Under Certificate of posting


Office of the Pr. Controller of Defence Accounts (Southern Command)

No. 1 Finance Road , Pune – 411 001 Tel No.: EPABX Nos:26128727, 26128757 Ext. 125, 142, e-mail “”


______As per list enclosed




Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Southern Command) is intended to shortlist a company for the award of the comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the computer and other hardware located at multi location as per the Annexures A to Y enclosed


(a) AMC is comprehensive and will cover all kind of damage and burning of any part of the machine/system and regular preventive as well as corrective services to all the machines as per Annexure A to Y.

(b) For Computers, Laptop

Corrective / Preventive maintenance will cover Hardware as well as all sort of software & virus related problems. The AMC will cover repair and replacement of all defective parts including all configurational assemblies, internal / external with the machine such as: Mother board, RAM, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk Drive, CD/Combo/DVD Drive, Modems, Inlay Cards (Network, VGA, Sound), all Ports, (COM,LPT,USB etc.),Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Cables & Connectors, Power Adaptors, SMPS or any other existing component / card in any machine (Computer / Laptops) on comprehensive basis.

Note: - Only Genuine parts with same or higher capacity /configuration will be accepted, and these shall then become the property of Pr.CDA SC Pune. In case if a machine is not repairable within two days as per AMC list, the firm will provide the same or equivalent model/make in running condition in standby.

(c) The firm will take care of the operating system and all desired application softwares (MS Office, various text editors, common purpose softwares and their trouble shooting including antivirus maintenance/fresh installation and all other third party software drivers for peripheral devices.

(d) The firm will provide one resident Engineer at least one qualified and certified Resident Engineer with qualification of diploma in Computer Hardware / software, equipped with maintenance kits comprising of toolbox, diagnostic software & hardware, one external hard disk drives, one pen drive and any other tools. The engineer will report to the Incharge, EDP Centre, Mon to Fri on all working days from 9:30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. In addition to this, the firm must have a local back up support of a qualified Personnel, to take responsibilities of excessive work load and be ready to provide expertise, in case of need. They may have to report even on holidays and after normal working hours during emergencies for which no extra charges would be paid. Engineer deputed shall be changed with the prior permission of the Incharge, EDP Centre. Frequent changes of the engineer shall not be allowed.

(e) Preventive maintenance will be carried out during the last month of each quarter. This will include inspection of each system, scanning for Virus, scanning hard disk for any defects/problems there in and obtain a satisfactory working certificate from the users after cleaning the system i.e. PC/Monitor/ Key Board / CD ROM drive / FDD and On no account, equipment or its accessories shall be allowed to be taken out of its normal installed location. Only replacement of subassemblies of the whole unit on a like– by– like or later version basis will be permissible and there placement of such assemblies should be done with the written approval of Incharge, EDP Centre. No parts will be swapped between any two machines.

(f) The firm will keep fairly good stock of components at the site with the resident engineers so as to minimize the down time of machines/equipments.

(g) The contractor shall provide new and original spare parts, assemblies and sub assemblies in place of such items which develop defects/suffer break down during the period of AMC. These replaced parts shall be of same or higher configurations by the firm at his cost after obtaining permission from Pr.CDA SC pune. The replaced part will be the property of Pr.CDA SC Pune soon after installation.

(h) The contractor shall attend to rectify the minor complaints on the same day. In case of major complaints, the equipment shall be set right and restored in working conditions within two days for the date of reporting of the fault. However, after deciding that it is a major fault, a stand by unit shall have to be provided by the firm normally on the same day and, in case, not later than 12.00 noon on the following day, so that the work of the user / section does not suffer.

(i) The contractor shall be required to hand over all the equipment in working condition at the time of end/ termination of the contract, otherwise the equipment found faulty, shall be made good at his risk and cost, by arranging its repair from external agencies. The accrued cost on such repairs, if any, shall be deducted from the liable payments/performance guarantee as applicable.

(j) For AMC of Laptop, the firm should have authorized service provider of reputed brand/make of laptops / notebooks.

(j) The complains shall be considered as registered after they have been intimated to the Resident engineer only for main office. For other location the call should be logged on contractor's toll free numbers.

2.2. Please give your Technical and commercial offers as per Annexure ‘I and Annexure II- A to Y. The following points may please be adhered to while filling up the forms/quotations.

(a)  Only the enclosed formats (Annexure ‘I and II-A-Y ’) in original will be used. All sheets will be submitted duly affixed with the Companies stamp and signature of the authorized signatory of the company. Additional sheets, duly authenticated, may be attached to elucidate specifications or clarify specific issues.

(b)  The costs to be indicated for each item should be inclusive of all taxes etc.

(c)  Total costs for the AMC will be indicated. The entire project AMC cost will be treated as turnkey project . However Pr.CDA SC Pune reserves the right to place order on individual item covered by this tender enquiry rates if feasible. Quotes by the vendor will be valid for individual items also.

(d)  The total cost will be clearly indicated. Incomplete quotation will be rejected.

(e)  Offer will be submitted in sealed envelopes.( Technical Bids and Commercial bids) Outside the envelope the reference of this enquiry number, date, due date and name & address of your firm should be clearly written.


(a) While submitting the bid, the bidder shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions stated in this Tender Document.

