Insert your security classification of this document

TSP – [Aircraft operator trading name]

[optional: insert company logo]
Transport Security Program (TSP) for
[Insert Aircraft Operator Legal Name]
Legal name of aircraftoperator: /
[Insert legal name of business]
Trading or operatingas: / [Insert trading/operating names]
Country of registration / [Insert country of business registration]
ACN/ARBN: / [Insert Australian Company Number or Australian Registered Body Number if applicable]
Company Registration Number in Country of Incorporation (for international applicants only):

Your TSP must accurately reflect the specific security measures and procedures employed by your organisation. Before starting your TSP, please read the accompanying guidance for aircraft operators.

INFRA – 1312 – September 2017

Insert your security classification of this document

Under regulation 2.06 of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 it is an offence to disclose any information about the content of an aviation industry participant’s TSP without the consent of the participant.

Insert your security classification of this document

TSP – [Aircraft operator trading name]


Document revision record 1

Key references 2

Definitions [s9; r1.03 and others] 2

Glossary of acronyms and terms 2

1 General obligations 3

1.1 Program scope and objectives [r2.27; r2.28] 3

1.2 Local security risk context statement [r2.28] 3

1.3 Quality control [r2.30] 3

1.3.1 Audits [r2.30(1)(a)–(b) r2.30(2)] 3

1.3.2 TSP reviews [r2.30(1)(c)–(d)] 4

1.4 Information security [r2.29(3)] 4

1.4.1 Protection of information about passenger and crew movements [r2.36] 5

1.4.2 Security of operational documents [r2.42] 5

1.5 Security of passwords and access devices [r2.32(1)(h)] 6

2 Operational details 7

2.1 Details of aircraft operator [r2.31] 7

2.2 Contact details [r2.31(3)] 7

2.3 Security management [r2.29] 7

2.3.1 Organisational structure and security management arrangements [r2.29(1)(a); r2.45] 7

2.3.2 Security Contact Officer (SCO) [r2.01; r2.02; r2.29(1)(b); r2.45] 7

2.3.3 Other staff with security-related roles [r2.29(1)(b); r2.29(1)(c)] 8

2.3.4 Contractors [r2.29(1)(b); r2.45] 8

2.4 Consultation and communication [s16(2)(g); r2.29(2)] 9

2.4.1 Consultation to develop this TSP [s16(2)(g)] 9

2.4.2 Communication and consultation with third parties [r2.29(2)] 9

3 Physical security measures and access controls [r2.31(1)(b); r2.32] 10

3.1 Controlling access to facilities [r2.31(1)(c); r2.32(1)(a)] 10

3.2 Airside access controls [r2.32(1)(b)] 11

3.2.1 Access controls for airside security zones [r2.32(1)(c)] 11

3.2.2 Designated access points to enhanced inspection areas [r2.32(3)–(4)] 12

3.3 Detecting and deterring unauthorised access to landside security zones [r2.32(1)(d)] 13

3.4 Responding to unknown substances [r2.32(1)(f)] 14

3.5 Unattended or suspect items [r2.32(1)(g)] 14

3.5.1 Unattended or suspect vehicles, aircraft, baggage, cargo and things [r2.32(1)(g)] 14

3.6 Issuing of TACs and VICs for access control [r2.32(5)–(10)] 14

3.6.1 Issuing of TACs [r2.32(5)] 14

3.6.2 Issuing of VICs [r2.32(6)] 15

3.6.3 Form of VICs [r2.32(7)–(9)] 16

3.6.4 Return of VICs [r2.32(10)] 17

4 Passenger check-in, boarding and baggage reconciliation procedures [r2.34; r2.38] 18

4.1 Check-in and boarding procedures [r2.34] 18

4.2 Passenger and checked baggage reconciliation [r2.38] 18

4.2.1 Procedures to unload checked baggage [r2.38(b); r4.21(6)] 19

5 Screening and clearing [r2.35; r2.37; r2.35A] 20

5.1 Screening of passengers and crew [r2.35] 20

5.1.1 Controlled movement of passengers [r2.35(f)] 20

5.1.2 Mixing of screened and non-screened passengers from arriving / departing aircraft [r2.35(b)] 21

5.1.3 Screening and clearing of carry-on baggage [r2.35(c)] 21

5.1.4 Screening and clearing of transit passengers [r2.35(d); r2.35(g)(v)] 21

5.1.5 Suspect passengers or carry-on baggage [r2.35(e)] 22

5.1.6 Diplomats and VIPs [r2.35(g)(i)] 22

5.1.7 Government couriers and diplomatic bags [r2.35(g)(ii)] 22

5.1.8 Passengers with reduced mobility or a medical condition [r2.35(g)(iii)] 23

5.1.9 Persons in custody [r2.35(g)(iv)] 23

5.2 Sterile area breaches [r2.35(i)] 23

5.3 Checked baggage screening [r2.37] 23

5.3.1 Protection of checked baggage against tampering [r2.37(c)] 24

5.3.2 Unattended and suspect baggage [r2.37(d)] 24

5.3.3 Response to the detection of explosives [r2.37(e)] 24

5.4 Enhanced inspection area screening [r2.32(3); r2.35A] 25

5.4.1 Measures and procedures for carrying out screening for the enhanced inspection area [r2.35A(1)] 25

5.4.2 Measures and procedures for responding to the detection of weapons [r2.35A(1)(c)] 25

