Tender Form for Boiler cleaning for nandan cattle feed
Name & Address of Firm :- ______
Receipt Number & date :- ______
Date of Tender submission :- ______
Description of Machinery :______
& Equipment
The General Manager
Baramati Taluka Sahakari Doodh Sangh Maryadit
Kasaba, Baramati Dist Pune
Subject :- Tender for ______
Dear Sir
With reference to your Tender notice in ______dated______we are submitting the tender for Item no______as per your terms & conditions with following details.
1 We have read all terms & conditions which are written in this form & we accept all this terms & conditions
2 Our firm is Registered firm attached the same here along with this form
3 We have enclosed here EMD amount Cash/DD/RTGS/NEFT of Rs. 10,000/- drawn in favour of Baramati Taluka Sahakari Doodh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit, drawn on ------Bank D.D. no.------dated / / 2017
Bank Account no. Details: A/c no. Baramati Taluka Sahakari Doodh Utpadak Sangh Mryadit Baramati
At – Baramati Branch, Dist – Pune., State- Maharashtra
Bank - Axis Bank, Ac/No – 135010100150019, IFS Code – UTI B 0000135
4 All the pages of tender form with annexure are duly signed with seal.
I /We declare here that all information provided along with this form is binding on us and if it founds wrong then I /We will be responsible & I /We are nominating Mr. ------to deal with this tender process
(Name, Designetion & Address of Authorized Person for tender )
Your faithfully
(Name & address)
Access to our website www.baramatidoodhsangh.com and click on the link View online tender. Then choose the tender of your choice from the list and then click on DOWNLOAD under More Detail coloumn.
The interested Tenderer has to furnish the technical details as mentioned below to enroll to the Authorised Tenderer List.
A D.D. or online payment of Rs.10,000/-(Rupees Ten thousand only) towards E.M.D.
B. Company/Firm registration certificate or Shop Act document.
C. Latest Income Tax returns certificate.
D. VAT TIN number/ CST TIN number.
E. PAN number.
F. Latest Certificate of sales tax indicating the S.T. paid up to the nearest quarter and of previous year or sales tax exemption certificate from competent officer.
G. Detailed information regarding past experience and list of firms and their places where similar type of work is executed satisfactorily.
After fulfillment of above technical conditions your company will be registered to our AUTHORISED VENDOR LIST.
Then you will receive on your e mail the auto generated ID and PASSWORD to access the e tender for rate quote. Tenderer should enter the rates through e tender process.
E-Mail ID - ,Information to be filled by Supplier on E-TENDER FORM
1 / Company / Firm Name.
2 / Email address
3 / Address
4 / City
5 / Pin / Zip Code
6 / Country
7 / State (if Country is India)
8 / Phone No.
9 / Cellular / Mobile Number
10 / Company Profile
11 / Your Name
12 / Designation
13 / CST No.
14 / VAT/TIN No.
15 / PAN No.
16 / Service Tax No.
General Terms and Instruction for supply of stores
1 Sealed tender will be received on prescribed by the purchasing officer in the office.
2 Prescribed Tender Form will be available from this office on payment of Rs 1000 + 13.5% taxes not refundable, on any working day between 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
3 A Tenderers should quote rates F.O.R. and Go down destination and submit the original quotation in printed tender form along with a covering letter attached therewith. They can state the earliest delivery period than stated delivery period for completion of the order.
4 The origin of stores offered whether Indian or foreign and in the case of the former, state in which it is manufactured should be clearly stated against each article.
5 The tender should be submitted in sealed cover and super scribed with tender No. and date of opening of the tender. The right to ignore all or any tender which fails to comply with above instructions is reserved.
6 Opening of tender you are at liberty to be present or authorize your representative to be present at the opening of tender at the time and date specified in the schedule.
7 The purchasing officer dose not pledge himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserve to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered against any item and you shall supply the same at the rate quoted. You are at liberty to quote for the whole portion of the quantity of any item or state that the rate quoted shall apply if the entire quantity of any such item is taken from you.
8 Where offers by the tenderer are for stores imported with the assistance of the state trading corporation, the Tenderer should specifically stipulated that the offers made are in accordance with the price fixation. Formula of the state trading corporation
(a) in the event of the order being placed against any of the tenderers and if the tenderer fails to supply any store according to the terms and conditions of acceptance of tender or fails to replace any stores rejected by the P.O. or any person On his behalf within such time as may be stipulated, the purchasing officer shall be entitled to purchase such stores from any other source and at such price as the Purchasing officer shall be in his sole discretion thinks fit.
1 The offer of the defaulting contractor will not be considered.
2 The defaulting contractor will be penalized to the extent of the difference in the rates or 10 percent of the value of the earlier order, whichever is higher.
3 If the defaulting contractor fails to pay the penalty he will be permanently delisted from the list of approved contractor of the P.O. and the Registration deposit of the contractor will be forfeited.
