Tenant Membership Form

Name Tenant or Resident
Phone Number / Email
Date of birth
Communicating with you
We always want to make sure we’re contacting with you in the best way possible, both for membership and anything else to do with MVH. How would you like us to contact you?
Post Telephone Online
Do you need us to send you any information in an alternative format?
Large print Braille Audio Welsh Other –
Benefits Package
Membership gives you exclusive access to a benefits package. We work with local business/services to get a discount/incentive for members. Are there any benefits that you would like to see in the package?
As part of your membership we’d like you to get involved with us. There are lots of ways you can do this. Please tell us how you would like to be involved?
Democratic Body Forums/panels Community projects Providing feedback
Is there an area in your community that could be used in a better way? Tell us, if what you want is achievable we may be able to support you to carry out the project.
Digital Communication
We want to make sure we are communicating digitally in the best way for our tenants. So, how do you access the internet?
Is it a PC at home Tablet device Mobile device Or elsewhere
Do you use any form of social media? Yes No
If yes, what do you use?
Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Other-
Do you read our tenant newsletter (Hometalk)? Yes No
We usually send the newsletter through the post, but in order to keep costs down we can email you an alert when it is available on our website if you prefer?
Email when available Continue to receive it by post
Merthyr Valleys Homes has a project called RISE that can offer advice and support on a range of topics including employment and training, money matters, health and wellbeing and community, if you would like more info please tick yes and we will pass on your contact details.

The information provided by you on this form will be used to update the contact details held by Merthyr Valleys Homes.

Merthyr Valleys Homes will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, along with any associated laws and codes of practices to ensure that your personal information is protected. The information provided may also be disclosed to other relevant third parties, but will only be used by Merthyr Valleys Homes or other third parties for legitimate purposes and will be stored (and destroyed) securely and confidentially, in accordance with our security and document retention policies and procedures.

Please mark the box to confirm that you have read and understood the data protection statement above

Signature ……………………………….. Date……………………………..