Substance Use Policy

Suggested steps to follow in developing and revising/updating this policy:

1 / Initiate and establish structures /
  • Reference the key document Guidelines for developing a School Substance Use Policy(issued to all primary and post-primary schools in 2002) which sets out a seven step approach to developing a substance use policy. The material in the template below has been drawn primarily from this document.
  • The Guidelines (Step 1) recommend that:
  • a core committee representative of the whole school community should be established to develop the policy. It may be appropriate to invite a representative from a community-based agency to participate in this committee (e.g. Gardaí, Local Drugs Task Force, youth or community services)
  • schools within the same community should collaborate on substance use policy development - schools may find it beneficial to form clusters with other schools for this purpose.

2 / ReviewandResearch /
  • Study relevant resource documents and legislation (see Guidelines Step 2).
  • Review existing practice or policy in your school (and/or in other schools in the locality or elsewhere), prior to determining policy content. The Guidelines (Step 3) provide details on aspects of the current situation which may usefully be considered under three headings:
a)Current provision regarding alcohol, tobacco and drug education
b)Existing school policies (school plan, code of behaviour, anti-bullying, health and safety etc.)
c)Current understanding in relation to alcohol, tobacco and drug use.
  • Identify the issues that need to be addressed.

3 / Preparation of draft policy /
  • (The templatebelow is designed to assist the drafting process). Each school’s own context will influence the procedures adopted.

4 / Circulation/
Consultation /
  • Circulate the draft policy andconsult with school staff, students, parents/guardians, board of management/trustees, management of other schools in locality and any relevant community-based agencies to ensure an integrated community–based response.
  • Amend the draft policy, as necessary, in light of the consultation process.

5 / RatificationandCommunication /
  • Present the policy to the Board of Management for ratification.
  • Make provision for the circulation of the policy to all parents/community and arrange to provide it to all new applicants on enrolment.
  • Communicate the ratified policy to other members of the school community.

6 / Implementation /
  • Implement the provisions of the policy.

7 / Monitoring /
  • Check, at regular intervals, that the policy is being implemented and identify any issues arising.

8 / Review, Evaluation and Revision /
  • Review and evaluate the impact of the policy at a pre-determined time, taking into account feedback from the school community and other developments.
  • Revise as necessary, in light of the review and evaluation process.

Substance Use Policy

Template showing issues to consider and prompt questions to assist in drafting the policy

NOTE: This template is based on the Guidelines for Developing a School Substance Use Policy (2002)


Substance Use Policy

Introductory Statement

A substance use policy should set out, in writing, the framework within which the whole school community manages issues relating to substance use.

The introduction should state when the policy was formulated, how it was formulated and who was involved.


To what will the policy apply? It is recommended that the term “substance” should be interpreted in the widest possible sense to include alcohol, tobacco, legal/illegal drugs and over the counter/prescribed medication and other dangerous substances.

To whom will the policy apply?While this policy addresses substance use issues in respect of students only, the policy applies also to teaching and other school staff, parents/guardians, and others insofar as measures under the policy relate to them.

When willthe policy apply? During school time (including break times) and to all school related activities?


Why is it necessary to devise a policy on substance use at this time? e.g.:

  • The world in which we live presents young people with many challenges that affect their health and well being. Exposure to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is part of this reality. Schools need to reflect upon how they might provide for the needs of their student cohort and respond appropriately to issues that can be both sensitive and emotive.
  • The Education Act, 1998 (available for download at the Oireachtas website) provides that schools should promote the social and personal development of students and provide health education for them.
  • The National Drugs Strategy, 2001-2008 out a detailed programme of action to be implemented by Government Departments and Agencies to combat the very serious problem of drug misuse in our society.The strategy, which is Government policy, highlights the important contribution that schools can make in the area of education and prevention, and requires them to have substance use policies in place (Action 43).
  • Section IV of the Rules and Programme for Secondary Schools states that all schools should be actively engaged in the process of developing and agreeing a Substance Use Policy in line with Action 43 of the National Drugs Strategy and Circular 18/02.

Relationship to characteristic spirit of the school (school’smission/vision/aims)

  • How does this policy relate to the school’s mission/vision and aims?

For example:

‘XXXXSchool seeks to enable each student to develop his/her potential.’

Provides a safe and secure environment for learning’.

‘Is dedicated to the care of the whole school community.’

‘Wishes to offer support for those who are experiencing difficulties.’

‘Seeks to promote healthy lifestyles for all in a safe, supportive and non-threatening environment.This vision of a HealthPromotingSchool is promoted and enhanced by the implementation of an agreed policy governing substance use.’


