 June and Thursday 5 June. We will utilise the same booking process as in previous years.
Log onto:
Type the event code: PTMAR (must use upper case)
Nominate your preferred day and time to meet with your child’s teacher.
Each interview session runs for 15 minutes and we appreciate parents keeping to this timeframe to ensure smooth running of the event and fairness for all parents.
If you do not have access to the internet, the office can make your booking for you. Please contact us on 54 257 222. If you are unable to attend an interview on the dates listed, please make alternative arrangements with your child’s teacher.
Our current attendance rate is 92.4% - a little under Education Queensland’s target of 95%. This means 12 to 13 students are absent from school every day!
Managing Emotions and Developing Resilience
We are introducing a new segment in our newsletter relating to our positive behaviour approach and Bounce Back resilience program. The information provided is based on research and is intended as advice only.
Everyone experiences challenging and confronting situations from time to time. Choosing effective ways of dealing with such experiences means the difference between being able to cope or not.
Ineffective ways of managing emotions include:
1. Avoidance: “I’m okay, really!”
2. Denial: “Nothing wrong with me!”
3. Wishful thinking: “She’ll be right!”
4. Worry: “What if…..”
5. Self-denigration: “What do you expect? I’m a loser!”
6. Blaming others: “She makes me feel so mad!”
7. Acting out (also abusing alcohol and other drugs): “Come here you! I’ll show you ….”
Parents can inadvertently pass on these same ineffective methods to their children. Anxiety (a legitimate feeling), anger (also legitimate) and apathy (not a recommended state) are now at epidemic proportions among children and young people, even though we live in affluent times.
People (parents, children, fellow workers, sports coaches, employers, etc) who have had training in managing emotions will have some healthy ways to manage their emotions at their finger tips.
Healthy approaches to dealing with strong emotions include:
Acknowledging your feelings.
Breathing deeply to change their state.
Reframing your thoughts – “This is a challenge, not a problem.”
Exercising to shift your state to a more positive one.
Having constructive habits such as hobbies, cooking, reading or playing an instrument to change your state.
Getting support from others
Assembly Awards
Gotchas:- Kyden, Elliott, Skye.
Parents and Citizens Association News
Beanies $5.00 each.
Gloves $3.00 each.
Glovesare currently out of stock and an order has been placed andshould arrive shortly.
Please contact Sharon for uniform purchases– 0430751491
General School News
Toilet Closures
Due to extensive vandalism, the boys and girls toilets in the future will be closed from 3.15pm until 8.15am.
This has been an ongoing issue for sometime now. We would appreciate parents discussing this issue with their children in terms of being responsible and respectful with school property.
Interhouse Sports Day
Junior Sports Day (5-8yrs)
Wed 18 June 9.00am-12.30pm
Senior Sports Day (9-13 yrs) – Fri 20 June.
Parents are most welcome to attend.
School Photos
Ph: (07) 3216 8280
Fax: (07) 3216 8850
School Leaders, Choir, Instrumental Photos
Parents are able to view the proofs at the school office and may place an order by contacting the company.
School Chaplain
'Silly Sock Day' is THIS FRIDAY 23rd May!!
Remember to wear your school uniform with your 'silly socks'. Also, you don't need to buy new socks, you can wear odd socks, or even tie a ribbon around a pair you already have. Please bring a gold coin donation.All the money collected goes toward the work of chaplaincy at MindenStateSchool.
Calvary Care is run at Lowood and it is $30 for 3 big boxes of groceries. This will be available again on Friday 23rd May at Lowood District Christian Church, 41 Railway Street, Lowood (rear entrance, dark green building opposite Mitre 10). There is a full flyer with more information in the school office.
I am at MindenSchool, Thursday & Friday. If you need to contact me, I can be reached at the school office on 5425 7222 or via email
Friday 23rdMay
To celebrate Chappy Week 18-25th May
Please bring a gold coin donation which will go towards raising funds for chaplaincy in our school!
Wear your favourite socks with your school uniform......
footy socks, rainbowsocks, odd socks,
soccer socks, long socks, dotty socks,
any socks you like!
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.
If you would like further details please contact Pauline on 0408-409572.
Classroom News
Prep News:
*Presentation: “My special place’ presentation!!! You are invited to attend our class presentation on Thursday 12th June at 2pm. We are still waiting for a few photos to be brought in. The students need to begin working on theirposters in week 6/next week to prepare for their presentation.
*Scrapbooks – Each student requires 2 additional scrapbooks. Scrapbooks need to be named and brought to class ASAP. Thanks to those parents that acted so quickly.
*Supplies – Most students have their supplies in the classroom eg: pencils, rubbers etc. If you have your child’s at home, can you please make sure you check their pencil case to ensure they do not require any necessary items.
*Under 8’s: A big Thank You to all those wonderful helpers that helped make the day a success. The children had a great morning….
*Munch/Crunch: Only fruit or vegetable snacks are to be eaten at this time. Please make sure you have packed an appropriate snack for your child.
*Homework: Well done to those parents that are working hard and helping their child with weekly homework. I can tell which students have been reading books, working on high frequency words and learning their spelling words. Your weekly help helps your child learn.
*Parent helpers: A special thank you to all my parent helpers. The students enjoy having their parents assisting in the room and your help and support in the Prep room is greatly appreciated.
Mrs Williams and the Prep Students
Curriculum Awards
Year Prep
Special Awards:
Zoe – Zoe is beginning to use her reading strategies, she is enjoying reading.
Kate – Kate is beginning to use her reading strategies, she loves to read.
Alicia – Alicia is trying very hard in reading, she is beginning to use her reading strategies.
Max – Max is beginning to use beginning writing strategies, well done!
Rhianna – Rhianna is becoming a fantastic reader, she is using her strategies and has progressed to level 4. Wow!
Year 3/4B
Special Awards:
Miah – Working hard on reading comprehension.
Jacob – Working hard on reading comprehension.
Corey – Great results in Reading!
Ethan – Great results in Reading!
Eve – Great results in Reading!
Ryley – Excellent progress in Reading!
Damon – Great results in Reading!
Year 5/6/7B
Special Awards:
Shannon – Fantastic narrative.
Montanna – Great results in Science Test.
Aiden – Improvement in Times Tables.
Jy – Always putting in a great effort.
Layla, Chance, Kobi, Jasmine, Jackson, Liam, Aiden, Grace. Isaac, Emily.
Happy Birthday from everyone at MindenStateSchool.
Community Notices
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