Subject / HMIS Policy Committee / Date / 9/07/2016
Scribe / Beverly Cisse (Lead Agency) / Time / 9:00-11:00
Attendees / Beverly Cisse (Lead Agency),Sue Gilman (Bayaud), Sharon Duwaik (City of Aurora), Carolyn Barr (Mental Health Center of Denver), Duncan Metcalfe (St. Francis Center), Bill Sweeney (Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow), Matt Richard (Volunteers of American), Linda Barringer (Family Tree), Eric Greenfield (Lead Agency)
Key Points Discussed
/ Highlights1.
/ Shelter/ Outreach / Small Workgroup gave an updated on their information gathering efforts.- Joe indicated that currently our Emergency Shelter coverage rate is 53%, HUD goal is 85%.
- Beverly reached out to the Outreach Collaborative and they validated the HIC list, they hadnothing to add.
- Bill reached out to church networks in his area and found that Longmont has two places that provide shelter, Evergreen has a cold weather network and Golden has a church who also provides shelter. He also found that Family Promise is providing funding. Linda suggested that he reach out to the Homeless Planning Group in each county.
/2014 v5.1 HUD Standards
/Eric discussed the changes that will be effective on October 1 2016:
- Global Changes:- 3.6 GENDER, change in available options: Other changed to “Doesn’t identify as male, female or transgender”
- 3.8 DISABLING CONDITION, change in subjects: collection required for all clients
- 3.917 LIVING SITUATION, blends prior living situation with elements of chronic homelessness which uses conditional program to present questions
- 4.4 HEALTH INSURANCE, change in available options: Added Indian Health Services and Other as options
- 4.17 RESIDENTIAL MOVE IN DATE, removed yes/no; to the input of a date now and clarification given to identify when/for whom this is collected
PATH data collection changes include the requirement to have clients who a coming from a place not meant for human habitation entered into a different program than clients coming from a place meant for human habitation. Other PATH data collections changes:
- CHANGE from optional collection to REQUIRED for PATH, 4.2 Income and Sources, 4.3 Non-cash benefits, 4.21 Connection with SOAR
- 4.14A PATH SERVICES, Response options changed
- 4.16A REFERRALS PROVIDED, Response options changed
- 4.14B Services Provided and 4.16B Referrals Provided:
- RHY clarified collection instruction for to simplify data collection
- Both record only the first service or referral type provided and the date.
- No need to repeatedly enter the same type of service provision if one has already been entered.
- Now collecting RHY’s 4.24 Last Grade Completed
- Now collecting new element 4.48 SSVF – HP Targeting (which replaces 4.44 HP Screening Score)
- Now collecting 4.49 Use of Other Crisis Services
/ Other HUD Changes, Etc. /- Linda shared that agency users are confused about the data source (perspective of the data collection). 2004 standards stated that the data source was a self-report, in 2010 the standards changed the data source from a self-report to client interview, self-administered form and/or case manager’s recordson the majority of the Program Specific elements (i.e. income, non-cash benefits, physical, developmental, chronic health, HIV/AIDS, mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence).
- The 2014 APR is not the one projects should submit via ESNAPs. The 2014 APR submission will start in 2017 and will most likely be a download upload.
- CCH has received the new expansion grant and has hired new staff. Beverly and Customer Service Rep will visit all the agencies. They will start with the Emergency Shelters to collect data to be used to develop the Emergency Shelter policies and procedures. We are hoping that this will begin to change the perception of HMIS, a goal of this committee. Bill suggested that when we visit the agencies we share their performance statistics as an attempt to increase the value and importance of HMIS data collection.
/Swipe Card Expansion
/Joe shared that we are currently working with Salvation Army but are a little confused as to what is going on. In the next couple of weeks, we will be reaching out to them and to Denver Road Home to get the project back on track.
/IBM Safety-Net Software
/Joe discussed the challenges they have had with the Coordinated Assessment/Intake software and discussed IBM’s proposal of the Safety-Net Software.
Linda expressed herconcerns about transitioning to another piece of software and suggested that we determine how the existing software is being used and evaluate if we can use HMIS.
/ Owner / Target Date1.
/Continue to collect shelter information
Action Plan
/Action Item(s)
/ Owner / Target Date1.
/Generate a report comparing dates of updating information collection vs. program entry
/Lead Agency
/Evaluate if HMIS is a possible solution for
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