Tentative Schedule for English 21, spring 2015 English 021, Section 0253

Thursday, 12:10 PM – 3:20 PM

Assignments are next to the dates they are due.

Always have Scantrons and be prepared for pop quizzes on the reading.

Week 1

9-3, Th:Introduction

Week 2

9-10, Th:

  1. Download and read the essays “Let’s Get Specific” and “A Change of Attitude.” At the end of both essays, answer the ten multiple choice reading comprehension questions. Use a long 50 question Scantron. On the front of a Scantron, where it says “subject,” write “Specific,” and answer the questions for “Let’s Get Specific.” On the back write “Attitude” in the green space, and answer the questions for “A Change of Attitude.” Make sure you use a pencil to fill out the Scantron. Bring printed copies of the essays to class.
  2. Download, print, and read print “Five Ways to Correct a Run-on Sentence,”“Subject-Verb Agreement Study Guide,” and “Three Steps to Quoting.” Bring these to class.
  3. Download and read the “Argument Paper.” Write on the essay what you would do to make it better. Also, on the essay, fix the grammar the best you can. Bring this to class. Use “Five Ways to Correct a Run-on Sentence” and “Subject-Verb Agreement Study Guide” to help fix the grammar.
  4. Download and print “Grandma Paragraph” and “Paragraph Outline. You don’t have to read these, but bring them to class.
  5. Buy your books. You will need them after next class.

Week 3

9-17, Th:

  1. Tentative Outline for Essay 1 Due

Example of outline. Make sure you type it.

I. Thesis (Make sure it has a claim and at least two subtopics) (full sentence)

II. Topic sentence one for first body paragraph. (full sentence)


b.Example (you can have one or more examples. List them. Use one or two words to indicate an example from experience, and type the full quote and page number for an example from text.

III. Topic sentence one for first body paragraph. (full sentence)


b.Example (you can have one or more examples. List them. Use one or two words to indicate an example from Berry’s experience. If you plan on using a quote, type the full quote with a signal phrase. You must have at least one quote.

IV. Write the word “conclusion”

2. In your text, “Sentence Skills with Readings,” read chapter 6, “Subject and Verbs” (pp. 85-92), and do Practice Tests 1-6 and Review Tests 1 and 2. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

3. Download and Read “Essay Structure for English 21” from my Web site.

Week 4

  1. 9-24, Th:Essay 1 due for peer editing. Bring in THREE copies
  2. In your text, “Sentence Skills with Readings,” read chapter 12, “Subject-Verb” agreement 187-196), and do Practice Tests 1-5 and Review Tests 1-3. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Week 5

  1. 10-1, Th:Essay 1 Due
  2. Mastery Tests 1-4 for Chapter 6 “Subject and Verbs” (pp. 93-96) and Mastery Tests 1-4 Chapter 12 “Subject-Verb Agreement” (pp. 197-200). Bring two copies of your answers to class.
  1. Begin the novel Tortilla Curtain. Read and take notes on Book 1, chapters 1 (pp. 3-15). Be ready for a quiz on chapters 1 of the novel.

Week 6

10-8, Th:Subject and Verb and Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz

  1. For the quiz on Subjects and Verbs and Subject-Verb Agreement, study your notes, Sentence Skills with Readings--chapters 6 and 12, and the “Subject-Verb Agreement Study Guide,” which is posted on my site.
  2. In Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 11, "Irregular Verbs" (pp. 172-82). Do Practice test 1-4 and Review Tests 1-2
  3. On pages 173-75, cover the past and past participle forms of the verb with a piece of paper. Make sure you can't see the writing underneath. On a piece of paper, make three columns. At the top write “Present,” “Past,” and “Past Participle.” Fill out the columns by writing down the present form of each verb and what you think the past and past participle forms are. For the past participle, put the word “have” in front of verb. When you are done, circle the ones you got wrong. Although you will hand this in to me, I am not grading you on how many you got right. This is so you know which verbs you need to study.
  4. Begin the novel Tortilla Curtain. Read and take notes on Book 1, chapters 2-3 (pp. 16-47). Be ready for a quiz on chapters 3 and 4 of the novel.
  5. Download and bring to class, Verb Study Guide for Sentence Skills with Readings 5th edition - LA Mission (You don’t have to read it before class)

Week 7

10-15, Th:

  1. Tortilla Curtain: Book 1, Chapters 4-5 (in my edition pp. 48-79)
  2. In your text, Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 14, “Additional Information about Verbs” (pp. 207-216), and do Practice Tests 1-3, Review Test 1, and Mastery Tests 1 and 2. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Week 8

10-22, Th:Quiz Verbs—Form and Tense

  1. Peer editing Essay 2 - bring three copies
  2. Tortilla Curtain: Book 1, Chapters 6 (in my edition pp. 80-97)
  3. Download, print, and bring to class: Peer editing sheet for Essay 2

Week 9

10-29, Th:Essay 2 Due - don’t forget copies of research

Tortilla Curtain: Book 1, Chapters 7-8 (in my edition pp. 98-142)

Week 10

11-5, Th:MidtermGrammar Test on Subject and Verbs Verbs—Form and Tense

Tortilla Curtain: Book 2, Chapter 1 (in my edition pp. 146-165)

In your text, Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 15, “Pronoun Reference, Agreement, and Point of View” (pp. 217-227), and do Practice Tests 1-4, Review Test 1 and 2. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Week 11

11-12, Th:Pronoun Quiz

Tortilla Curtain: Book 2, Chapters2-3 (in my edition pp. 167-194)

In your text, Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 7, “Fragments” (pp. 97-115), and do Practice Tests 1-7. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Download, print (or save on a mobile devise), and bring to class:

Fragment Study Guide for Sentence Skills with Readings 5th Edition - Mission - English 21

Week 12

11-19, Th:Essay 3 due for peer editing (Bring 3 copies)

Tortilla Curtain: Book 2, Chapters4-5 (in my edition pp. 195-215)

In your text, Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 8, “Run-ons” (pp. 121-131), and do Practice Tests 1-10. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Download, print, and bring to class:

Peer editing sheet for essay 3

Download, print (or save on a mobile devise), and bring to class:

“Five Ways to Correct a Run-on”

Week 13

11-26, Th:Thanksgiving Day Holiday (Thursday, November 26- Sunday, November 29)

Week 14

12-3, Th:Run-on Quiz

Essay 3 Due - don’t forget copies of research

Tortilla Curtain: Book 2, Chapter 8 (in my edition pp. 216-257) and Book 3, Chapters 1-2 (261-283)

In your text, Sentence Skills with Readings, read chapter 28, “Commas” (pp. 362-371), and do Practice Tests 1-11. Make two copies of the answers, one to hand in and one for class. You don’t’ have to write the full sentences, just the answers.

Download, print (or save on a mobile devise), and bring to class:

Comma Study Guide for Sentence Skills with Readings 5th edition LA Mission

Week 15

12-10, Th:Comma Quiz

Finish Tortilla Curtain: Book 3, Chapters 6-8 (in my edition pp. 283-355)

Week 16

12-17, Th: Final 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

September 20, 2015
FALL 2015 Deadline to ADD Full Term (16-Week) Classes in Person

September 13, 2015
FALL 2015 Last day do DROP a class ON-LINE ONLY. Without receiving "W" and a with a refund November 22, 2015
FALL 2015 Last day to DROP a class with a "W" a letter grade is required after this date forward ON-LINE ONLY