Term 1 Week 3 Thursday13February2014

Quote for the Week: The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication - Cecil B. DeMille.

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Staffing for 2014

With our increased enrolment we have officially secured our seventh teacher for 2014. This is good news for Minden and means our current class structures will remain.

Farewell Mrs Flanagan

It is with much sadness that we bid farewell to Mrs Viv Flanagan who has decided to retire. Viv has worked at Minden as a Teacher Aide for a staggering 35 years. On behalf of the Minden school community, I thank Viv for her years of service and wish her all the best in retirement.

Year 2 Classroom

Repairs to the year 2 classroom have been approved and we are now waiting for work to be carried out. In the meantime, the children and their teachers have made the Library their home.

Office Phone System

We are currently experiencing a major issue with our entire phone system which has also affected our computer network. Telstra and ICT technicians are working on a solution. We acknowledge that this is inconvenient and frustrating and appreciate parents being patient during this time.

5/6/7 Excursion

On Tuesday, the senior classes visited Parliament House and the QueenslandMuseum. This was an exciting, full-on day with 100% attendance – what a great effort. A huge thank you to our parent helpers who were able to come along.

School Leader Investiture ceremony.

This event will take place on Monday 10 March at 2:00pm. Mr Sean Choat, Member for Ipswich West, will be attending the ceremony. Details will be provided to parents of school leaders closer to the date. We invite all our Minden parents to come along and celebrate this occasion with us.

Parent Information Night

The school will be holding this event on Tuesday 18 February. The night will start at 5:00pm with a Sausage Sizzle. At 5:30, each teacher will commence giving a 15 minute presentation over 3 different time slots. The presentations will be held in classrooms with a 5 minute interval in between sessions. The program is at the end of the newsletter.

Commonwealth Banking.

As many of you would be aware, Minden school accesses the Commonwealth Bank School Banking Program. Students are able to open an account with the CBA at school and make deposits here at school. Students who make regular deposits are rewarded for doing so. The school receives $5 for each new account. This is an easy and fun way to encourage children to save.

This week on Junior Assembly, a representative will talk about the school banking program and be available after assembly for those wanting to sign up. A CBA representative will also be available at the school car park shelter shed on Wednesday 19th February 8.30am - 9am for those who missed the assembly.

School Parent Information Calendar

The 2014 calendar will be available for collection from the office as of next Monday 17 February. It contains a range of important information regarding our school as well as dates for various events that will occur during the year. They are free of charge, one copy per family.


The first meeting of the year was held on Monday 10 February. It was great to see a new member come along. The next meeting will be the AGM on Monday 10 March. Under the P&C Constitution, we need 10 members present for the meeting to go ahead. After the election of the executive, we will continue with our normal meeting.

At Minden, the P&C and school work in unison to support the children attending our school and together we have achieved a lot over the last 12 months. Becoming a member of the P&C is a great way to participate in your child’s education and the life of the school. There is no requirement to attend every meeting.

2014 Uniform Policy

It was decided at Monday’s P&C meeting that the 2014 Uniform Policy would remain the same as 2013. The major point is that students will be required to wear the yellow polo shirt when participating in off-campus events. The blue polo shirt is for school use only. The Uniform Shop has plenty of yellow polos in stock if you haven’t already purchased one.

Hire of P&C Equipment

Over the years, Minden P&C has purchased a significant amount of equipment used primarily for school functions. From time to time, we have allowed parents and community groups to borrow the equipment. This year, anyone wanting to use the equipment will need to sign a hire agreement (at the school office) and pay a $20 hire fee. This will help offset the cost of maintenance.

Student Council

The first meeting of 2014 was held on Monday and the Council had lots of ideas for fundraising and “fun” events. Details as follows:

Free Dress Day – Thursday 27 February (week 5) gold coin donation.

Cake / Slice / Biscuit Stall – Thursday 20 March (week 8) donation of baked goods appreciated.

