ARSF publications: 1995
Atkinson, P.M. "Regularising variograms of airborne MSS imagery." Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (1995): 225-233.
Atkinson, P.M. and Curran, P.J. "Defining an optimal size of support for remote sensing investigation." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 33 (1995): 768-776.
Blackburn, G.A. and Milton, E.J. "Seasonal variation in the spectral reflectance of deciduous tree canopies." International Journal of Remote Sensing 16.4 (1995): 709-720.
Callison, R. "Inter-tidal estuarine sediments." International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 (1995): 405-412.
Curran, P.J., Windham, W.R. and Gholtz, H.L. "Exploring the relationship reflectance red edge and chlorophyll content in slash pine leaves." Tree Physiology 15 (1995): 203-206.
Danson, F.M. "Recent developments in remote sensing of forest canopy structure." Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing Ed. F. Danson, Plummer, S. E. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
Danson, F.M. and Plummer, S.E. "Red edge response to forest leaf area index." International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (1995): 183-188.
Dekker, A.G., Malthus, T.J. et al. "Advances in environmental remote sensing." Ed. F. M. Danson and S. Plummer Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1995. 123-142.
Ferrier, G. "Evaluation of apparent surface reflectance estimation methodologies." International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (1995): 2291-2297.
Ferrier, G. "A field study of the variability in the suspended sediment concentration-reflectance relationship." International Journal of Remote Sensing 16.14 (1995): 2713
Gilvear, D.J., Walters, T. et al. "Image analysis of aerial photography to quantify changes in channel morphology and instream habitat following placer mining in Interior Alaska." Freshwater Ecology 34 (1995): 101-110.
Jago, R. and Curran, P.J. "The effect of land contamination on the relationship between the red edge and chlorophyll concentration of a grassland canopy." Remote Sensing in Action Ed. Curran, P.J. and Robertson, Y.C. Nottingham: Remote Sensing Society, 1995. 442-449.
Lucas, N., Curran, P.J. and Plummer, S. "Using the red edge inflection point to drive an ecosystem simulation model for calculating the stem carbon production of an upland coniferous forest plantation." Remote Sensing in Action Ed. Curran, P.J. and Robertson, Y.C. Nottingham: Remote Sensing Society, 1995. 1020-1027.
Lucas, N.S., Plummer, S.E., Danson, F.M. and Curran, P.J. "Coupling a forest ecosystem model with remotely sensed data." MAC Europe Experiment 91 European Space Agency, Paris: 1995. 187-193.
Milton, E.J., Gilvear, D.J. et al. "Investigating change in fluvial systems using remotely sensed data." Changing River Channels Ed. A. Gurnell, Petts, G E Wiley, 1995.
Reid Thomas, D.C. and Donoghue, D.N.M. "Intertidal Mapping of the Wash Estuary." EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing 4.1 (1995): 135-142.
Reid Thomas, D.C. and Donoghue, D.N.M. and Shennan, I. "Intertidal vegetation mapping using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data." Directions in European Coastal Management Ed. M.G. Healey and J.P. Doody Cardigan: Samara Publishing Ltd, 1995. 213-222.
Thomson, A.G. "Airborne radiometry and a sheep grazing experiment on dune grassland." International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (1995): 981-988.