9 In the case of non-delivery and/or delayed delivery against an order placed with you, the Baramati Doodh Sangh reserves to himself the right to impose such penalty in his sole discretion as he thinks fit.
(a) Tender should be accompanied by earnest money as per tender notices (in D.D.) earnest money will be forfeited if, you fail to complete the contract according to your tender if accepted, tender without earnest money may not be considered
(b) Successful Tenderer will be required it pay a sum fixed by this office as performance guarantee.
i.e. 5 % of order value and into agreement for the performance of the contract.
10 Earnest money deposit amounting Rs 10,000/- per Tender value should be submitted by the D.D. to the account of BARAMATI TALUKA SAHAKARI DUDH UTPADAK SANGH, MARYADIT.
11 Certified copy of income tax returns should be enclosed with the tender quotations received the without returns above certificate are liable to be rejected
(a) Certified copy of updated sales Tax clearance Certified in the prescribed form sales
Tax Depts. Should be enclosed with the tender quotation received without the above Certificate are liable to be rejected
(c) Documents Such as true copies of the Certificate of registration of the Firm under the
shop act, Certificate of the registration under the central Sales Tax and Maharashtra sales Act established the existence of the firm must be enclosed with the tenders. No tender without these authentic documents will be entertained and Will be rejected similarly
12 Tenderers convicted of an offence under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1941 or the Bombay opium act, 1936 will be considered in eligible for being given contract
13 Extension of time: (i) As soon as it is apparent that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent to the M/S Baramati Doodh Sangh.
(ii) Without prejudice to the foregoing right if such failure to deliver in proper time as aforesaid shall have arisen from any cause, which M/S Baramati Doodh Sangh may admit as a reasonable ground for an extension of the time or for exempting you from liability for any such loss of time or for exempting you from liability for any such loss of damage, as a aforesaid and provided Further that no extension shall be allowed unless application for it shall be in the opition and of the purchasing officer (which shall be final ) have been made and in his opinion is justified
(iv) Reserves the right to call for breakup of the Tender / quotation where necessary
14 General Instructions:
(1) Original Tender form should be returned duly filled in failing which Tender will not be considered.
(2) Tenderer should submit their Tender / quotation alongwith S.T. and C.T. / VAT should be clearly stated failing which it will be taken as inclusive of all taxes; no ‘H’ form will be issued
(3) Any statutory increase, or decrease as an act of state of the central Government
relating to sales and other taxes shall be to the account of the purchaser by a contractor.
(4) It will be the responsibility of the tenderer to inform this office within the validity
period of the quotation in the event of the stores offered ex-stocks being said
elsewhere failure to comply with this instruction shall be construction to mean that the
stores are available ex-stock during the validity period.
(5) Tenderers should indicate the rate in metric system of weights and measures only where it is applicable.
(6) Tenders should indicate Specifically the make of spare parts i.e. genuine (original) manufactured of the machinery
7) Inspection of material will be done by the officer authorized by the M/S Baramati Doodh Sangh.
8) Goods should be dispatched at carrier’s risk failing which they should be properly covered by transit, insurance with however, the supplier will be responsible until the entire store-reaches the specified destination.
(9) Samples for the quoted items must be submitted along with quotations. Tender where
ever it is applicable
(10) Samples destroyed in tests will not be returned and no payment made thereof.
Note: (1) Tender sample: Analysis Reports on Tender Samples will not be furnished to
(2) Packing proposed to be employed should be clearly stated giving details of the
charges for all alternative packs.
(3) Failure to observe any of the condition mentioned above will result in the quotation
being rejected.
Above terms and condition are hereby agreed
Signature of Tenderer
Baramati Taluka Sah. Doodh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit Baramati Baramati Doodh Sangh has daily milk collection of 2.70 lack Ltrs.& cattle feed manufacturing factory with 200 MT daily production capacity producing cattle feed under the brand name ‘NANDAN’. Interested party may quote for delivered and installation rate through E tender process.
Rate Quote for :
SCH 40 32 NB scocket bend 8 nos flanges 125 od 16 mm thick IBR approval / 1 job / Rs- 10,000/00 / 3 days
DELIVERY : The complete WORK will be done within 3 days from the date of our purchase order
Terms & Conditions Tender begining date : 19-6-2017 at 10.30 AM Tender closing date : 27-6-2017 at 2.00 PM After Submitting the Vat number, Tin Number, Pan number, Firm /Factory Registration certificate , cell. number, e mail ID with tender fee amount Rs-1000/- (non refundable )+ tax 13.5 % & tender deposit Rs. 10,000/- (refundable ) on our account in favour of Baramati Taluka Sahakari Doodh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit upto Sangh will give the password for E tender process. For any queries please contact on 02112- 222772, 223204, E Mail Id-
Bank Account no. Details: A/c no. Baramati Taluka Sahakari Doodh Utpadak Sangh Mryadit Baramati
At – Baramati Branch, Dist – Pune., State- Maharashtra
Bank - Axis Bank, Ac/No – 135010100150019, IFS Code – UTI B 0000135