Template Requirements Collection Form |

Template Requirements Collection Form

It is recommended that you use this as a requirement gathering document for each template. Please review the Edivate Best Practices document prior to completing this form. This requirements process will support the creation of a template to meet your template functionality needs. You can then use the requirements to build your template in Edivate Observe.

Category / Requirements Analysis / Template Requirements
Template Creations / Assign a specific person to create district or building level templates that will be used for data collection or formal summative or formative assessments. / Template Creator
Click or tap here to enter text.
Pre-Planning / Determine which form(s) you would like to recreate in Edivate Observe / List form(s)
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Determine what you will name your templates and if your district/school name needs to be included.
(Naming Suggestions: Employee Group-Template type: School or District Name)
(Examples: Teacher-Formal Evaluation: AnySchool or Guidance Counselor Evaluation) / List the template name(s)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Determine what data you would like to collect and how it needs to be reported.
Do you need filters for reporting? Which tags do you need to create for your filters?
*Default Type of Evaluation: Formal, Informal, Other (can be modified)
Grade level (Example tags: Elementary, Secondary or 1st, 2nd, etc.)
Career stage (Example tags: Tenure, Non-tenured)
Subject (Example tags: Math, ELA, Science)
Observer (Example tags: Principal, Coach, Teacher, Mentor) / Which tags are needed for filtering?
Click or tap here to enter text.
What is required for reporting, tracking progress, evidence of observed behavior, end of year reports? / What reporting is needed to track progress or end of year reporting?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Consider what professional resources will be attached to the template. If so, for whom and what type of resources. (Example: documents, images, video) / List required professional resources
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Consider the difference between scripting as evidence and open-ended comments? You may need to add an open-ended item type to your layout to use for comments, if needed. / Are open-ended comments needed? If so, where on the template? At the end or as part of each template section.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Category / Requirements Analysis / Template Requirements
(All scoring can be hidden if you do not want the invitee to see score.) / Determine whether scoring is necessary for reporting. Determine if it is summative, average, or another configuration. / What scoring is needed for a template?
No scoring
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Determine if section level score is required.
  • What is the section level rubric?
Determine if overall score is required.
  • What is the overall rubric?
Overall Scoring/Section Score (requires rubric)
Average (example: Exemplary: 3.5-4.00, Proficient: 2.65-3.49, Partially Proficient: 1.85-2.64, Ineffective: 1.00-1.84)
*Please note you will need to have an average section score for each section.
Summative (example: Exemplary: 39-44, Proficient: 38-28, Partially Proficient: 18-27, Ineffective: 17-11)
Weighted Scoring can be applied. Example: / Section Score required
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Overall Score is required.
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Template Setup Layout / Match your current document to corresponding item label.
Labels: Best used for instructions
  • Can also be used to suggest using counters and timers
  • Reminder for using scripting for evidence collection
Rubrics: Best used to determine observed behavior and to demonstrate trends over time, listing specific criteria for scoring
Multiple Choice: Best used to quickly mark one or more observed qualities, characteristics, etc. It can also be used for scoring if section uses scoring. Can be used to select all, select multiple, or select one.
Open-ended: Best used for questions, notes, or comments related to a section or overall document. Can also be used for open-ended scoring if there is section scoring / Which item labels will you need? Note them on the document.
Multiple choice
Open ended

Template Edits/Revisions:

-Best practices are to keep a template in Edit Draft mode until all changes are made. Please note that when editing a template in the Observe system, you should ONLY edit in the DRAFT mode. If you want to test scoring, check content or other functionality of the template, open the draft and do your testing by clicking PREVIEW. Click the FINALIZE Revision button only when you are ready to publish and use the template.

-After the template is finalized, DO NOT make any changes until the end of the evaluation year. Making changes to the template once finalized will cause multiple versions. Template data will be disconnected and reporting will be more difficult.

-If you do need to change a FINALIZED copy of a template, a best practice is to make a copy, follow the process outlined above, and then name the templates with a distinctive title – revision date or v2 for example.

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