SAC Meeting Minutes
April 8th, 6:30pm
Liz TenCate
Brandon Auster
Max Wachtel
Sophia Briegleb
Aimee Bernard
Mandy Geddes
Anne Draper
Heather Dinkel
Meg Torres
Hired two teachers from an IB school in Uganda to fill one 4th and one 5th grade position. Filled a 3rd grade position with a teacher from Arkansas. Tabitha Jones is moving from 2nd grade into a differentiated roles position (coaching half-time, ELA half-time). Have several candidates for the two additional differentiated roles positions we’d like to fill. District is trying to become less top heavy so they’re cutting positions, leaving schools with many qualified candidates to fill their open positions. Shelby Dennis, currently in a differentiated role, will move into an assistant position to the administration, which the SAC approved at our last meeting. Remaining positions to be filled: one more classroom teacher and two differentiated roles (part coach, part intervention).
New Families:
Swigert has 50 new families for next year! One in ECE3, 22 in ECE4, 16 in K, 1 in 1st, 3 in 2nd, and 7 in 5th grade. We still are accepting no new children in 3rd and 4th grade. We plan to host two coffee events, one for lower grades and one for upper, a sort of ”open house 2.0.” We’ll have reps from PTA and SAC, and possibly some parents who volunteer to be mentors to the new families. No dates selected yet, but planning for 7:45-8:15am in May without children.
We will try to recruit existing families to be mentors to the new families, and get that in place before the coffee events so that mentors can possibly attend.
Elections for parent positions on SAC:
Aimee and Max’s terms are up. Aimee is not returning. Max will run again for his third successive term. We will recruit new parents now and hold the election in May.
IB Celebration Picnic:
Will be on May 13th, probably around 6pm. Families will be asked to bring a blanket and picnic. Salad from our community garden will be provided. We will also provide desserts/treats, either through donations, PTA funds, or school activity funds. We’ll have music too. Jen/Liz may give quick talk, Eaglets Ensemble will perform, and Brandon is working on a possible preview of Music Man.
Final “meeting” of the year:
Station 26 on May 20th at 6:30pm