Templenewsam Halton Primary School

Consistent Financial Reporting 2014/15 Revenue Accounts

E01 / Teaching Staff / 851087 / OB01 / Opening Revenue Balance / 119458
E02 / Supply Teaching Staff / 1517 / OB02 / Opening Community / Delegated Balance / 24040
E03 / Education Support Staff / 431265
E04 / Premises Staff / 67322
E05 / Administrative & Clerical Staff / 82187 / I01 / Funds Delegated by the Local Authority / 1648927
E06 / Catering Staff / 55806 / I02 / Funding for Sixth Form Pupils / 0
E07 / Other Staff / 23114 / I03 / Special Education Needs Funding / 77485
E08 / Indirect Employee Expenses / 4738 / I04 / Funding for Minority Ethnic Pupils / 0
E09 / Staff Development & Training / 5720 / I05 / Pupil Premium / 133605
E10 / Supply Teacher Insurance / 13444 / I06 / Other Government Grants / 33489
E11 / Staff Related Insurance / 10570 / I07 / Other Grants & Payments Received / 10709
E12 / Building Maintenance & Improvement / 51956 / I08 / Income from Facilities & Services / 106543
E13 / Grounds Maintenance & Improvement / 2208 / I09 / Income from Catering / 42594
E14 / Cleaning & Caretaking / 7410 / I10 / Receipts from Supply Teacher Insurance Claims / 1889
E15 / Water & Sewerage / 7885 / I11 / Receipts from Other Insurance Claims / 11472
E16 / Energy / 32535 / I12 / Income from Contributions to Visits / 0
E17 / Rates / 3605 / I13 / Donations & Voluntary Funds / 0
E18 / Other Occupation costs / 6660 / I15 / Pupil Focused Extended School Funding & Grants / 0
E19 / Learning Resources / 91448 / I16 / Community Focused School Funding & Grants / 54424
E20 / ICT Learning Resources / 15220 / I17 / Community Focused School Facilities Income / 18922
E21 / Examination Fees / 0 / I18 / Additional Grants for Schools / 9171
E22 / Administrative Supplies / 6039
E23 / Other Insurance Premiums / 27147 / Total Income / 2292728
E24 / Special Facilities / 13212
E25 / Catering Supplies / 65534 / B01 / Committed Revenue Balance / 205748
E26 / Agency Supply Teaching Staff / 14731 / B02 / Uncommitted Revenue Balance / 0
E27 / Bought in Profession Services – Curriculum / 53575 / B06 / Community / Delegated Revenue Balance / 21301
E28 / Bought in Professional Services - Other / 19269
E29 / Loan Interest / 0 / Total Revenue Balance Carried Forward to 2015/16 / 227049
E30 / Direct Revenue Financing (RCCO) / 24387
E31 / Community Focused School Staff / 27770
E32 / Community Focused School Costs / 48315
Total Expenditure / 2065676

Consistent Financial Reporting 2014/15 Capital Accounts

CE01 / Acquisition of Land & Existing Buildings / 0 / OB03 / Opening Capital Balance / 4846
CE02 / New Construction, Conversion & Renovation / 38417
CE03 / Vehicles, Plant, Equipment & Machinery / 0 / CI01 / Capital Income / 9175
CE04 / Information & Communication Technology / 0 / CI03 / Voluntary or Private Income / 0
CI04 / Direct Revenue Financing / 24387
Total Capital Expenditure / 38417 / Total Capital Income / 38408
B03 / Total Capital Balance Carried Forward to 2015/16 / 0