2008 International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices

September 3~5, 2008

Template for the Preparation of Electronic Abstract for 2008 International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices

1st Authora*, 2nd Authora, 3rd Authorb ...

a1st and 2nd authors' affiliation, City, Country

b3rd author's affiliation, City, Country


*E-mail: Contact author's e-mail address

Keywords: Nanodevices, Thin Film, Contact (3 keywords)

This is an example of how to prepare your 2-4 pages extended abstract for “2008 International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices (ISMEN 2008 Tainan, Taiwan)”. The extended abstract is a summary, which outlines the work to be reported, and includes as many of the results as possible. All abstracts must be in English with Times New Roman font. The format of the abstract is one-column format as shown in this example. The length of the abstract is 2-4 pages. Title of the paper (14 points, first letters caps, centered) could span in maximum two rows. Author’s names are written (12 points, Bold, centered) with initials followed by dot, family names are written in full. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different affiliations. Author’s affiliations (12 points, italic, centered) are written in separate rows when there are more than one. In addition, list three keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index (12 points, Bold). Simultaneously, the paper should be A4 size (210 mm by 297 mm) with page margins of 25.4 mm all around. Main body text is 12pt, single line space.

The inclusion of figures (or photographs) and tables is strongly recommended. Figures (or photographs) should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. Examples of “Figure” and “Table” styles and their caption styles are provided in this template (see Table 1 and Figure 1).

Figure 1 Place the caption below figure.

Table1 Table captions should be placed above the table

Weight (mg) / Size(μm)
Sample 1 / 14 / 25
Sample 2 / 22 / 78

The figure and Table caption style has the same font and size as the main text. The figure caption should be self-contained and placed below the figure, while the table caption should be placed above the table.

There are two sessions in this symposium: session A: “Nano-Imprinting and Flexible Electronics” and session B: “Nano-Contacts and Nano-Interconnects”. According to the research subject of the abstract, the authors should determine which session they choose to attend. Please fill in the footnote below (Submit to Session: ). The submission of an electronic version of an extended abstract in a Microsoft Word document is to be entirely via email to as an attachment. Abstracts are due May 15, 2008. The acceptance of abstracts will be communicated before the first week of August, 2008. All accepted abstracts are presented by posters.


The papers in the reference list must be cited in the text. In the text the citation should appear in square brackets “[]”. In the Reference list the font should be Times New Roman with 12 pt.

[1] Ching-Yu Yang, J. S. Chen, and Steve Lien-Chung Hsu, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 10, G36 (2007).

[2] J. Newman, Electrochemical Systems, 2nd ed., chap. 3, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.

[3] E. P. Able and A. T. Baker, in Plasma Processing, G.S. Mathad and D.W. Hess, Editors, PV 94-20, p. 123, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ (1994).

[4] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001).

[5] Information on http://www.mse.ncku.edu.tw

Submit to Session:

Contact author’s Chinese name (if applied): Phone: