TENDER NOTICE # 22 TO 38/2010
National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), invites sealed tenders from Sales Tax Registered firms for the purchase of Chemicals, Kits, Glasswares, Plastic Wares Labwares and Lab Equipments etc on FOR NIBGE, Faisalabad.
Tender # / Item / Tender Fee / Mode of Purchase / Date & Time of Tender Receipt / Date & Time of Tender Opening22/2010 / Chemicals / Rs. 500/- / FOR NIBGE / 03-09-2010 at 10 .00AM / 03-09-2010 at 1200 hours
23/2010 / Consumable/Kits / Rs. 500/- / -do- / 06-09-2010 at 10 .00AM / 06-09-2010 at 1200 hours
24/2010 / Chemicals/Kits / Rs. 500/- / -do- / 07-09-2010 at 10 .00AM / 07-09-2010 at 1200 hours
25/2010 / Glasswares/Plastic wares etc / Rs. 500/- / -do- / 08-09-2010 at 10 .00AM / 08-09-2010 at 1200 hours
26/2010 / Consumable / Rs. 500/- / -do- / 14-09-2010 at 10 .00AM / 14-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
27/2010 / Plasticwares etc / Rs:500/- / -do- / 15-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 15-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
28/2010 / Pipettmen / Rs:500/- / -do- / 16-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 16-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
29/2010 / Ultra Low Tempreture Freezer -80 C / Rs:500/- / -do- / 17-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 17-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
30/2010 / PCR Machine / Rs:500/- / -do- / 20-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 20-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
31/2010 / Laminar Flpw Cabnit / Rs:500/- / -do- / 21-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 21-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
32/2010 / Computers and accessories / Rs:500/- / -do- / 22-09-2010 at 10.00 A. M. / 22-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
33/2010 / Pipettman Sets / Rs:500 / -do- / 23-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 23-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
34/2010 / Lab Equipments / Rs:500/- / -do- / 24-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 24-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
35/2010 / Distillation Still Water / Rs:500/- / -do- / 27-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 27-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
36/2010 / Computer and Accessories / Rs:500/- / -do- / 28-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 28-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
37/2010 / Electrical Conductivity Meter / Rs:500/- / -do- / 29-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 29-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
38/2010 / Freezer -20 C / Rs:500/- / -do- / 30-09-2010 at 10.00 A.M. / 30-09-2010 at 1430 P.M.
Tender documents can be obtained on request from Sr. Administrative Officer (Procurement) on any working day (except Saturday & Sunday) through only CDR (Non-refundable) in favour of Accounts Officer, NIBGE, Faisalabad. The text/specifications of the tenders can also be downloaded on PPRA website www.pprs.org.pk and NIBGE Website www.nibge.org.pk. The Separate envelope procedure for technical and financial proposals must be adapted.
Sr. Admin. Officer (Procurement)
NIBGE, P.O.Box # 577, Jhang Road, Faisalabad.
Ph: (041) 2651475-79/Ext. 201,206/(041) 2650818
Tender No.22/2010 Date of opening 03-09-2010
at 1300 hours
Specifications of Chemicals for purchase out of PARB Wheat Project No 337
Project title: Improvement of salt tolerance in wheat through biotechnology
Following materials are required for research project requiring high quality molecular biology and plant tissue culture grade materials. The standardized specifications of the materials meet the product and performance specifications of 36 manufacturers including;
1) Invitrogen 2) Clontech 3) Sigma
4) Aldrich 5) Fermentas 6) Genomed
7) Roth 8) Stratagene 9) GE Healthcare
10) Roche 11) MRC 12) Phytotechnology
13) Promega 14) Bio-Rad 15) Novagen
16) Ambion 17) MWG/Operon 18) US Biologicals
19) Qiagen 20) NEB 21) Research Organics
22) Riedel-deHaen 23) Gene Link 24) Eppendorf
25) Axygen 26) Naptune 27) Bio Plastic
28) Nalgene 29) Nunc 30) Labnet
31) Greiner 32) Nerbe Plus 33) Corning
34) CLP 35) NyxTechnik 36) Oxoid
The quotes for materials from only above mentioned manufacturers may be submitted. The quality of the products and time of delivery per quote is very important and not compromise-able. All the perishable enzymes/materials should be assured for transport in dry ice from the point of origin till those reach the end user. The commodities requiring refrigeration must be transported in ice packs and reach the end user without suffering a heat shock. Humble request to meet these requirements is extended to avoid any later issues as the payment will be released after quality assurance that may take up to 30 days time.