6 Control of firearms, other weapons and prohibited items [r2.33] 27

6.1 Measures to deter unauthorised possession of firearms, other weapons and prohibited items [r2.33(1)(a)] 27

6.2 Dealing with surrendered firearms, other weapons and prohibited items [r2.33(1)(b)] 27

6.3 Procedures for the handling and movement of firearms and other weapons [r2.33(1)(c)] 28

7 Security of aircraft [r2.39] 29

7.1 Unlawful carriage of a firearm, other weapon or a prohibited item [r2.39(1)(a)] 29

7.2 Controlling access to aircraft [r2.32(1)(a); r2.32(1)(e); r2.32(1)(g); r2.39(1)(b)] 29

7.3 Flight deck access [r2.39(1)(c)] 30

7.4 Responding to unknown substances [2.39(1)(d)] 31

7.5 Response to unattended and/or suspect items [r2.39(1)(e)] 31

7.6 Security of aircraft stores and cleaning operations [r2.39(1)(f); r2.40] 32

7.6.1 Cleaning operations and materials [r2.40] 32

7.7 Handling suspect behaviour by a passenger [r2.39(1)(g)] 33

7.8 Carriage of persons in custody [r2.39(2)] 33

7.9 Security of cargo [r2.41] 33

7.9.1 Diplomatic mail [r2.41(4)] 34

7.9.2 Suspect cargo [r2.39(e)] 34

7.9.3 High risk cargo [r2.41(5)] 34

8 Measures and procedures in the event of a heightened security alert or to respond to aviation security incidents [s16(2)(d); r2.43] 36

9 Annexes and accompanying documents 37

9.1 Annexes 37

9.2 Attachments 37

Annex A: Signed statement [s16(1); r2.05] 38

Annex B: Local security risk context statement [r2.28] 39

Annex C: Organisational Structure and Security Management Arrangements [r2.29(1)(a)] 43

Annex D: Consultation undertaken as part of the development of this TSP [s16(2)(g)] 44

Annex E: Operational facilities located within security controlled airports [r2.31(1)(b)] 45

Annex F: Location and access control measures for airside access points [r2.32] 46

Annex G: Screening Locations [r2.35; r2.35A; 2.37] 47

Attachment 1: Description of Aircraft Operator [r2.31(1A)] 48

Attachment 2: Contact Details [r2.31(3)] 50

Attachment 3: Timetable for implementation of security measures and/or procedures [r2.32(2)] 51

Attachment 4: Measures and procedures in the event of a heightened security alert [r2.43] 52

Final checks prior to submission 56


The Australian Government has prepared this document with due care. However, it is made available on the understanding that the Australian Government is not providing legal advice and that users of this guidance exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use and seek independent advice if necessary. The Australian Government takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions or changes to the information that may occur and disclaims any responsibility and liability to any person, organisation or the environment in respect of anything done, or omitted to be done, in reliance upon information contained in this guidance.

The information contained is guidance material only. The information in no way overrides Commonwealth or State legislation. Aviation industry participants should refer to the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 before submitting transport security programs for approval.

INFRA1312 – September 2017 Insert your security classification of this document Page iv

Insert your security classification of this document

TSP – [Aircraft operator trading name]

Document revision record

Updates, revisions and alterations to this TSP are recorded below in the TSP Revision Record. Authority to make updates and alterations to this record is restricted to the Security Contact Officer (SCO) and [Insert title of any other authorised person if relevant] who is/are authorised by [Organisation’s name] to effect such changes.

Note: ‘Nature of revision’ includes initial submission and any alteration (minor amendment) etcetera. If the type of revision is an alteration, you should note which part of the TSP the alteration affected.

All entries are to be legible.

Version number / Nature of change / Revision date / Page(s) affected / Sections affected / Actioned by (name,title) / Action date
1.0 / Initial submission / dd/mm/yy / All / All / Name,title / Approved dd/mm/yy

INFRA1312 – September 2017 Insert your security classification of this document Page 1

Insert your security classification of this document

TSP – [Aircraft operator trading name]

Key references

All section (s) references in this TSP are to sections of the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 (the Act) and all references to regulations (r) are to the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 (the Regulations).

Definitions [s9; r1.03 and others]

Definitions are provided in the Act and the Regulations. Key definitions are in s9 of the Act and r1.03 of the Regulations.

