Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsAkuchekian et al., 20041 / Topiramate
25 to 500 mg/day (sensitive patients started at 12.5mg/day) / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Topirimate was added to other psychotropic regimens. Participants had to be on other psychotropic medications for at least 6 months, with that medication failing.
Asukai et al., 20102 / CBT, exposure-based therapy
8 to 15 weekly sessions of 90 minutes / Usual care / NA / NA / Yes / Both groups allowed to continue treatment as usual and allowed to be on stable dosages of medications (no change at least 8 weeks prior to treatment).
Treatment as Usual:
G1: 83.3%
G2: 100%
Supportive counseling
Overall: 91.6 %
Overall: 54%
Other antidepressants:
Overall: 33%
Day-time minor tranquilizers, sleeping pills or both:
overall: 79%
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsBartzokis et al., 20053 / Risperidone
1 to 3 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Intervention added to ongoing psychotropic medication regimen.
Stable psychotropic medications: 92%
Antidepressants: 88%
Anxiolytics: 32%
Hypnotics: 28%
Anxiolytics & Hypnotics: 9%
Anxiolytics or Hyponitics: 51%
Basoglu et al., 20074 / CBT, exposure-based therapy
1 single sessions of 60 minutes / Wait list / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Becker et al., 20075 / Bupropion
100 to 300 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Allowed to maintain previous medications. Exclusions were medications that contraindicate bupropion.
G1: 12
G2: 6
G1: 7
G2: 5
G1: 1
G2: 1
G2: 0
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Blanchard et al., 20036 / CBT-mixed
Focus on normalizing the patient's view, relaxation training, patient asked to write a description of the MVA and its immediate aftermath, including their thoughts and sensory perception
8 to 12 weekly sessions as deemed necessary by therapist / Supportive psychotherapy
8 to 12 weekly sessions as deemed necessary by therapist / Wait list / NA / Unclear / NA
Boden et al., 20127 / Seeking Safety and Treatment as Usual, Bi-weekly sessions over 12 weeks. / Treament as Usual / NA / NA / No / NA
Brady et al., 20008 / Sertraline
25 to 200 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Chloral hydrate taken as needed for insomnia.
Brady et al., 20059 / Sertraline
150 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / No / NA
Bryant et al., 200310 / CBT, exposure based therapy(Prolonged Imaginal Exposure)
8 weekly sessions of 90 minutes with structured homework / CBT-Mixed
Prolonged Imaginal Exposure plus Cognitive Restructuring
8 weekly sessions of 90 minutes with structured homework / Supportive Control / NA / Unclear / NA
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsBryant et al., 200811 / CBT, exposure based (Imaginal Exposure)
8 weekly sessions of 100 minutes with structured daily homework / CBT, exposure-based therapy (In vivo exposure)
8 weekly sessions of 100 minutes with structured daily homework / CBT, exposure-based therapy (Imaginal Exposure/In vivo Exposure)
8 weekly sessions of 100 minutes with structured daily homework activities / CBT-mixed
Imaginal Exposure/In vivo Exposure/ cognitive restructuring
8 weekly sessions of 100 minutes with structured daily homework / Unclear / NA
Butterfield et al., 200112 / Olanzapine
5 to 20mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Unclear / NR
Carlson et al., 199813 / EMDR
12 sessions of 60 to 75 minutes, twice a week / CBT, coping skills therapy
Biofeedback and general relaxation skills for 12 sessions for 40 plus minutes, twice a week / Wait list / NA / Unclear / NA
Chard et al., 200514 / CBT, cognitive processing therapy
17 weeks of a combination of 90 minute group sessions and 60-minute individual therapy sessions / Wait list
5 to 10 minute phone call once a week / NA / NA / Yes / Prescription medications allowed if stable for at least 3 months
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsCloitre et al., 200215 / CBT, exposure-based therapy
16 sessions over 12 weeks (STAIR) / Waitlist / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Cloitre et al., 201016 / CBT-Mixed
(STAIR) + Prolonged Exposure
16 weekly sessions (over 12 weeks), with 8 sessions for skills training and 8 for exposure / CBT-Mixed
(STAIR) + Support (Skills Training)
16 weekly sessions (over 12 weeks) / Support (Skills Training) + Prolonged Exposure
16 weekly sessions (over 12 weeks) / NA / Yes / Allowed to maintain psychotherapy or psychopharmacological treatment if it had been ongoing ≥ 3 months prior to study entry and if psychotherapy was not PTSD-focused.
Connor et al., 199917
Meltzer-Brody et al., 200018 / Fluoxetine
10 to 60mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Cook et al., 201019 / CBT, exposure-based therapy
6 weekly sessions of 90 minute group sessions / Psychoeducation
6 weekly sessions of 90 minute group sessions / NA / NA / Yes / Patients permitted to continue treatment as usual; able to continue medications if on stable dose but could change doses during study.
Cottraux, 200820 / CBT-mixed
Exposure in imagination or in vivo and cognitive therapy
10 to 16 sessions of 60 to 120 minutes over 16 weeks / Supportive Control / NA / NA / Yes / Psychotropic medications not allowed during intervention. Benzodiazepines and hypnotics were allowed.
Davidson et al., 200121 / Sertraline
50 to 200 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Occasional use of chloral hydrate for insomnia.
