
Saving the world is hard. Saving yourself is harder.

In the first game, you found yourself stuck in a fantasy world with magic and monsters. You worked hard to find your way back to your home; a slightly psychotic little mudball called earth. Three clerics agreed to work together to send you back. However, it seems a little bit of zombie mush got on one of the scrolls and something went wrong. You have not left this world to your great dismay. Now you are stuck on a fantasy world with danger and intrigue all around and only one rumor of a way back. The question becomes, what will you do with the rest of your life here? Will you find a nice little house and settle down, or will you try to become as powerful as possible, your name going down as legend. Or will you cling to a thread of hope and try to get back home once again.

There are numerous quests that can lead to different endings. You can retire at almost any time buy buying a house, farm, inn, merchant company or ship. Each of those have different random endings. Also, there are a few other ends to different quests.

It is very important that I thank three contributors to this module. Fester Pot and Maddyanne contributed areas to the module that are just amazing.

The city of Ballemmor, the rural area between Ballemmor and Saint Grynir’s Keep, the exterior of Saint Grynir’s Keep, The inn and keep in Ballemmor and various interior areas of Ballemmor were all created by Fester Pot. It seems as though he uses a different toolset than the rest of us and much of my area designs are inspired by him. If you have the opportunity, you should play Almraiven and Shadewood. They are fascinating and spooky modules that keep you on the edge of your seat. You can also check out his blog, where he updates his next module, and offers advice on area building.

The Windy Coast, Stormy Coast, Northern Wilderness Glade and all of the areas within those areas were done by Maddyanne as is the Zombie Bar. My absolute favorite area in the module is the Windy Coast. It is insanely beautiful, full of adventure, and the Sea Spray Inn looks so amazing, with rooftop dining even. Take a moment to pay attention to the gardens around there. True artwork. There are also numerous custom items; many fine liquors, foods and equipment that give the module depth and flavor. If you get the chance, check out the ground breaking module, the Citadel.

Another contributor is Mistress from the Realms of Mythology. I worked with her on updating the Lexicon and discovered that she is a brilliant scripter. The reason this module even works is because of her scripting prowess. I cannot truly begin to tell you how much I appreciate her help and friendship.

In addition, QSW, Eva Galana and Thirdpres all contributed some amazing beta testing that have helped me to get this game running better. Without them, it might never have gotten released.

A few warnings:

Warning 1: This module makes liberal use of tilesets from the latest 1.69 patch. However, these are much more graphics intensive than older versions of NWN. If you have an older computer, it may lag pretty bad in some of the towns. My computer lags in these towns. I gave this matter a lot of thought and decided to keep it that way. I wanted to make a beautiful module and that is one of the consequences.

Warning 2: This module has adult content and the possibility of same-sex relationships. These can all be avoided if you wish. There is an adult walkthrough if you wish to avoid these areas. There is also a non-adult version.

Warning 3: The adult content is mild and doesn’t even begin to compare to ADWR, so you will be disappointed if you compare it to that. lol.

Warning 4: Save often, and I don’t mean quicksave. Always have a few extra saves that you can go back too. It is possible to die in numerous ways in this module.

Warning 5: There is an instance where there is an option for your character to commit suicide. I debated this and decided that it would be an option for many people. I tried to do it as tastefully and thoughtfully as possible. I truly hope no one is offended or upset by it.

Warning 6: Almost all treasure in the game is guarded. If anyone spots you taking their stuff, they will attack you, or in the cities, they will call the guards.

Warning 8: It is possible to break quests. As in life, many paths interweave. There are certain quests that can result in killing a plot character for another quest. Many of the quests are evil or good, so they may interfere with each other.

Warning 9: You can make the henchpeople hate you, it’s not hard. They will leave you if they do and you cannot get them back. If you start a romance then break up with them, they will leave you. This will kill their quest if you’re not done with it.

Side note: There are a number of bards in the module that have random lines from songs. Can you figure out what all the songs are? There are over 200 lines from songs.

Known bug: There is still an issue with NPCs not spawning when you enter an area. It is rare now. If it happens, just let me know what area it happens in. I’m trying to figure out why.

Known bug2: The default Bioware Script that generates treasure for the Bookcases is flawed and tends to generate the same scroll all the time. It is beyond my knowledge how to fix it. :( I apologize.