The Act and Regulations are available at

Glossary of acronyms and terms

The following list includes definitive acronyms such as ASIC, OTS and AIP as well as other terms used within this TSP.

Term / Meaning
Organisation’s name / Your business’ legal name
Act, the / Aviation Transport Security Act 2004
AIP / Aviation industry participant (as defined in the Act)
ASIC / Aviation security identification card
ASN / Aviation Screening Notice
CCD / Compliance control direction
CCTV / Closed-circuit television
Department, the / Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
EIA / Enhanced inspection area (as referred to in the Regulations)
ETD / Explosive trace detection
HHMD / Hand-held metal detector
OTS / Office of Transport Security
PIC / Pilot in Command
PICC / Person in Custody/Person in corrective custody
Regulation(s), the / Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005
RPT / Regular public transport operation (as defined in the Regulations)
Secretary, the / The Secretary of the Department
SCO / Security Contact Officer (as defined in the Regulations)
SRA / Security restricted area (as referred to in the Regulations)
SSD / Special security direction (as defined in the Act)
TAC / Temporary aircrew card
TSP / Transport security program (as defined in the Act and Regulations)
VIC / Visitor identification card
WTMD / Walk-through metal detector

1  General obligations

This TSP has been made in accordance with the obligations of an operator of a prescribed air service as set out in s12(1)(b).

A signed statement, to the effect that [Organisation’s name] believes this TSP gives effect to its obligations set out in s 16(1) of the Act, is attached at Annex A.

1.1  Program scope and objectives [r2.27; r2.28]

This TSP covers all aviation security-related activities that are relevant to the operation of prescribed air services by [Organisation’s name], including significant facilities on security controlled airports in Australia. It sets out the measures employed to protect and safeguard against unlawful interference to people, aircraft, aircraft infrastructure, cargo, stores and equipment. This includes measures and procedures to:

a)  Manage security across [Organisation’s name]’s operations, including significant facilities on security controlled airports in Australia, where relevant to the operation of prescribed air services under the Act and Regulations; and

b)  safeguard against acts of unlawful interference with aviation occurring in relation to prescribed air services operated by [Organisation’s name].

1.2  Local security risk context statement [r2.28]

A statement outlining the local security risk context covering your flight operations in Australia is provided at Annex B. The statement has been developed in the context of:

·  Australia’s current national terrorism threat level;

·  the location of operations;

·  seasonal and operational factors;

·  general threats and generic security risk events to people, assets, infrastructure and operations; and

·  an outline of the people, assets, infrastructure and operations that need to be protected.

1.3  Quality control [r2.30]

The following quality control procedures are employed by [Organisation’s name] in relation to aviation security in Australia:

1.3.1  Audits [r2.30(1)(a)–(b) r2.30(2)]

[Organisation’s name] will conduct audits of security measures and procedures to ensure that measures and procedures described in this TSP, as required under the Act and Regulations, have been implemented correctly.

Audits will be scheduled as follows:

·  [insert details of how audits will be scheduled].

Set out details of the procedures for conducting an audit at your organisation. For example:

Audits will be systematic and will assess the implementation of this TSP and all security measures detailed within it. They will include consideration of, where required, consultation on the following results from any previous audits and TSP reviews.

Particular consideration will also be given to whether the security measures and procedures applied are appropriate and proportionate in relation to the local security risk context statement.

Consideration may also be given to:

·  [please specify as appropriate for your organisation – for example, options for continuous improvement in regard to security measures and procedures].

Findings and recommendations will be presented to [full title of the vetting authority within your organisation, such as the CEO, or the Operations Manager] and to [full title of any security committee or other body which will view the reports] for consideration, and implemented as appropriate.

1.3.2  TSP reviews [r2.30(1)(c)–(d)]

A review of the TSP will be conducted if:

·  there is a change in the security threat level for [Organisation’s name], or that might affect [Organisation’s name]’s operations;

·  an aviation security incident occurs;

·  there is a change in ownership or organisational structure;

·  there are any changes to the local security risk context;

·  changes are identified from the results of drills and/or exercises conducted;

·  any aviation security incidents are reported by [Organisation’s name];

·  there are any changes in the regulatory requirements; and

·  [any other – please specify]

Reviews will involve input from a variety of sources, including consultation with all parties affected by this TSP.

Set out details of the procedures for reviewing your TSP, including a process for consultation. For example:

All reviews will assess the security measures and procedures to consider if they are adequate to meet the requirements of the local security risk context statement set out in Annex B. They will include consideration of and, where required, consultation on the following:

·  results from any previous audits and reviews;

·  any change to Security Updates issued by the Department;

·  any changes to the local security risk context;

·  any changes in TSP coverage;

·  any results from drills and/or exercises conducted;

·  any aviation security incidents reported by [Organisation’s name]; and