Thank you for your interest in applying for one of our exciting opportunities at 4Children. Please see below for steps on how to complete our application form.

  1. 4Children receives many applications for each post advertised. It is our intention to appoint the best candidate for every vacancy in accordance with our Equal Opportunities Policy. To do this fairly, we need all applicants to provide relevant information about themselves. This should be based on the criteria listed on the enclosed Person Specification, which are regarded as essential or desirable to the job.
  1. Your application should provide us with as much relevant information as possible. The application form will provide the only information we have about you. It is the quality of the information and the presentation of your application that will help the selection panel to decide whether to interview you.
  1. Please complete all sections of the form. It may be helpful to prepare a rough draft first.
  1. Section 2 of the form asks about education and qualifications. We do not need a full account of your education here but please mention qualifications and/or training which are necessary or relevant to the job for which you have applied.
  1. Section 5, is the most important part of the form and should be used to tell us how you think you meet each of the selection criteria listed on the Person Specification. Draw particular attention to experience, skills, achievements and knowledge gained in past employment or other activities relevant to job. It would be helpful to the selection panel if you used headings for each criterion listed and demonstrate how you feel you meet each requirement. If you fail to do this, you are unlikely to be shortlisted.
  1. Please ensure that your references are from your current and previous employers or from people who know you in a professional capacity.

Outlined below are a few other do's and don'ts to assist you in the completion of the application form.


State which post you are applying for.

Complete the form in black ink or type.

Ensure that all parts of the form are completed and are clear.

Use extra pages where necessary.

And most importantly, do address each individual requirement of the person specification.


Use sellotape or staples on any part of the form.

Send CV’s

Send your application after the closing date - late applications will not be accepted.

Use your first names on the application form, as in accordance with our Equal


Position Applied for

Closing Date

Based in

Reference No

Opportunities Policy, we would like to make selection without taking gender into consideration.

NB.The Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form is not part of the selection process and will be removed prior to shortlisting.

Section 1 – Personal Details

Surname Initials



Contact details:





Please state any dates within 6 weeks of the closing date for applications that you would not be available for interview:


We require you to provide a minimum of 2 referees. Referees must be willing and able to provide a character reference in a professional capacity. We can only accept references from a previous manager, supervisor, college tutor or head teacher. Friends, relatives or professional who did not supervise your work are not suitable referees. Should you be successful with your application you will not be able to commence work until we obtain satisfactory references. Please ensure all details are complete and accurate,and the referees you provide meet our criteria.

Referee 1:


Organisation and Address:




Do you give us permission to contact this referee: Yes No

Referee 2:


Organisation and Address:




Do you give us permission to contact this referee: Yes No

Referee 3:


Organisation and Address:




Do you give us permission to contact this referee: Yes No

Section 2 – Qualifications and Training

*The decision to invite you to attend for interview will be based on the information you provide on this form. Please continue on separate sheets of paper if necessary. (Please mark any additional pages with your surname in the top right hand corner).

Starting with the most recent, please give details of your education, qualifications and training relevant to the application.

Dates attended / Course and institution / Outcome and details of why it is relevant to the application

Section 3 - Employment History

Starting with your present or most recent job, please give a summary of all employment, including any freelance and relevant unpaid work.

Dates employed / Job Title / Name and address of Employer / Nature of business, brief details of your responsibilities, salary and benefits, and reason for leaving

Section 4 - Current or most recent employment

Please describe your job responsibilities fully, and list your main achievements.

Section 5 - Person Specification

Please describe how your background experience, skills and attributes meet the requirements set out in our Person Specification.

Section 6 – Other Related information

Please explain your reasons for making this application and add any further information about yourself that you consider may be relevant.

Section 7

Do you have any relatives or family members who work at 4Children (If so, please state name and relationship?

Section 8 – Declaration

I confirm that the information supplied by me in this application is correct. I agree that any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory references, and I may be required to supply medical information.


Please return this and the equal opportunities monitoring form to:


Postal: Whitney Achiekwelu Recruitment, 4Children, 5th Floor, City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, London E14 9NN

Please note if you do not hear anything within 4 weeks, please treat your application as unsuccessful.

Dear Candidate

It is a requirement of the EYFS Framework that we establish at interview whether you have anyone who lives in your household who has ever been cautioned, charged or convicted of offences relating to crimes against children or vulnerable adults.

Could you please sign the relevant statement below.

No I do not have anyone who lives in my household who has ever been cautioned, charged or convicted of offences relating to crimes against children or vulnerable adults.



Yes I do have someone who lives in my household who has been cautioned, charged or convicted of offences relating to crimes against children or vulnerable adults. (Please be aware that by signing this statement we will require further information from you if you are successful in the post you have applied for. We would also need to refer this to Ofsted before any official offer of employment can be made to you.



4Children recognises that certain groups and individuals in our society continue to be discriminated against because of their race, nationality, colour, gender, disability, marital status, sexuality, creed, religion, language, culture, age, class, union activities, personal circumstances or because they are HIV positive.

4Children is strongly committed to positive action to remove and/or counter discrimination in all aspects of its work including that with other organisations, and in the services it provides for its members. We also attach a very high priority to encouraging and assisting our members to do the same.

4Children will positively encourage participation in all aspects of the organisations work from all sectors of the community.

No group in society will be discriminated against, although 4Children may develop projects that target specific groups which highlight areas where out of school care is poorly resourced.

The implementation of the 4Children Equal Opportunities Policy will be monitored and evaluated by the Equal Opportunities Committee and 4Children Management.


4Children wishes to employ the best possible staff and therefore intends to ensure equality of opportunity so that no person should be disadvantaged in seeking employment or for any other reason during employment, with 4Children on the grounds of age, disability, gender, marital status, race or sex. It would be helpful if you could provide the personal information requested below, which will enable us to review and monitor our practice. Please note this form is not part of the selection process and will be separated prior to short listing. All information given will be treated in strictest confidence.

How did you find out about this post?

4Children website

Online publication/job-board (please state):

Printed publication (please state):

Agency (please state):

Social media (please state):

Other (please state):

Your ethnic origin

These categories are based on the Census 2011 categories and recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality.

Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish, or Asian Welsh
Asian / Asian British
Other Asian background (specify if you wish): / White
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Other White background (specify if you wish):
Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish, or Black Welsh
Other Black background (specify if you wish): / Mixed
White and Asian
White and Black African
White and Black Caribbean
White and Chinese
Other mixed background (specify if you wish):
Other ethnic group
Other ethnic group (specify if you wish): / Prefer not to say

Your gender

Male Female Prefer not to say

Have you ever identified as transgender?

YesNoPrefer not to say

Your age

Date of Birth:

16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+

Prefer not to say

Your sexual orientation


Gay man

Gay woman/lesbian


Other (specify if you wish):

Prefer not to say

Marriage and civil partnership


Married/in a registered same-sex civil partnership

Separated, but still legally married/in a registered same-sex civil partnership

Divorced/formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved

Widowed/Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership

Prefer not to say

Your religion or belief

No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)
Hindu / Jewish
Other (specify if you wish):
Prefer not to say

Your experience of mental health problems

Would you describe yourself as someone who is experiencing or has experienced mental health problems?


Please state how 4Children can support you in your employment:


Prefer not to say


The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse affect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you consider yourself to be disabled?


Please specify:


Prefer not to say

Do you have any convictions or bind-overs (spent and unspent), cautions, reprimands or final warnings that are not “protected” as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013)? (If any doubt refer to the DBS website:

Do you have any pending a criminal conviction, caution, warning, reprimand or bind-over?

Does your name appear on the Protection of Children Act List?

Does your name appear on the protection of vulnerable adults list?

Data protection: information from this application may be processed for purposes registered by 4Children under the Data Protection Act 1998.

I hereby give my consent to 4Children processing the data supplied in this form for the purpose of recruitment and selection.

Applicant's signature: / Date:

Please suggest any improvements we can make to the recruitment process:

Please return the equal opportunities monitoring form to with your application form to: Email -

Postal – Whitney Achiekwelu, Recruitment 4Children, 5th Floor, City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, London E14 9NN