Note: Only sole/authorized agents of the above mentioned companies should participate and certificate must be presented at the time of quote. Cat # must be mentioned with the quote for verification. Import documents must be presented at the time of delivery. MB stands for Molecular Biology Grade and DNase/RNase free. Plant Cell Culture Tested (PCCT means the “Ultra Purity Grade” available to date).
Sole/authorized agents must be registered with any Punjab academic / Research institute
Name of Item / Qty1. Isopropanol:
2-Propanol, Isopropyl Alcohol, (CH3)2CHOH, structural isomer of propanol (Molecular Biology Grade), Purity 99% / 4 L
2. Absolute Ethanol:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Purity 99%, (CH3–CH2–OH) / 5L
3. Acetic Acid:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Purity 99%, (CH3COOH) / 5L
4. Low electroendosmosis agarose (LE Agarose) with following specifications:
EEO (mr) ≤0.12, Gelling Temp (1.5%) 35°C +/- 1.5°,
Melting Point 89°C +/- 1.5°, Gel Strength (1%) ≥1800 gm/cm2,
Moisture <6%, Sulfate <0.2%, Ash <0.2%
Quality Control:
Should not have nonspecific Endonuclease, Exonuclease or RNAse
activity. Must be suitable for separation, elution and ligation of
100 bp to 30Kbp DNA fragments.
Storage Conditions:
Powder stable at room temperature.
/ 500g
5. Ammonium Acetate:
(Molecular Biology Grade) 98% Pure Dnase/Rnase Free (CH3COONH4) FW 77.08 / 250g
6. Ammonium Nitrate:
(NH4NO3) FW 80.04, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) Ultra Pure, Purity 99% / 1Kg
7. Ammonium Per Sulphate:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Min 98% purity level, (NH4)2S2O8 FW 228.2 / 1Kg
8. Ammonium Sulphate:
(NH(4)2SO4) FW 132.14, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT), Purity 99% / 500g
9. Ascorbic Acid:
(C15H20O4) FW 264.32, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT), Min Purity 99% / 25g
10. Boric Acid:
Formula (H3BO3), FW 61.83, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT), Purity 99% / 500g
11. Bromo Phenol Blue:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C19H10Br4O5S), FW 670.0 / 25g
12. Calcium Chloride Dihydrate:
CaCl2.2H2O FW 147.02 Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) Purity 99% / 2Kg
13. Calcium Pantothanate:
(C18H32O10N2Ca) FW 476.54, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) Purity 99% / 25 g
14. Carbenic disodium salt:
Carbenicillin (alpha-carboxybenzylpenicillin) is a synthetic penicillin derivative used as a selection agent for carbenicillin-resistant plasmids, (Molecular Biology Grade) C17H16N2O6SNa2, Mol Wt 422.4, / 25g
15. Casein Hydrolysate:
A preparation made from the milk protein casein, which is hydrolyzed to break it down into its constituent amino acids, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) Purity 99% / 100g
16. Chloroform:
(CHCl3), Purity 99+%, Required for nucleic acid purification. FW 119.4 / 5L
17. Cobalt Chloride Hexahydrate:
(CoCl2.6H2O) FW 237.84, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 25g
18. CTAB Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Purity 98% (C19H42BrN) FW 364.5, required for DNA Isolation. / 1Kg
19. Cupper Sulphate Pentahydtrate:
(CuSO4.5H2O) FW 249.68, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 250g
20. DEPC Dietylpyrocarbonate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula O(COOC2H5), Mol Wt 162.1, NMR Purity 97% / 400ml
21. Dextran Sulphate:
(MW > 500000), (C18H32O16), H-Bond Donor 11,H-Bond Acceptor 16 (Molecular Biology Grade) / 500 g
22. Difco/Bactoagar:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Clarity,1.5%,Gelation Point (°C) 35°C, Melting Point (°C) 88°C / 2Kg
23. DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide:
Purity 99% (Molecular Biology Grade) (CH3)2SO, Mol Wt 78.13 / 2.5L
24. EDTA Ethylenediamine-N,N-diacetic acid:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Purity 99% (C10H16N2O8) FW 292.2 / 1Kg