In precise terms, what is the policy intended to achieve?

Objectives may include:

  • to provide a comprehensive programme of education for all students in substance use issues
  • to equip the school to deal with issues relating to substance use in a planned and considered way and in accordance with its statutory responsibilities
  • to reinforce the role of the school in contributing to local and national strategies in relation to substance use education & prevention
  • to minimise the dangers caused to young people by substance misuse within schools/communities
  • to manage incidents of substance misuse in a clear and consistent manner
  • to support parents and pupils in understanding and addressing substance misuse.

Key measures (content of policy)

It may be helpful to divide the policy content into three sections

1. Education concerning substance use
2. Management of alcohol, tobacco and drug-related incidents
3. Provision for training and staff development

Prompt questions are provided in each section to assist in identifying the key measures to be implemented.

1. Education concerning substance use

Education about alcohol, tobacco and drugs is most effective if provided in the broader context of a Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) programme which is developmental and delivered in the context of a supportive whole school environment.

Prompt questions

  • Does the school include SPHE on the curriculum?
  • In what ways will education concerning substance use be provided within the broad context of SPHE-through specific modules or programmes, existing school subjects, special projects?
  • What content and methodologies will apply? To students in which years?
  • What approach will be taken to co-ordination, teacher involvement, and time-allocation?
  • How will parents be informed about the programme?
  • Other considerations?

The use of an outside visitor/speaker to enhance the work done in class should always be considered in the context of the full SPHE programme and should be undertaken in the presence of a teacher.

2. Management of alcohol, tobacco and drug-related incidents

Incidents involving alcohol, tobacco and drug use might include:

  • Use or suspected use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco on the school premises or during a school-related activity
  • Intoxication/unusual behaviour
  • Disclosure about use
  • Finding these substances and/or associated paraphernalia
  • Possession and/or supply on the school premises or during a school-related activity
  • Other.

The school should respond to incidents involving alcohol, tobacco and drug use in a planned and considered way. In certain cases it may be necessary to seek legal advice. Due care will be important in deciding on the balance between a pastoral and a disciplinary response.An appropriate pastoral response to an incident involving alcohol, tobacco and drug use may include referral to a support agency.It should be stressed that the ultimate sanction of exclusion or permanent exclusion can have the effect of alienating a student from mainstream sources of help and may result in the student becoming more involved in the culture of substance misuse.

It is advisable that schools clarify their position regarding reports to them concerning use and/or supply of illegal drugs off the school premises.

The school policy should inform teachers about issues relating to confidentiality and appropriate reporting procedures. It should also clarify an agreed procedure for involving parents/guardians, liaising with Gardaí and responding to media inquiries.
Prompt questions

  • In what situations and locations are young people most at risk in relation to substance misuse?
  • How are incidents relating to (a) alcohol, (b) tobacco and (c) drug use addressed in the school's code of behaviour? In this regard, specify steps/action to be taken and by whom in the event of an incident.
  • What is the school's shared understanding of 'a drug related incident'?
  • What is the recording (facts only) and reporting procedure for such incidents?
  • How will parents be involved in incidents involving their own child?
  • How will parents be involved in incidents relating to another child?
  • What is the role of the board of management/trustees?
  • Are procedures in place for dealing with incidents requiring medical intervention e.g. are personnel suitably qualified in First Aid available? Have contacts been established with local medical personnel?
  • When and how will Gardaí be involved in drug related incidents? It is essential that the school establish a rapport with the local Gardaí, which will encourage a proactive rather than reactive approach.
  • How will substance use items/paraphernalia be disposed of?
  • What support agencies are available at local level to which students involved in substance misuse might be referred?
  • Does the school provide a smoking cessation support programme? Are students encouraged to participate, where appropriate?
  • What advice is given to the school community in relation to responding to the media and who in the school is designated to respond to the media?
  • Are there adequate mechanisms in place to enable the school to follow up on incidents that may take place?
  • Other considerations?

3. Provision for Training and Staff Development

An effective policy needs to be supported by an ongoing commitment from the Board of Management and School Trustees to training and staff development. At present, schools are assisted in this at post-primary level by the SPHE Support Service (Post-Primary).The Health Service Executive (HSE) also provides a wide range of supports for schools including Health Education and Health Promotion, Smoking Cessation Support and Adolescent Counselling Services.

