County NameCounty Soil and Water Conservation District
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
To be held on Date and Time at Location.
I. Call meeting to order (chairperson’s responsibility)
II. Introduction of visitors or new staff (if any)
III. Approval of minutes from the previous board meeting(s)
IV. Approval of Treasurer’s Report from the previous month(s)
V. Appointment to committees (if any)
VI. Old Business Items for discussion
VII. New Business Items for discussion
VIII. Approval of uncommon expenditures
IX. Review and Approval/Denial of cost-share contracts, change orders, and contract payments
X. Approval of new cooperators
XI. Approval of Conservation Plans (if any since last board meeting)
XII. Acceptance of new cooperators (if any)
XIII. Correspondence/Memos
XIV. Committee, NRCS, MU Extension and staff reports
XV. Closed session (only if intent to go into closed session was cited on publicly posted meeting notice, including specific subsection from Missouri Revised Statutes, RSMo 610.021).
XVI. Plans for next meeting
XVII. Adjournment (state time of adjournment)