25. Ethidium Bromide:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Purity 98% (C21H20N3Br) FW 394.3 / 5g
26. Fe-EDTA Ferrous Sulphate Chelate Sol
Contains 2.785 g/L FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2O and 3.725g/L EDTA 2Na ⋅ 2H2O, sterile-filtered, 100× concentration, plant cell culture tested. / 100g
27. Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate:
Formula (FeSO4.7H2O), FW 278.02, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 250g
28. Formamide:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Purity 99.%, Formula (CH3NO) FW 45 / 1L
29. Glucose Anhydrous:
(Molecular Biology Grade) (C6H12O6) FW 198.2 Purity 99% / 5Kg
30. Glutamine 2,5 Diamino-5-Oxopentanoic Acid:
FW 146.14, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT), Purity 99% / 250g
31. Glycerol:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C3H8O3) FW 92.09 Purity 99% / 2.5L
32. Glycine:
(MB Grade), Formula (C2H5NO2) FW 75.07 Purity 99% / 500g
33. IPTG Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C9H18O5S), FW 238.3 Purity 99% / 5g
34. Isoamyl Alcohal:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C5H12O) FW 88.15 Purity 99% / 2L
35. Kanamycine Monosulphate
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C18H36N4O11.H2SO4) FW 582.6 Purity 99% / 5g
36. Lysozymes:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Salt Free, Albumin Free, Lypholized / 1g
37. Magnesium Chlorode Hexahydrate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (MgCl2.6H2O) FW 203.3 Purity 99% / 500g
38. Magnesium Sulphate Anhydrous
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (MgSO4) FW 120.4 Purity 99% / 500g
39. Magnisium Sulphate Heptahydrate
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (MgSO4.7H2O), FW 246.48, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 2Kg
40. Maltose Monohydrate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C12H22O11.H2O) FW 360.32, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 3Kg
41. Mercaptoethanol:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C2H6OS), FW 78.13 / 250ml
42. MES 2-(N-Morpholino)Ethanesulphonic Acid
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C6H13NO4S), FW 195.2, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 500g
43. MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C7H14NO4SNa) FW 231.2 Purity 99% / 100g
44. MS Salt with vitamins:
Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT), Purity 99% / 10Packs
45. Myoinosotol:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C8H12O6) FW 180.16, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 500g
46. Nicotinic Acid:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C6H5NO2) FW 123.12 Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) Purity 99% / 100g
47. Phenol chloroform:
(Molecular Biology Grade), ready to use with pH 7.00-7.8 / 400ml
48. Polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP:
(Mol Wt 40000), Molecular Biology Grade, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 500g
49. Potassium Acetate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (CH3COOK) FW 98.14 Purity 99% Dnase/Rnase Free / 500g
50. Potassium Chlorode:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (KCl) FW 74.55 Purity 99% / 500g
51. Potassium Hydroxide
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (KOH) FW 56.11 Purity 85% / 250g
52. Potassium Iodide:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (KI) FW 166.00, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 100g
53. Potassium Nitrate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (KNO3) FW 101.10, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 5Kg
54. Potassium Phosphate Monobasic:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula KH2PO4 FW 136.09 Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 1Kg
55. Protenase K:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Nuclease Free / 5ml
