Medium Term Planning Half TermlyPlanner : English
Year group 3/4 / AutumnTerm 2nd half / Teacher Mrs LloydTexts / Oracy and Text / Sentence / Word / Thinking Skills/ AFL
Letters written for a range of purposes / Continuous work/ Skills :
-Oracy – communicate clearly, adapting to audience and purpose
- Reading – recognise characteristic features of different genres
- Writing – Draft and improve/ layout / Continuous work/ Skills :
-Use punctuation to clarify meaning
(full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, speech marks)
-use nouns, adjectives,connectives.
( Sunny the Meerkat will go home at weekends with a child [ using lollypop sticks to choose ]. A stamped postcard will be packed in his suitcase to be written by the child and sent to our class to describe his weekend.) / Continuous work/ Skills :
-to identify mis-spelt words in own writing; to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to learn to spell them;
-to use known spellings as a basis for spelling other words with similar patternsor related meanings;
to use independent spelling strategies
1 / Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett( up to where Sunny packs his suitcase and leaves home) / Introduce Meerkat Mail.
Newspaper Extract – read and revise report features from last half term.
Discuss motto – use school motto/logo as a starting point.
-Write a note home to your parents to say where you are going and why. (pre-assessment) / What will you take on your trip? Write a list inside your suitcase using commas to separate items.(Reinforcing learning from last half term)
Have a look in Sunny’s suitcase to find out what he has in there and what else he should take.
Write a luggage label – to practise writing name and address, using layout conventions and capital letters for proper nouns.
Cross Curricular/ PSHE
Write a family motto to reflect your family values.
Begin to build a family tree – our class family display wall. / Investigate the spelling pattern le as in little, bottle, scramble. / Think Pair Share
Traffic Lights
Learning Wall
2 / Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
(Monday and Tuesday) / Monday – Sunny visits Uncle Bob.
Read postcard home.
Tuesday – Sunny visits Scratch and
Read postcard home.
Identify features of postcards. / Practise writing own address on postcards home.
Write postcard home, using conventions such as Dear...... , and concluding with appropriate ending.
(Cross curricular/ Curriculum Cymreig – learning about Wales, visit the seaside virtually – Wales is a special place lesson 1
Describe the setting – seaside, using adjectives/similes.
Describe the weather. ( reinforcing settings from last half term, familiar stories) / Writing Journal – begin a collection of adjectives/ similes to describe settings/ mindmap using senses to identify words & phrases
Recognise and spell common prefixes and how they influence word meanings eg. un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre- / Mind mapping
Traffic Lights
Learning Wall
3 / Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
(Wednesday and Thursday) / Wednesday - Sunny visits cousin
Read postcard home.
Thursday – Sunny visits Mildred and Frank.
Read postcard home.
Oracy/Drama – a phone call home.
Model Sunny’s mum
answering a phone call from Sunny.
What messages will Sunny
want to give?
Record pairs of children
‘talking in role’ on the phone.
(Easispeak microphones) / Practise writing own address on postcards home.
Write postcard home, using conventions such as Dear...... , and concluding with appropriate ending.
Cross curricular/ Curriculum Cymreig – learning about Wales, visit Snowdonia virtually – Wales is a special place lesson 1
Describe the setting – mountains, using adjectives/similes.
Describe the weather.
Introduce the idea of paragraphs to separate ideas. / Writing Journal – begin a collection of adjectives/ similes to describe settings/ mindmap using senses to identify words & phrases
Recognise and spell common prefixes and how they influence word meanings eg. un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre- / Mind mapping
Traffic Lights
Hot Seating
Role Play
Learning Wall
4 / Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
(Friday and Saturday) / Friday – Sunny visits Madagascar.
Read postcard home
Saturday – Sunny visits Great Aunt
Read postcard home.
Read a formal letter
Record pairs of children ‘talking in
role’ on the phone. / Practise writing own address on postcards home.
Write postcard home, using conventions such as Dear...... , and concluding with appropriate ending.
Cross curricular/ Curriculum Cymreig – learning about Wales, visit the capital city virtually – Wales is a special place lesson 1
Describe the setting – capital city, using adjectives/similes.
Describe a visit to a restaurant. / Writing Journal – begin a collection of adjectives/ similes to describe settings/ mindmap using senses to identify words & phrases
Recognise and spell common prefixes and how they influence word meanings eg. un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre- / Mind mapping
Hot Seating
Traffic Lights
Learning Wall
5 / Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
(Sunday) / Read final postcard.
Introduce Letter Writing
Learning Ladder before
writing our initial class letter / Write a formal letter of complaint to the restaurant. Teacher to model on Activ Primary notebook.
Role play restaurant situation prior to writing letter.
Use conventions for letter writing
such as :
-address on right hand side,
-Dear...... , and concluding with appropriate ending,
- 1st paragraph to explain purpose of letter
2nd paragraph to state the problem
3rd paragraph to end and ask for a reply
-be polite,
-some short sentences and some longer sentences using connectives. / Revise connectives – select appropriate words for a letter eg. when, after, although, later on, since. / Role Play
Think Pair Share
Thumbs up/thumbs down
Learning Wall
6 / The Jolly Christmas Postman by Janet & Allan Ahlberg / Read Jolly Christmas
Postman / Design a Christmas Card with an appropriate written message to one of the characters in the book.
Address the envelope correctly.
Write a letter to invite a character to a Christmas party.
Use conventions learned:
-Address on right side of page
-1st paragraph to explain purpose of letter
-2nd paragraph to say what will be happening
3rd paragraph to ask for a reply
-sign off appropriately
-be polite,
-some short sentences and some longer sentences using connectives.
-Address the envelope correctly. / Generate synonyms for high frequency words. / Learning Ladder
7 / The Jolly Christmas Postman by Janet & Allan Ahlberg / Read Jolly Christmas
Postman / Write a letter to Santa. (Assessment task)
Use learning ladder as a framework for writing a letter and as a self assessment tool. / Learning Ladder