Easter Colouring In Competition – 24 March – 3 April. 50c entry fee. Prizes for each year level.

Fun events:

Chess – Wednesday lunch breaks

Organised games – junior and senior – Friday lunch breaks.

Junior Assembly

Due to the presentation from the Commonwealth Bank, Junior Assembly will commence at 2:15pm this Friday.

Assembly Awards

Lucky Gotcha winnerswere Jade, Emmersen, Isabella, Sam, Bailey, Curtis.

Parents and Citizens Association News

Next P&C Meeting: AGM 3.30pm 10thMarch 2014.

It is proposed to hold the Annual General Meeting of the Minden State School P&C Association on 10 March at 3.30pm in the library. This will be followed by a normal monthly meeting immediately after. At the time of the meeting, regulations state that all executive positions will become vacant and new office bearers will need to be elected.

Also, all memberships will cease at this time and new membership forms will need to be submitted.

Positions to be filled are:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and any other position deemed necessary by the meeting.

A chorum of at least 10 members are required for an AGM. If you are interested in the role and functions of the P&C and wish to have some involvement, please attempt to attend the AGM and submit membership forms.

Membership forms are available from the School Office.

Remember if you are not a member, no voting on P&C activities is allowed. Membership is free, so it is a cheap way of being involved in our child’s schooling.

Brian Wood


MindenStateSchool P&C


Our uniform convenor is Colleen Diesing please call her on 54268087 for uniform purchases.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.

General School News

School Chaplain – MindenStateSchool

What is a School Chaplain (aka Chappy)?

A school chaplain is often;

-a friendly smiling face & kind listening ear, not just for the students, but for all the grown ups too.

-a planner of lunch games, of drawing a picture or making things with paper to keep us all busy.

-a playground negotiator that helps everyone to get along together at play time.

-a classroom helper; (no, not a teacher or teacher aide, we have very special people doing that important job already!) but a lover of helping, from cutting out shapes, to listening to reading, to helping solve maths problems. Cheering you on when you have done an awesome job & encouraging you when things get tough.

You might see a School Chaplain;

-in your classroom

-at parade or assembly

-in the playground

-at the school concert

-on sports day or cross country

-at camp

-at the ANZAC Day ceremony

-at the shops

-at church

-on the holidays

Please say hello, or give us a smile, we are a friendly bunch & we definitely don't bite!)

Keep Smiling

Mrs Hewett

Rebecca Hewett

School Chaplain

Mt Tarampa, Fernvale, Minden

After School Sport

Active After School Sport for Term 1 has commenced this week.

Tuesday – softball

Thursday – karate

This is a free program. Enrolment forms are available at the office for anyone interested in

participating in this program.

Classroom News

Prep update:

*Prep students are all doing a fantastic job! I have had some fantastic comments from other teachers in the school.

*Please remember to return homework and Library books each Friday.

*Encourage Prep Students to play on the oval with the rest of the school prior to the bell in the morning.

*Fridays are tuckshop day’s orders and are delivered to the room. Prep students can bring some spending money to buy a snack. If you would like your child to experience spending money by themselves, please give them some change in a named purse on Friday. I will have an additional container in the room to place their purse. Students will be assisted with purchases eg: ice-block, chips.

*KIT books are valuable in helping parents and teachers keep in touch daily with any little issues.

*We use Thrass charts (picture) to assist students to spell. If you would like to purchase your own Thrass chart to work with Prep students at home then visit the Thrass web site

*There are some students that still need to bring in a family photo. We need this photo for our History unit.

*Keep up the great work you are doing in assisting your child to learn…

Thanks Mrs Williams

Curriculum Awards


Special Awards:


Lillie – Lillie listens carefully and follows instructions.

Samuel – Sam listens well and is grasping concepts quickly in the classroom.

Ava – Ava is developing confidence and speaking when she needs to in the classroom.