56. Pyridoxine-Hydrochloride:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C8H11NO3.HCL), FW 205.64, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 25g
57. Rifampicin:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C43H58N4O12), FW 822.94, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 10g
58. Sodium Acetate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (CH3COONa) FW 82.03 Purity 99% / 1Kg
59. Sodium Chlorode:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (NaCl), DNase, RNase, and protease / 500g
60. Sodium Citrate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C6H5O7Na3-2H2O) Mol.Wt 294.1 Purity 99% / 500g
61. Sodium Dodycyl Sulphate SDS
(Molecular Biology Grade), (Mol 288.38) Purity 99% / 1Kg
62. Sodium Hydroxide Anhydrous
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (NaOH), FW 40 Purity 99% / 1Kg
63. Sodium Molybdate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (Na2MoO4.2H2O), FW 241.95, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 100g
64. Sodium Phosphate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (NaH2PO4.H2O)FW 137.99, Purity 99% / 1Kg
65. Spermidine
Formula (C7H19N3) FW 145.25, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 5g
66. TEMED Tetramethylethylenediamine:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula C6 H16N2) Mol Wt 116.2 Purity 99% / 100ml
67. Thiamine-Hydrochlorode:
(MB Grade), Formula (C12H17CIN4OS.HCL) FW 337.27 Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 25g
68. Tris-Base 2Amino-2hydroxymethyl-1,3propanediol:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula C4H11NO3 FW 121.13, Purity 99% / 2Kg
69. Tris-HCl (MB):
Formula (C4H11NO3-HCL) Mol Wt 157.6 Purity 99% Nuclease Free / 1Kg
70. Tryptone:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Powder is homogeneous, free-flowing and light beige to tan, pH 6.8 - 7.3 / 1Kg
71. Xgal 5bromo-4chloro-3indolyl-β-D-galactopyranoside:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula (C14H15BrCINO6), FW 408.63, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 1g
72. X-Gluc, 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl b-D-glucuronide:
(Molecular Biology Grade), C14H12BrClNO7Na FW 444.59 Purity 99% / 500mg
73. Yeast Extract:
(Molecular Biology Grade) Powder should be homogeneous, free-flowing, and light beige to tan. / 1Kg
74. Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate:
(Molecular Biology Grade), Formula ZnSO4.7H2O, FW 287.54, Plant Tissue Culture Tested (PTCT) / 500g
Made in: USA, Europe or Japan only
Note:- 1. All the firms who are interested to participate must be registered with any academic or research institute working under Government of Punjab and should not be black listed by any establishment of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan.
2. The soft copy of the financial quotation should also be provided on a W/RW CD along with your financial quotation please.
Tender No.23/2010 Date of opening 06-09-2010
at 1200 hours
Specifications of Consumables/Kits for purchase out of PARB Wheat Project No. 337
Project title: Improvement of salt tolerance in wheat through biotechnology.
Following materials are required for research project requiring high quality molecular biology and plant tissue culture grade materials. The standardized specifications of the materials meet the product and performance specifications of 36 manufacturers including;
1) Invitrogen 2) Clontech 3) Sigma
4) Aldrich 5) Fermentas 6) Genomed
7) Roth 8) Stratagene 9) GE Healthcare
10) Roche 11) MRC 12) Phytotechnology
13) Promega 14) Bio-Rad 15) Novagen
16) Ambion 17) MWG/Operon 18) US Biologicals
19) Qiagen 20) NEB 21) Research Organics
22) Riedel-deHaen 23) Gene Link 24) Eppendorf
25) Axygen 26) Naptune 27) Bio Plastic
28) Nalgene 29) Nunc 30) Labnet
31) Greiner 32) Nerbe Plus 33) Corning
34) CLP 35) NyxTechnik 36) Oxoid
37) A Bgene Ltd. 38) Epicentre 39) Finnzymes
40) IDT 41) USB-Affymetrix (Previous name was US Biologicals).
42) Merck, Germany 43) Cole Parmer, USA 44) TCI, Japan