Prompt questions

  • Is there a shared understanding among the staff of the contribution that an SPHE programme can make to the prevention of substance misuse?
  • Are all staff members aware of the contribution they can make to the prevention of substance misuse within their own subject area (e.g. by developing a supportive class environment)?
  • Are all staff members sufficiently aware of, and sensitive to, the signs and symptoms of substance misuse?
  • Are all staff members sufficiently aware of laws relating to alcohol, tobacco and drug use and how they relate to themselves, to the school and the students?
  • What further training/information needs do staff members have in relation to the implementation of the policy?
  • Where can such training/information be accessed?
  • How will new staff, in particular, be briefed on the substance use policy of the school?
  • How will parent/guardian education on SPHE and issues relating to substance misuse be promoted in the school community?
  • When are parents/guardians to be made aware of and informed of what is happening in the school with regard to both drug education and policy?
  • Who will have responsibility for training and staff development?
  • Other considerations?

Note: It is recommended that the issue of use and storage of medicines/storage of chemicals/solvents e.g. cleaning agents, aerosols etc be reviewed in developing a substance use policy.

Prompt questions

  • Does the school already have a policy in relation to prescribed medicines?
  • Does the school require notification where a student has to bring prescribed medicines to school?
  • Are clear procedures to be followed by students, parents and staff outlined?
  • Is there a documented procedure for the storage and accessing of dangerous substances in the school’s Health and Safety statement?

Links to Other Policies and to Curriculum Delivery

Identify any links to related school policies

School policies need to be consistent with one another, within the framework of the overall School Plan. Relevant school policies already in place, being developed or reviewed should be examined by reference to the Substance Use Policy and any implications which it has for them should be addressed.

The following policies may be among those considered:

  • Health and Safety
  • Code of Behaviour
  • Other?

Identify any links to curriculum delivery

  • In post-primary schools, Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) must be timetabled as part of the junior cycle core curriculum. SPHE provides students with opportunities to develop the skills and competencies to care for themselves and others and to make informed decisions about their health, personal lives and social development. This includes providing education on substance use issues.
  • The SPHE Senior Cycle syllabus currently being developed will also deal with issues related to substance use.
  • Other links? e.g. TYO etc.

Implementation Arrangements, Roles and Responsibilities

For each policy measure, specify how and when it is to be implemented.

Name the people who have responsibility for implementing each policy measure and specify their roles e.g. *Core Committee, *Principal, *Class Teacher,*Other Staff Members who have specific responsibilities (e.g. Home/School/Community Liaison Co-ordinator, where applicable), *Board of Management/Trustees, *Students, *Parents/Guardians, *Gardaí, *HSE,*other.

The core committee could be assigned the role of co-ordinating the implementation of the policy.

Ratification & Communication

When the finalised draft policy has been ratified by the Board of Management, it becomes the school's agreed substance use policy. It should then be circulated to ensure that everyone in the school community is aware of it. The whole staff team must be familiar with the policy and ready to put it into practice in accordance with the specified implementation arrangements. It is important that all concerned are made aware of any changes implied in curriculum delivery, school rules, sanctions and code of behaviour.

Parents/guardians should be informed of what is happening in the school with regard to the substance use policy from the time of enrolment of the student. It is recommended that parents/guardians and, where appropriate, students aged over 18 years, be asked to sign a statement to the effect that they have read the policy and agree that they are bound by it.

Prompt questions

  • State when the Board of Management officially ratified the policy.
  • State what steps will be taken to communicate the ratified policy to members of the school community and to new applicants on enrolment

Implementation Date

Decide upon a date from which the policy will apply.

Monitoringthe implementation of the policy

The implementation of the policy should be monitored.

  • Who will do what, when to confirm that the actions/measures required under the policy are being implemented?

Reviewing and evaluating the policy

The policy should be reviewed and its impact evaluated at certain pre-determined times. In practice, this process might be co-ordinated by the core committee in consultation with the wider school community. Ongoing review and evaluation should take cognisance of changing information, legislation, developments in the school-based programme and feedback from parents/guardians, students, teachers, community members, Gardaí, HSE staff or others; for example, the SPHE co-ordinator could have the role of monitoring aspects of the policy (in any of the three content areas outlined above) once a term to ensure delivery of practical benefits.The policy should be revised as necessary in the light of such review and evaluation and within the framework of school planning.


  • When will the operation of the policy be reviewed with a view to amending it, if necessary?
  • Identify some practical indicators which will be used to gauge the effectiveness of the policy. Examples might include the extent to which:
  • a Substance Use Education programme is being successfully taught through SPHE for all relevant students
  • resource material is available to teachers
  • appropriate in-service for teachers is available and relevant teachers are availing of it
  • yearly in-service for staff is time-tabled
  • students are aware of the policy
  • parents/guardians are aware of the policy
  • positive feedback is received from teachers, students, parents/guardians, community members, Gardaí, HSE staff or others
  • incidents relating to substance misuse are reduced.