Max- Max participates well in classroom discussions.

Year 5/6/7A

Student of the Week

Jermaine – displaying excellent behaviour in the classroom this week. Well done!

Special Awards

Jasmine – excellent response to a news item.

Bailey – excellent response to a news item.

Lachlan – Writing an excellent narrative.

Dalia – excellent contribution to SOSE.

Year 5/6/7B

Imogen – working well in Maths.

Thomas – for his stupendous glittering rainbow.

Lachlyn – for his cool piece of artwork.

Tobey – for a great attempt at a narrative – well done!

Jake – for an imaginative well written narrative.

Isabella – for an interesting well written narrative.


Indeanna, Russell, Tyler, Aden, Ava, Kiara, Jy, Cody, Mia, Mikayla, Zac.

Happy Birthday from everyone at MindenStateSchool.

Community Notices


A fun place to sing & play!

Musicplay is a vibrant, welcoming and fun place where parents/carers and children can play and learn together.It aims to provide an environment where children can learn to interact with other children and be given play experiences that develop them intellectually, creatively, physically and socially.Musicplay also provides a friendly

welcoming atmosphere for parents/carers.

Join us on Thursday mornings 9.30am-11.30am during theschool term at the Minden Baptist Church Hall. Each session consists of a structured music and story time.We enjoy morning tea together, which is provided, and then the children have time to have free play, games & crafts. For more information contact: r 5426 8206.


Valley Kidzis a kids only zone for those in preschool to Grade 7.Valley Kidz meets Sunday 9.15am during the school term at the Minden Baptist Church Hall. It is a safe and fully supervised environment, resourced by a committed team of leaders who love kids and desire to see them grow and interact well with their peers. This Term is the IMAGINATION STATION where they will be understanding God’s unbounded love & extraordinary Plans. For more information contact Cara on mob. 0416148988

Lowood & District Golf Club Inc.

Junior Golf & Coaching Program

Starts: Friday 14th February 2014

A Junior Golf & Coaching Clinic for primary & secondary school girls & boys in Grades 5 to 12 will be held at the Lowood Golf Club on Friday 14th February 2014 starting after school at 3.30pm and finishing at 5pm.

A sausage sizzle will be held on Friday14th from4.30pm -5pm to welcome everyone who attends the first day of the junior clinic.

The junior golf & coaching program is about having fun and learning a new outdoors sporting skill. For more details contact 54261365.


Classes for boys and girls 4/5 years old to teenagers on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.45pm also Kindergym (14months-4years) on Wed 9.30am. Come along, join in the fun tokeep fit and healthy at the Lowood Show Hall. Gatton Sport Centre on Fridays 9.30am for Kindergym and 3.30pm for 4/5 yr olds. For information call Sue 0419778303 or Wouterina 54268193.

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Tuesday 18th February.

Time / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher
5:00 – 5:30
pm / Sausage Sizzle - Courtyard
5:30 – 5:45
pm / Prep room
Nancy Williams / Yr 1 room
Reagan Topp / Yr 2 room
Simone Whyatt & Teilia Cornwall / Yr 3/4 A room
Stephen Smith & Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 5/6/7A room
Amy Nothdurft
Jenni Einam
5:50 – 6:05 pm / Prep room
Nancy Williams / Yr 1 room
Reagan Topp / Yr 2 room
Simone Whyatt & Teilia Cornwall / Yr 3/4 A room
Stephen Smith & Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 5/6/7A room
Amy Nothdurft
Jenni Einam
6:10 – 6:25 pm / Prep room
Nancy Williams / Yr 1 room
Reagan Topp / Yr 2 room
Simone Whyatt & Teilia Cornwall / Yr 3/4 A room
Stephen Smith & Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 5/6/7A room
Amy Nothdurft
Jenni Einam

If parents are unable to attend these sessions on Tuesday 18th February, please make an alternative time with your child’s teacher.

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