Update History:

Bug fixes 12-23-9
1. Fixed it so that when the Mindflayer Lord dies, the portal unlocks. Previous script told Mindflayer Lord to unlock portal directly. Hard to do when he’s dead.
2. Corrected issue where Mindflayer Lord reappeared after killed.
3. Added Dryad and girl to forest wilderness so there is no longer an issue with them not appearing.
4. Corrected it so that Laremy Dood shows up on balcony. Don’t correct the tag of something if the incorrect name is still called in a script.
5. Corrected script on Rahven high priestess that entered the wrong journal entry and allowed her to come back to life.
6. Added placeables near doors on upper level of St. Grynir’s Keep to improve chance of spawn script firing.
7. Made it so the chambermaid will talk to the player about the secret door if you talk to the cook first.
8. Corrected Yvelle Twillet adding Romancing the Bob journal entry instead of Zombie Bob.
9. Added blue necklace to zombie wife’s inventory. *facepalm*
10. fixed treasure script so that all associates will not be considered a guard.
11. corrected journal entry conditionals with Zaltammar and Iack to read the third JE instead of the 2nd
12. Nerfed the Huntmistress’ AC a bit.
13. Added more treasure to Unknown Ruins
14. Corrected script so that Jeffan appears after talking to Seneschal
15. Added more treasure to the main level and lower level of the Vellior Barrows
16. Fixed Karkle not speaking in conversation w/pretty lady
17. Added treasure to Ancient Caverns
18. Fixed issue with Zaltammar not grabbing Golem Staff when taken from statue. Not really sure how I fixed it, but it’s fixed. :P
19. Fixed issue with NPCs not attacking player when you steal their stuff.

Bug fixes 12-29-9 v1.4

  1. Corrected issues with owning the house, inn and ship where they would not recognize that the player agreed to settle down there.
  2. Corrected issue with the ranger and wizard not advancing journal entries in Baron Ooshy’s quest.
  3. Corrected issue with inn disturbers not spawning
  4. Corrected issue where smithy in Ballemmor wouldn’t advance conversation about sextant.
  5. Added a little more treasure to a few areas.
  6. Moved Shillia to the forest grove and removed her original area which was much too hard to find.
  7. Added variable to Iack in the hopes of getting him to work better in battles.

Update: 1-13-10 v1.5

1 Added respawn system.

2 Added new henchperson – Gothiya

3 Added central quest w/necessary plot items.

4 Added primary ending cutscene.

5 Added 2 new areas.

6 Added hookah item and placeable. Thanks to VPJ for script

7 Added Queensilverwing. Thanks to QSW for permission and details.

8 Added Rats. Thanks to Shia Luck. ;)

9 Added sprite.

10 Added henchperson banter through some quests.

11 Fixed issue with mindflayer not unlocking portal in Shillia’s quest.

12 Added map notes to Vellior Keep

13 Corrected some unrecognized token mistakes in romance quests.

Update 2-13-10 v1.6

1. Fixed item removal on some objects. Changed the item removal script so that it should take items even if they are in a henchy’s inventory.

2. Removed the alignment shift for paying taxman. Removed all neutral alignment shifts. They don’t work the way I would like.

3. Fixed a number of issues with Baron Ooshy’s quest. Should work well now. *not tested

4. Fixed Vellior city narration trigger.

5. Fixed narration when entering Lonely Dryad Inn.

6. Fixed numerous conversation errors pointed out by ShifterJones and others.

7. Fixed miscellaneous other issues pointed out by ShifterJones.

8. Fixed xp exploit and conversation loop with Queen Silverwing.

9. Fixed issue with people not showing up in St. Grynir’s Archives and loud sound when entering.

10. Fixed issue with Vellior Carriage Master not appearing.

11. Fixed traps in Unknown ruins and added more to lower level of Unknown Ruins.

12. Fixed issue with not falling down the basement of the dwarves house. Should work properly now.

13. Made it so the emo bunny will not attack you for looting the basement. Added treasure to basement.

14. Corrected endings not firing with henchies for the firstmate and the merchant clerk.

15. You must have Murder at the Inn quest for waitress to speak about the murder upstairs now.

16. Removed invisible bed in Lonely Dryad Inn.

17. Corrected error with Zombie Bob’s mother not advancing the quest.

18. Added the Billygoats Gruff, which requires the animal empathy skill to understand. *not tested*

19. Added animal empathy skill to magic milk quest.

20. Added conversations to some of the Rahvan characters and corrected issues with them.

Update 4-19-10

000. Fixed clothing and book treasure so that the containers generate general treasure instead of the same item each time. Not perfect, but not as bad.

00. Added the option of ending all romances. However, your henchies will get cranky about it and leave your party if you do.

0. Added Black Ice Keep quests. Note: I wrote these without much regard to henchies. There is no henchie interaction in them. They are mainly for the player.

1. Added Mmm, cat quest with kuo toa cook.

2. Changed treasure system so that citizens of cities do not attack, but instead call guards who are now bribable or attackable.

3. Zombie Bob speaks Liselle's Dialogue.

4. Mushrooms in secret cave made hostile.

5. Journal entry on Ollie fixed.

6. Scrolls of virtue removed from treasure.

7. Fixed journal entry "Romancing the Bob" Liselle, married a man by the name of Joseth Twillet" -> should be "Joseth Perrlot".

8. Fixed Zaltammar's quest giving convo.

9. Moved the point where the troll spawns to later in the billy goat convo.

10. Made it so that the billy goats only talk if you have taken at least 2 ranks in animal empathy.

11. Fixed sahuagin door text.

12. "none of the variables worked" on entering the sea cave fixed.

