IPC Syllabus

Mr. Jay Cobb

Gregory-Portland High School

361-777-4251 ext. 6111


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the new school year and the exciting world of Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC). This is the class where we will study the fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry. I hope you and your child are ready for the 2017-2018 school year. We have a very busy year planned ahead as we continue to strive for excellence in academics here at GP.

The information included in this handout is a general overview of IPC for this year. I encourage your input into this class and your child’s progress. In order for the learning environment to be effective, I ask that you review the classroom rules and consequences for noncompliance of those rules with your child.

Please feel free to contact me at 361-777-4251ext. 6111or if there are any questions concerning your child’s progress.I look forward to teaching your child and an excellent year as we explore the world of science together!


Jay Cobb

*Both the student and parent/guardian need to sign the blanks below to indicate that you have reviewed the class syllabus.



Parent E-mail address______


1 Composition Book (required)

1 folder with pockets (required)

1 box of pencils (required)

Kleenex (requested)

II.Classroom Rules

Every student has the right to an education. The following rules are established and necessary in order to insure a good learning environment.

Be respectful of yourself and others.

Be prepared. Bring all necessary supplies to class.

Be courteous and use appropriate language at all times.

All electronics should be either in the phone caddy or at a charging station.

Consequences for noncompliance:

  1. Redirection of behavior
  2. Student - teacher conference
  3. Phone call to parent
  4. Severe offenses will be referred to an Assistant Principal immediately.

III.General Information


Morning tutorials Mon-Fri 7:40-8:00 am and Mon-Thurs 3:35-4:00

Other times by appointment only


Daily grades – 40%

Test grades – 60%

Progress Reports

Each student will receive a grade report after every major test. Usually a progress report is posted every 2 weeks for the student. However, every student has a SKYWARD account that you and your student can use to look at grades anytime.

Make-up Work and Late Work

Late work is unacceptable. All work missed due to absences will be made upon the student’s time or during tutoring. Tests or quizzes must be made up within 3 days of your return. I encourage you to get several classmates’ phone numbers so that you can work with them on the homework. Failure to complete homework is unacceptable and will affect your grade. Remember, late work will incur a 30 point deduction. After three days, the student will receive a zero.