2018 Summer Mission Trip Application
Fort Wayne, IN – Church-Wide Trip – July 22-28, 2018
We are excited that you are considering joining us this summer for our mission trip! Please read this front page, and if this sounds like something you want to be a part of, and can meet the expectations, please fill out this application. Thank you!
Mission and Vision of International House: Embracing Refugees and Immigrants…One Life at a Time
Mission: International House is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization committed to sharing the love and light of Jesus Christ with refugees and other Internationals living in the Fort Wayne area.
International House:
1) Develops and maintains services which provide regular ongoing contact with Internationals
2) Develops genuine, long-term relationships with internationals
3) Shares the light and love of Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit leads in the context of those authentic relationships. International House respects the right of each individual to decide his own religious preference and provides services without regard to religious preference
Vision: International House functions as a relational bridge for those in the Christian community who want to participate in the vision of reaching out to local internationals.
1) We assist individual Christians who desire to become involved with the International community in the Fort Wayne area by matching their giftedness with International House programs where they can serve.
2) We assist and cooperate with Christian churches and Christian organizations that desire to develop or expand their outreach to the international community in the Fort Wayne area.
This information was taken from and can be found at
What our week in Fort Wayne will look like:
- Partnering with the directors and volunteers at International House during the week of SHINE Camp
- Volunteer, help run, and sponsor the SHINE Kid’s Camp (for 1st-8th grade kids), which includes art, sports, games, lunch, and swimming, all while building relationships and shining Jesus’ light
- Interact with international kids and their parents
- Experience a variety of cultures in the Fort Wayne area – tours through town, eating at ethnic restaurants, prayer walks, foreign markets, etc. – you can “visit” 6 countries in 6 hours in Fort Wayne!
- Time and space for personal devotions, team bonding, and debriefing
- Housing logistics are still being worked out, but one option is Huntington University
Details and Expectations
When: Sunday, July 22-Saturday, July 28, 2018
*We will most likely leave after church on Sunday, and return on Saturday around lunch time*
Where: Fort Wayne, IN
Who Can Apply: Anyone 6th grade or older
Cost: $350 per person ($50 deposit by March 18, $150 by April 15, $150 by May 6)
If you choose to apply, this is what the process will look like:
- Prayerfully fill out this application and return it to Callie by Sunday, March 18, 2018.
- A $50 deposit will also be due by Sunday, March 18, 2018 to secure your spot (non-refundable).
- Once Callie has received your application, she will review it. If there are no red flags, you will be notified that you are officially a part of the team! If there are any red flags, Callie will schedule a meeting with you to talk through them prior to making a decision.
By filling out this application, you are agreeing to the following expectations:
- Participate in pre-trip training with the team
- Once the team has been put together, we will find the day and time that works best for everyone.
- Expect to meet once a month from March-July.
- These team meetings will include team building activities, planning specific for our trip, writing letters of support, educating ourselves about the area and culture of Fort Wayne, IN, etc.
- Write and send out letters of support to help raise funds for the trip
- We will craft the letter together as a team – by the end of March.
- Each team member will be responsible to send out letters to their families and friends.
- Ideally, each person should not have to pay more than the $50 deposit out of pocket. This gives them a little ownership, while not having to pay the whole $350.
- Actively and selflessly partner with our team in Fort Wayne, IN the week of the trip
- You will be expected to work together with our team to best meet the needs of the community – all with a Christ-centered attitude.
- This trip will serve as a bridge to connect students with adults in the Shoreline family.
- Participate in post-trip debriefing with the team
- Once we return, we will meet a few times to debrief our experience and discuss how to apply what we learned right here in Oak Harbor.
- Once we return, we will share with the rest of the congregation about our experiences and how God worked in and through us. This could be during a Sunday morning service, or we could put on our own special service on a different day.
Applications and the $50 deposit are due by Sunday, March 18, at the latest. Feel free to turn them in earlier if you have them ready!
If you have made it this far, and feel like this trip would be a good next step for you and you understand and can meet the given expectations, please continue to fill out the rest of this application! I am excited about the possibility of you joining the team!
2018 Summer Mission Trip Application
Fort Wayne, IN – Church-Wide Trip – July 22-28, 2018
Applicant Information:
Name: ______Current Grade (if student):______
Email: ______
Home Phone #: ______Cell Phone #: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
T-shirt Size: ______
Parent Information (If student is applying):
Parent’s Name(s): ______
Parent’s Email: ______
Mom’s Cell #: ______Dad’s Cell #:______
Emergency Contact Person(s):______
Relationship to Student: ______Phone #: ______
Tell Us About Yourself and Why You Want To Go On This Trip
- Why are you motivated to go on this trip to Fort Wayne, IN?
- Please explain two of your greatest strengths and how you see yourself using them to glorify God.
- Please explain two of your personal limitations.
- Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
____ Yes ____ No
- If yes, tell me about when and how you became a Christian. How has your personal relationship with Jesus developed over your life?
- If yes, what are the areas in your life where God is currently growing you? Where are you struggling?
- If no, what is keeping your from having a personal relationship with Jesus? (skip if answered yes).
- What extracurricular activities have you been involved in at school/work/volunteer? Include any leadership positions you have held.
- Anything else you would like us to know about prior to going on this trip?
- What are you most excited about/looking forward to about this trip? Any questions?
_____ By checking this line, you are saying that your parents are in support of you going on this trip.
_____ Yes, I have filled out the blank schedule on the back page, to be used to find a team meeting time.
By signing below, you are saying that you have read the front page, you understand what the process looks like, and agree to meet the expectations as described. You are committing to serving alongside our Shoreline team, contingent on the acceptance of your application. Thank you for the time and effort you have invested into this application. We look forward to what God has in store for us this summer!
Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______
____ Yes, I have included my $50 deposit (Please make checks out to Shoreline Church).
Parental Recommendation
As the parent and/or legal guardian of your student, it is our desire to partner with you. We are excited that your student is considering serving alongside our team in Fort Wayne, IN this summer! This will be an awesome opportunity for us to step outside our comfort zone and partner with what God is already doing in Fort Wayne, IN. Because you are entrusting your kids to us for the week, we want to make sure you are in full support of your student applying for this trip. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following page to be turned in with their application. Thank you!
Name: ______Relationship: ______
From your parental perspective, please describe the spiritual maturity of your child:
Please describe two strengths and two areas for growth in your child’s life:
Are there any physical, mental, emotional or relational limitations that we need to be aware of? If so, please describe in detail below.
Any questions or concerns about the trip, or your child’s participation on the trip?
_____ I have read, understand and agree with the process and the expectations for my child in regards to
applying for this trip (see the front page of the application).
_____ I am in support of my student applying to be a part of the team.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
_____ Yes, the $50 deposit has been included with this application (Make checks payable to Shoreline Church).
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday6 AM
7 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
Name: ______
*Please place an X anywhere you know you’ll have regular commitments from March-July*
*Please also return a copy of any spring sports schedules*
This will be used to find a monthly team meeting time! Thank you!