Central Pennsylvania Federal Executive Association

Meeting Minutes 3 February 2015

Conducted at United Way Enola, Mechanicsburg PA and Via TELCOM

Mr. John Goodhart / NAVSUP Vice Commander
LT Col. Susan Stuck / President
Elton Manske / Vice President
Kimber Connelly / Treasurer
Beth Ramming / Membership/Outreach
Marlene Steinour / Secretary
Donna Jarvis / NAVSUP
Brian Bauer / US Army Medcom

Executive Summary: CPFEA President LT Col Susan Stuck conducted this meeting. Monthly drumbeat to pulse committee reporting and status.

Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes from our 3 February 2015 meeting were approved and are posted on the CPFEA website.

Treasures Report: Kimber Connelly reported no update other than the Members 1st documentation is currently with Elton Manske to sign. Completion of this documentation is contingent on original signature from all officers which should be completed this week.

Committee Reports:

  Awards Committee: No update.

  Outreach/Membership: Beth Ramming advised that she would follow-up from our existing membership listing to identify members that would be willing to participate as CPFEA liaisons to help improve communication.

o  Action: Beth Ramming will review membership listing for potential liaison support.

  Events: The committee advised that we need to have events secured for a one year outlook. Brian Bauer and Elton Manske reported on known upcoming events to include:

  2 April 2015 Lunch and Learn: Focus will be Retirement Planning. Location: Giant Camp Hill Community Room. Elton is firming up speaker. The committee identified concerns to getting this information out in time to ensure a successful event.

o  Action: Susan Stuck will contact Jessica Shadle (Events Chair) to ensure details are covered for communication, marketing, website (PAYPAL) and POCs identified for each command’s RSVPs.

  16 May 2015 Highmark Healthy Community Walk: This event is designed to sponsor local charities. Details related to this event are still in-process.

  Information received post meeting: Events Chair Jessica Shadle provided a detailed update to all by SEPCOR. Highlights included: Six events scheduled with champions for each. Additionally, she advised her committee has three or four tentative events to finalize and obtain champions.

  Elections: No update.

  Website: No update, but the committee advised that the upcoming 2 April Lunch and Learn information will need to be posted and Pay Pal secured for payment of this event.

Old Business: Identified during our 1/6/2015 meeting.

  Members 1st documents still require officer signature to finalize. Kimber Connelly and Elton Manske will coordinate.

3/4/2015 update: Elton Manske last signor. Paperwork should be finalized this week.

  Susan Stuck advised that she didn’t send the meeting invitation out to all members as her telephone line cannot support that volume. Committee members were asked to identify other connectivity options for future full CPFEA meetings.

o  3/4/2015 Update: Committee discussed if there is even a demand signal for full membership participation. Meeting is currently open to Senior Executives, Officers and Committee Chairs or their designee. Elton advised he may have the connectivity to support. He will verify.

  Recommendation was made to obtain a representative from each participating command to serve as a CPFEA liaison.

3/4/2015 Update: Beth Ramming took for action as membership chair.

  Identified the need for specific communications to continue our membership outreach such as: who we are, 2014 in review, and 2015 upcoming events

o  3/4/2015: No Update

New Business:

o  Recommend dialogue with committee chairs to pulse how they are doing and if they are getting the support they need; burn-out rate concern. Also, recommend committee chairs assign a designee if they are not available to participate in the monthly CPFEA meetings.

Next Meeting: Planned for 3 April, but interim meeting is required to secure the 2 April Lunch and Learn Event details. Susan Stuck will coordinate with Jessica Shadle.

When: 7 April 2015 1600-1700

Where: United Way of the Capital Region; 2235 Millennium Way Enola, PA 17025

Dial-In Connectivity: 877-948-2145, Pass code 193193#


Marlene L. Steinour

4 March 2015

2 Revised 3/5/2015