13. Fixed Iack and Zaltammar not attacking each other at door.

14. Fixed Karkle’s conversation so that he talks about the events of the ruins.


At the beginning is a cutscene, similar to the ending cutscene of Resurrection Gone Wrong. Then you are teleported to the Farunth Ruins. There you will see the scene of a spell gone wrong, with a wizard and dwarves lying dead. A half-orc named Karkle will approach you before you leave. He will tell you a little bit of what happened and then offer to join you. He is chaotic evil.

You leave the ruins and go to an ancient road. There you meet Zombie Bob who has been sent to help you in your ventures. He gives you a note telling you that you will never be able to get back to your world. He also offers to join your party. He is a chaotic neutral rogue.

Just before you get to the Lonely Dryad Inn, you will meet Gothiya, from the first module. She will tell you about a Silver Dragon that may know how to get you home. Follow her instructions for the main ending of the module and story.

Then you go to the Lonely Dryad Inn. If you go inside, you can meet another henchperson by the name of Jeffan Ralane. He is a chaotic good ranger.

After that, you enter the town of Revmone. It is here that you may begin quests for Zombie Bob and Jeffan.

You can go anywhere in the world from here and begin any quest you like. There are no restrictions.


There are three major cities in the module and two small towns. The cities are Ballemmor, Revmone and Vellior. The towns are Lequa and Falthnorp. Each city has a carriage service that will take you to any of the others.

Revmone: A pleasant city. The Baron Revmone runs it well.

Quests: 1. Zombie Bob’s quest begins here. 2. Jeffan Ralane’s quest begins here. 3. Magic Milk – one cow here, and a person to talk to in the street. 4. You can buy a merchant company at the Merchant’s Guild. There is a quest associated with it. 5. Karkle’s quest goes through here with one of the guards.


Revmone Keep: Two levels and you can go on top of the building for an awesome view.

Traveller’s Inn: A nice inn where you can get a drink and a room to rest in.

Revmone Market: There are 4 stores here. General goods, Smithy, Potions, and a ranger store.

Merchant’s Guild: Headquarters for merchants. Two quests come through here and you can buy a merchant company for the right price. You can end the game after buying the company if you wish.

Revmone Mill: The miller is a key NPC in Zombie Bob’s quest.

Twillet Manor: Key area for Zombie Bob’s quest.

Wizard Olzimor’s: Magic shop and minor character in Zombie Bob’s quest.

642 Forest Road: no interest.

Ballemmor: A beautiful city, truly a work of art by Fester Pot.

Quests: 1. Murder at the Inn, see the gypsy chief to begin. 2. Body in the Basement. Bottom of 13 Hume’s Lane. 3. Magic Milk – one cow here and a gypsy to talk to. 4. Rats in the Basement Quest at 29 King’s Ave. 5. Home Ownership-parrot missing quest goes through 128 White Stag Road.


Ballemmor Keep: Designed by Fester Pot. One level, lots going on. This is where the henchperson Kitallin is. Lawful good paladin. Two quests come through here.

Fey’s Kiss Inn: Designed by Fester Pot. It is where the room for the Murder in the Inn quest is. You can purchase drinks or a night’s stay.

General store: purchase goods

Magic Shop: purchase goods

Smithy: Designed by Fester Pot. purchase goods. Small part in Pirate Captain quest.

14 Humes Lane, Designed by Fester Pot. 3 floors. Blackmarket on upper floor, Body in the Basement Quest begins in basement.

128 White Stag Road : Designed by Fester Pot. 2 floors. Missing parrot part of home own quest.

29 King’s Avenue: Designed by Fester Pot. 3 floors. Rats in the Basement quest begins by talking to cook. Body in the basement quest ends here.

Mill: locked.

Vellior: A dark town that is suffering under heavy taxes from their Baroness.

Quests: 1. Missing Wife begins at inn. 2. Magic Milk – one cow here. 3. Murder in the Inn, Dark stranger in 15 Irontree Inn. 4. Shillia’s Mother lives at 8 Crow Lane 5. Taxman is key to Jeffan Ralane’s Quest.


Vellior Keep: large 4 area keep, key to Jeffan Ralane’s quest. Jailmaster part of Zombie Bob’s quest.

Crow’s Feather Inn: buy liquor and rent rooms here. Magic Milk quest begins with tavern patron.

Vellior Market: Place to buy goods. Armor smith, Weapon smith, potions and general goods.

Magic Shop: place to buy magical goods. You meet Iack here.

15 Irontree Lane: 2 story house. Character in Murder at the inn quest is here.

8 Crow Lane: Shillia’s Mother.

6 Irontree Lane:

Falthnorp: A quaint little town that would be nice to settle down in. You can purchase the inn, farm, or house. If you purchase any of these, you can use them to keep your stuff or end the game at any time.

Quests: 1. Purchase Inn 2. Purchase farm. 3. Purchase house. 4. Magic Milk – one cow in town and one in mill house.