(b) The bidder shall indicate the complete address of the Company/Office and Service Centre along with the name(s) of the contact person(s) and their telephone/Fax/Mobile No.(s) and other particulars as per enclosed Form .

c) The successful bidder shall be required to sign a ‘Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for the period of one year’, on a stamp paper of Rs.100/- to be furnished by the firm within one week of receiving communication regarding acceptance of the bid. The AMC will start from the date of signing contract agreement.

d) The actual / final inventory of computer / hardware / machines / will be provided only after awarding the contract to the firm.

e) The successful bidder shall furnish, before signing the Contract, a Performance Guarantee issued by a Nationalized Bank in favour of Pr.CDA SC PUNE, having validity of 60 days beyond the date of expiry of the Contract, for an amount equivalent to 10% of the total contract value. The Performance Bank Guarantee must be submitted along with the letter of acceptance within the stipulated time.


The entire payment of AMC would be paid quarterly in arrears.


The Contractor has to agree to provide following additional services to add value to their support system:

a) Availability of a Network Specialist as and when required.

b) Training sessions for User Awareness

The Contractor will conduct training sessions for user awareness about scope and usage oft the computers and peripherals on no additional cost basis. Schedule of such training shall be given by Customer one week in advance.

c) Power Audit: The Contractor will conduct power audit every quarter which will include checking of the Electrical points for working and leakage in case if any. A report will be given in case if any modifications or rectifications required.

d) Availability of spares in case of break down of equipment

The Contractor will be committed for procuring the category one spares within eight hours after diagnosis about the faulty spare and maintain an inventory of essential spares at Customer's site for which space will be provided by Customer.

e) The Contractor will offer consultancy for the study and maintenance of the information Technology set up at the PCDA (SC) Pune as and when required.

f) Additional Field Force.

The calls outside the campus of the PCDA (SC) Pune office will be attended by field engineers and the resident engineer in PCDA (SC) office will not be engaged for these calls.

g) Termination

Customer reserves the right to terminate this contract in the event of the other party not discharging their obligations under these terms and conditions by giving 90 days notice of such termination.


1 The vendor has to maintain Hardware UPTIME upto 95% during AMC period.

2 In case the UPTIME is less than 95% but more than 60%, 10% of AMC amount will be recovered from the amount of Bank Gurantee.

3 In case the UPTIME works out to be less than 60% during period of AMC, the entire amount of AMC will be recovered from the amount of Bank guarantee.

4 In case of breakdown of any equipment/ancillaries the downtime will commence after 4 working hours informing the CONTRACTOR'S Resident Engineer. If the CONTRACTOR fails to rectify the defect even after one week from the date, the defect was first reported, this office shall have the right to get the defect rectified by a third party without affecting the contractor's obligations for a maintenance of the systems under this contract. The amount so paid to the third party will be recovered from the Bank Guarantee provided by the Contractor.

5 If the system is down beyond 24 hours penalty @ Rs. 250/- (Rs. Two hundred and fifty only) per day per system will be charged and recovered out of the Bank Guarantee held towards AMC. In case of any system/sub system being down for more than seven working days, user will have the option to get it repaired from any suitable agency at the risk & cost of the vendor, which will be deducted from the Bank Guarantee of the vendor.

6 All faults/ defects shall be reported to the Resident Engineer of Contractor through a Fault Intimation Slip or a register specifically kept for the purpose.

7 All recoveries shall be the sole discretion of PCDA SC.

8 Calculation of downtime/uptime/system availability:

9) Sub-System down time does not include the following :-

(a) Call has to be planned within contacted maintenance hours.

(b) Time for which the machine is shut off due to failure of power or caused other than machine breakdown.

(c) Sundays and holidays will be included in the downtime only if a complaint is logged with the CONTRACTOR by 1300 hrs on the day preceding the Sunday/holidays if there is more than one continuous holiday) will not be taken in downtime but all subsequent holidays, till the complaint is rectified, will be taken into account.


Nomenclature / Weightage Factor (Y)
Main Server
·  HDDs
·  Monitor/Graphics adapter
·  Motherboard/Memory/SCSI Controller
·  FDD
·  DAT
·  CD ROM Drive
·  UPS/UPS software
·  Keyboard
·  Mouse
·  Ethernet card
·  OS
·  Any other component of MS Back Office
·  Monitor/Graphics adapter
·  Motherboard/Memory/SCSI Controller
·  FDD
·  DAT
·  CD ROM Drive
·  UPS/UPS software
·  Keyboard
·  Mouse
·  Ethernet card
·  OS
All nodes connected to the Hub/switch
·  Laser
·  DMP/Inkjet / 1.0

7.2 The CUSTOMER will maintain proper monthly efficiency report and these will be signed by the Contractor's representative. CUSTOMER will also maintain proper records of the date and time of call logging and will also record the complaint no given by the CONTRACTOR when the complaint is logged. This record will be signed by the service engineer of the CONTRACTOR.

Calculation of Down Time

A) No of hrs Sub System X down - Hrs

(No of working days sub-system X down*8)

B) Weight age factor of Sub System X-Y (from AnnexureX)

C) Weighted Sub-system downtime -X*Y=Z (hrs)

D) Total System Down Time (TSDT) in hrs = Sum of contribution