Dec. 24. 2007 / Author(prepared)
MS Lee / Engineer / R&D / Document No
Document Title (project)
Samsung Premium Outdoor RAS / Checked / Document Rev
Document Sub Title
Troubleshooting Guide for Samsung Premium Outdoor RAS / Approved
YR Min / Sr. manager / R&D / Page
Troubleshooting Guidefor
Samsung PremiumOutdoor RAS
Research & Development Center
KMW inc
[A table of contents]
Document Revision History
1. Preface
1-1. Gerneral
1-2. Reference
2. Abbreviations
3. Troubleshooting with TICU installation
3-1. Input power problem
3-2. Output power problem
3-3. Ethernet link problem between PC and TICU
4. Troubleshooting with TICU operation
4-1. Communication Error in WEB GUI
4-2. Calibration problem of RET device
4-3. Set tilt problem of RET device
4-4. Get device data problem of RET device
4-5. Get TMA gain problem of TMA device
4-6. Get device data problem of TMA device
5. Contact Information
Document Revision History
Version / Date / Author / Change Tracker / DescriptionA0 / 27-Nov-2007 / MyongSik-Lee / Initial draft
A1 / 24-Dec-2007 / MyongSik-Lee / Changed the format of the document
1. Preface
1-1. Gerneral
1)This unit is full compatible with AISG V2.0.
2)This document explains how to to troubleshoot when there is any problem with TICU installation.
1-2. Reference
1)Control interface for antenna line devices, AISG v2.0: Issue 2.0, 13-JUN-2006
2)UTRAN Iuant Interface: General aspects and principles, 3GPP TS 25.460 V6.2.0 (2005-03)
3)UTRAN Iuant Interface: Layer 1, 3GPP TS 25.461 V6.4.0 (2005-09)
4)UTRAN Iuant Interface: Signaling transport, 3GPP TS 25.462 V6.3.0 (2005-09)
5)UTRAN Iuant Interface: Remote Electrical Tilting (RET) antennas Application Part (RETAP) signalling, 3GPP TS 25.463 V6.4.0 (2005-09)
2. Abbreviations
Where abbreviations or acronyms are used in this document they have the following meanings:
3GPP3rd Generation Project Partnership
AISGAntenna Interface Standards Group
ALDAntenna Line Device
AMSAntenna Management System
BTSBase Transceiver Station
DCDirect Current
DINDeutsches Institutfur Normung
DMMDigital Multi-Meter
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
GUIGraphic User Interface
OOKOn-Off Keying
PCPersonal Computer
QMAQuick Lock SMA
RASRemote Access Service(s)
RETRemote Electrical Tilting
RFRadio Frequency
SMASubMiniature type A
SOPRSamsung Outdoor Premium RAS
TICUTTLNA Interface Control Unit
TMATower Mounted Amplifier
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UTRANUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
WEBWorld English Bible (public domain translation)
3. Troubleshooting with TICU installation
3-1. Input power problem
1) Phenomenon
All LEDs are off status after Power ON.
2) Corrective Action
(1)Connect the - terminal of DMM to RTN(Red) marked pin on TICU front panel.
(2)Connect the + terminal of DMM to –48V(Blk) marked pin on TICU front panel.
(3)And check that the input DC voltage is in the range -36~-60V.
(4)If the input DC voltage is not in the range -36~-60V, check the PDU unit status of RAS rack.
(5)If the input DC voltage is in the range +36~+60V, please twist the cable from RAS rack.
(6)If the input DC voltage is in the range -36~-60V, check that the POWER switch is exactly ON status.
(7)If the switch is normal and the input DC voltage is in the range -36~-60V with no operation of all LEDs, contact us. Refer to chapter 5 about the contact information.
Figure 3-1. OFF status at All LEDs
3-2. Output power problem
1) Phenomenon
There is no output power on 0, 0, 0,1, 1, and 1 port.
2) Corrective Action
(1)Connect the - terminal of DMM to surface of QMA connector on 0, 0, 0,1, 1, and 1 port in TICU front panel.
(2)Connect the + terminal of DMM to center pin of QMA connector on 0, 0, 0,1, 1, and 1 port in TICU front panel.
(3)Check the output DC voltage of +14.3~+16V.
(4)If the input DC voltage is not in the range +14.3~+16V, check that the PWR led on TICU front panel is ON status.
(5)If the PWR led is not ON status, please turn on POWER switch.
(6)If the PWR led is normal and no output power, contact us.
Figure 3-2. No output power
3-3. Ethernet link problem between PC and TICU
1) Phenomenon
The link led (Green) of RJ-45 jack is OFF status or blinking when the cable between PC and TICU is connected.
2) Corrective Action
(1)Check the Ethernet cable status. If the cable is damaged, please replace with new one.
(2)Check the power of PC. If the power of PC is off status, please power on.
(3)There is no case like this, please contactus.
Figure 3-3. Ethernet link problem
4. Troubleshooting with TICU operation
4-1. Communication Error in WEB GUI
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you are typing in Internet explorer.
2) Corrective Action
(1)First of all, check the Ethernet cable status and the LINK led status of TICU.
(2)And then check that Device scan process is now processing. Please be cautious that there is no response from TICU during device scan process.
(3)The first device scan process will start 5 seconds later after power ON. And then next device scan process will start every 20 minutes.
(4)The normal scanning time is illustrated below. It might be different according to the combination of the unique ID of ALDs. The maximum time of Device scan is about 5 minutes. This is only the case of the first scan process.
-. No ALD: about 5 seconds
-. 2 ALDs: about 45 seconds
-. 4 ALDs: about 1minute 25 seconds
-. 6 ALDs: about 2minute 5 seconds
(5)The cable and LED status are abnormal, please replace the cable.
