Tentative Schedule of MPA Program Courses

Spring 2016-Spring 2017

(Last Updated March 2016)

MPA Students mustregister for 6000 level classes

Italics denotes tentative course or instructor

* denotes MPA Core Course. Students must take all nine (9) core courses and five (5) concentration (elective) courses

ST= “Special Topics” Class
^denotes program approval for registration


PADMN Courses

6289*Research DesignSimon6-9 PM M

6321Health PolicyEdwards6-9 PM Th

6323Policy AnalysisSimonONLINE

6335*Governance & the EconomyMastracci, S.6-9 PM W

6360*Public Human Resource ManagementMorris6-9 PM T

6380*Pub Budget & FinanceFlygare6-9 PM W

5/6540Nonprofit AdvocacyLitvack6-9 PM T

6550*Nonprofit/NGO OrganizationsMastracci, T.6-9 PM Th

6563Program and Policy EvaluationZick6-9 PM M

5/6965-001Criminal Justice PolicyMcConkie4:35-7:05 PM T

5/6965-002Social Justice Leadership & PolicyJefferson6-9 PM Th


PADMN Courses

6210*Public Administration & LawMorris6-9 PM M

6289*Research DesignSimon6-9 PM T, HYBRID

5/6323Policy AnalysisNelsonOnline

6335*Governance & the EconomyTennertOnline

6380*Public Budget & FinanceDicaro6-9 PM W

5/6545Nonprofit & Gov. Media and Public RelationsHall4:35-7:35 PM M

May 16, 23, June 6, 13, 27,

July 11, 18, Aug. 1 - HYBRID

6870*Public Admin. Seminar EthicsChavez-HouckMay 20-21,June 3-4, 17-18

F 5-9. S 8-5

6890*Capstone in Public AdministrationOttJune 24-25, July 8-9, July 29-30

F 5-9. S 8-5

5/6965-001National Security PolicySlack4:35-7:05 T

5/6965-002Immigrant & Refugee Law & PolicyNelson7:15-9:45 T Hybrid

5/6965-003Local Government Economic DevelopmentTingey6-9 PM Th

Italics denotes tentative course or instructor

* denotes MPA Core Course. Students must take all nine (9) core courses and five (5) concentration (elective) courses

ST= “Special Topics” Class
^denotes program approval for registration

FALL 2016

PADMN Courses

6050Doctoral Seminar in Public AdminSchwartz-Shea2-5 PM Th

6210*Public Administration & LawMorris6-9 PM W

6290Quantitative MethodsCarlson6-9 PM M

6300-001*Administrative TheoryNelson6-9 PM M

6300-002*Administrative TheorySimon6-9 PM M

6320/5320Public Policy Theory & ApplicationCarter, D.6-9 PM T

6360*Public Human Resource ManagementCarter, J.Oct. 21-22, Nov. 4-5, 18-19,

Dec. 2-3

5:30-9 F, 8:30-4 S

5/6390Administration in Local GovernmentChristensen6-9 PM Th

6550*Nonprofit/NGO OrganizationsMastracci6-9 PM W

6870*Public Admin. Seminar EthicsGreen6-9 PM M

^6890*Capstone in Public AdministrationOtt / Valero6-9 PM T

6965-001Cuba: Complexity, Community & ChangeJensen4-6 PM W – Study Abroad

Fall Break in Cuba

Class meets on campus: Aug. 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28; Oct. 5; Nov. 8

6965-002Adaptive LeadershipEmbley6-9 PM Th

Wall Mansion off campus


PADMN Courses

6240Local Government LawMorris6-9 PM Th

6289*Research DesignSimon6-9 PM M

6321Health PolicyEdwards6-9 PM Th

6323Policy AnalysisCarter, D.ONLINE

6335*Governance & the EconomyMastracci, S.6-9 PM W

6360*Public Human Resource ManagementMorris6-9 PM T

6380*Pub Budget & FinanceTBD6-9 PM W

5/6540Nonprofit AdvocacyTBD6-9 PM M

6550*Nonprofit/NGO OrganizationsValero6-9 PM Th

6563Program and Policy EvaluationZick6-9 PM M

6965Managing a Diverse OrganizationMastracci, S.6-9 PM T