Sealed tenders are invited from Registered Contractors / Interior decorators for the following branches Interior works such as banking counters, cash counters, partitions, furniture, false ceiling, electrical, AC units etc.

Mansoorabad / 21,42,299/- / 53,558/- / 30 days from the date of issue of work order
Baghlingampally / 21,23,038/- / 53,076/-

Application should be submitted in person on or before 26.12.2017 up to 5.00 PM together with bio-data, details of the projects executed during the last 3 years, average annual turnover of Rs.50.00 lakhs for 3 years, works on hand, income tax returns of last 3 years and details of other clients.

Supply of Tender documents to qualified contractors from 28.12.2017 up to 5.00 PM.

Date of receipt of completed tenders on or before 29.12.2017 up to 2.00 PM.

Date of Opening of Tenders: 29.12.2017 at 3.30 PM.

1.  Each application for supply of Tender document shall be made along with a Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- towards cost of tender document in favour of “Managing Director, Telangana State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.”. Application without DD will not be entertained.

2.  Tender schedule shall be collected only in person and not by post.

3.  The contractor should preferably be Hyderabad based.

4.  The contractor should have satisfactorily executed minimum of 3 works of similar nature of any bank/institutions, each costing not less than Rs.15.00 lakhs during the last 3 years. He shall enclose copies of work orders and completion certificate along with the application.

5.  The contractor shall enclose copies of registration /empanelment with Govt. Agencies / Banks.

6.  The contractor who is actually eligible for the work only should collect the tender document.

7.  The Bank reserves the right to reject any / all the applications / tenders without assigning any reasons.

8.  The EMD shown shall be drawn in favour of “Managing Director, Telangana State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.” submitted along with the tender.

9.  Tenders have to be addressed to the General Manager (Estate), The Telangana State Co-op Apex Bank Ltd., Troop Bazar, Hyderabad in a sealed cover super scribing “Tender for the interior work______branch” and shall be dropped in a tender box provided in Estate Department.


/ Telangana State Co-operative
Apex Bank Limited
(Government Partnered Bank)
PB NO.142,4-1-441, Troop Bazar, Hyderabad-500001


Sealed tenders are invited from registered contractors/interior decorators for interior works of the bank’s new branch premises at Mansoorabad & Baghlingampally. For details please login to banks web site www.tscab.org/tenders.

Dy. General Manager (Estate)