(6)If the status is normal, check the network configuration of your laptop PC.
(7)If you click the properties of Local Area Connection, figure 4-1-2 will be showed.
(8)And then select the item Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
(9)And then click the Properties button.
(10)Verify the IP address setting is same as figure 4-1-3.
(11)If not, please set the IP address setting like as figure 4-1-3.
Figure 4-1-1. Network Connections
Figure 4-1-2. Local Area Connection Properties
(12)And then execute ping test in command prompt window. If there is normal response from TICU, the windows will be like as figure 4-1-4.
Figure 4-1-3. Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties
Figure 4-1-4. Ping test: normal response
(13)If there is no response from TICU, the windows will be like as figure 4-1-5. Retry the action from 4) to 9) with another laptop PC.
Figure 4-1-5. Ping test: No response
(14)The main window like as figure 4-1-6 will be showed when you typed Internet exploer with TICU normal operation.
Figure 4-1-6. Web-based GUI Main Page
4-2. Calibration problem of RET device
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you clicked Calibration button in figure 4-2.
2) Corrective Action
(1)If there is no response when you clicked Calibration button in figure 4-2, the actuator jam might be happened.
(2)If there is any problem during calibration process, the alarm Actuator Jam and Not calibrated will be happened.
(3)The usual calibration time might be about 20 seconds depending on the current motor position.
(4)If there is no response after 30 seconds, please check the current alarm status by clicking Get Alarm Status button.
(5)If there is any alarm status reported, please refer table 4-2. And then follow the corrective action in the table.
Table 4-2. Error code of RET device
ERORR CODE / Description / Corrective Action02 / Motor Jam / Please contact us.
03 / Actuator Jam / This will be changed to Not calibrated alarm after several seconds.
0E / Not Calibrated / Please retry calibration process after power recycle.
Figure 4-2. Calibrationof RET Device
4-3. Set tilt problem of RET device
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you clicked Set Tilt button in figure 4-2.
2) Corrective Action
(1)If there is no response when you clicked Set Tilt button in figure 4-2, the actuator jam might be happened.
(2)If there is any problem during tilting process, the alarm Actuator Jam and Not calibrated will be happened.
(3)The usual tilting time might be about 20 seconds depending on the current motor position.
(4)If there is no response after 30 seconds, please check the current alarm status by clicking Get Alarm Status button.
(5)If there is any alarm status reported, please refer table 4-2. And then follow the corrective action in the table.
4-4. Get device data problem of RET device
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you clicked Get Device Data button in figure 4-4.
2) Corrective Action
(1)If you click Get Device Databutton in figure 4-4, the below device information aboutantenna serial, antenna model, max tilt degree, min tilt degree, installation date, installer’s ID, base station ID, and sector ID will be updated.
(2)It takes about 15 seconds with 6 ALDs connection like as figure 4-1-6 because 8 get device data commands are transmitted and received.
(3)If there is no response after 30 seconds, the communcation error might be happened.
(4)Please back to main page by clicking Main Page link button, and then retry Device Scan process by clicking Device scan button.
(5)Retry the process from Address assign to Connect. And then retry Get Device Dataprocess by clicking Get Device Data button.
(6)The same problem happens after this, please recycle the power. And then retry procedure (5).
Figure 4-4. Get Device Data of RET Device
4-5. Get TMA gain problemof TMA device
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you clicked Get TMA Gain button in figure 4-5-1.
2) Corrective Action
(1)If you click Get TMA Gain button in figure 4-5-1, the value of TMA gain will be updated to 13 after 1 second in case of normal response.
(2)If there is no response after 5 seconds, please check the alarm status by clicking Get TMA Alm Status button in figure 4-5-1.
(3)If the mode of TMA subunit is bypass, then Bypass Modealarm will be occurred like as figure 4-5-2.
(4)If you set to normal mode using Set TMA Modecommand, the Bypass Mode alarm will be removed.
(5)If the alarm TMA Major Fault and Bypass Mode are occurred simultaneously, please contact us.
ERORR CODE / Description / Corrective Action1A / TMA Minor Fault / No case
1B / TMA Major Fault / In case of LNA alarm or TDD S/W alarm. Please contact us.
1F / Bypass Mode / Remove the alarm using Set TMA Mode command.
Figure 4-5-1. Get TMA Gain of TMA Device
Figure 4-5-2. Bypass mode alarm
4-6. Get device data problemof TMA device
1) Phenomenon
There is no response when you clicked Get Device Data button in figure 4-6.
2) Corrective Action
(1)If you click Get Device Databutton in figure 4-6, the below device information aboutTMA type, RX frequency, TX frequency, max gain, and min gain will be updated.
(2)It takes about 10 seconds with 6 ALDs connection like as figure 4-1-6 because 5 get device data commands are transmitted and received.
(3)If there is no response after 30 seconds, the communcation error might be happened.
(4)Please back to main page by clicking Main Page link button, and then retry Device Scan process by clicking Device scan button.
(5)Retry the process from Address assign to Connect. And then retry Get Device Data process by clicking Get Device Data button.
(6)The same problem happens after this, please recycle the power. And then retry procedure (5).
Figure 4-6. Get Device Data of TMA Device
5. Contact Information
Visit our homepage if you have any problem or question about this product.
Address: KMW Communications, Inc.
1521 E. Orangethorpe Ave., Ste A Fullerton, CA 92831
TEL: (714) 515-1100
Direct Office: (714) 515-1103
FAX: (714) 515-1134
Mobile: (562) 833-9426
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