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsDavidson et al., 200322 / Mirtazapine
15 to 45 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / No / NA
Davidson et al., 200623 / Venlafaxine
75 to 300mg/day / Sertraline
50 to 200mg/day / Placebo / NA / No / NA
Davidson et al., 200624 / Venlafaxine
37.5 to 300 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / No / NA
Davidson et al., 200725 / Tiagabine
4 to16mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Davis et al., 200826 / Divalproex
1000 to 3000 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Low dose trazodone for insomnia allowed.
Ehlers et al., 200327 / Cognitive Therapy
Mean of 9 weekly sessions of 60 minutes during first 3 months, mean of 2.4 booster sessions (duration unspecified) / Self-help booklet based on principles of CBT / Repeated assessments / NA / No / NA
Ehlers et al., 200528 / CBT-mixed
Cognitive therapy including restructuring and exposure
Up to 12 weekly sessions of 90 minutes for the initial sessions, 60 minutes thereafter, and 3 monthly boosters / Wait list / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Fecteau et al., 199929 / CBT-mixed
Coping skills, exposure-therapy, and cognitive restructuring
4 weekly sessions of 120 minutes / Wait list / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsFoa et al., 199930
Zoellner et al., 199931 / CBT, exposure-based therapy(Prolonged Exposure)
9 twice-weekly sessions, two sessions of 120 minutes followed by 7 sessions of 90 minutes / CBT, coping skills therapy
Stress Inoculation Training
9 twice-weekly sessions, two sessions of 120 min followed by 7 sessions of 90 minutes / CBT-mixed
Combined treatment (Prolonged exposure and Stress Inoculation Training)
9 twice-weekly sessions, two sessions of 120 min followed by 7 sessions of 90 min) / Wait list / Unclear / NA
Foa et al., 200532 / CBT, exposure-based therapy(Prolonged Exposure)
9 to 12 weekly sessions of 90 to 120 minutes / CBT-mixed
Prolonged Exposure plus Cognitive Restructuring
9 to 12 weekly sessions of 90 to 120 minutes. / Wait list / NA / Yes / Psychiatric medications allowed if stable for at least 3 months
Forbes et al., 201233 / CBT, cognitive processing therapy
12 bi-weekly sessions; session 1 90 minutes, all other session 60 minutes / Treatment as Usual / NA / NA / Yes / Stable use of psychotropic medications (period of 4 weeks) and concurrent interventions for issues other than PTSD were allowed as long as they did not alter course of study.
Ford et al., 201134 / Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET),
12 sessions of 50 minutes / Present centered therapy, 12 sessions. / Waitlist / NA / NA / 35% of sample under mental health treatment; 28% of sample undergoing pharmacotherapy
Friedman et al., 200735 / Sertraline
25 to 200 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / No / NA
Gamito et al., 201036 / Virtual reality exposure therapy "VRET"
12 sessions / CBT, exposure-based therapy (Imaginal exposure)
12 sessions / Wait list / NA / Yes / Stable medical regimens maintained by participants' psychiatrists.
Gersons et al., 200037 / Eclectic psychotherapy(Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy)
16 sessions of 60 minutes / Wait list / NA / NA / Unclear / NA
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsHamner et al., 200338 / Risperidone
1 to 6 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Patients stable for at least 1 month on antidepressants, benzodiazapines, and PRN sleep medications were included.
Antidepressant use:
G1: 15
G2: 15
Benzodiazepine use:
G1: 4
G2: 2
Receiving "other" psychotropics:
G1: 10
G2: 10
Hien et al., 200439 / Seeking Safety
Addresses PTSD and Substance Abuse
2 times a week, 60 minute sessions for 12 consecutive weeks / Relapse prevention condition
Addresses only substance abuse
Twice-weekly 60 minute individual sessions for 12 consecutive weeks / Usual care
Non-randomized Standard community Care / NA / Yes / Pharmacotherapy:
G1 & G2 combined: 19%
G3: 22.58%
Hien et al., 200940Hien et al., 201241 / Seeking Safety
2 sessions per week, 75 to 90 minutes over 6 weeks / Psychoeducation
2 sessions per week, 75 to 90 minutes over 6 weeks / NA / NA / Yes / Mean mental health visits per week separate from study (SD):
G1: 1.3 (1.6)
G2: 1.5 (2.7)
Mean visits to 12-step substance abuse meetings (SD):
G1: 3.4 (4.1)
G2: 2.8 (3.7)
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsHinton et al., 200542 / CBT-mixed
Information on PTSD and Panic Disorder, relaxation techniques, culturally appropriate visualization, cognitive restructuring, exposure to anxiety-related sensations and trauma related memories, emotional-processing protocol, and cognitive flexibility.
12 sessions across 12 weeks / Wait list / NA / NA / Yes / All patients continued supportive psychotherapy and medications (combination of SSRI and clonazepam).
Hinton et al., 200943 / CBT-Mixed
Information on PTSD and Panic Disorder, muscle relaxation, guided imagery, mindfulness training, yoga-like stretching, cognitive restructuring, various exercises to teach emotional distancing and switching, and interoceptive exposure.
12 weekly individual sessions (no duration of time provided) / Waitlist / NA / NA / Yes / All patients continued supportive psychotherapy
All patients used psychoactive medications including SSRIs.
Hinton et al., 201144 / CBT-mixed
Culturally Adapted CBT: Has components of coping skills, cognitive "modification", mentions exposure
14 weekly sessions of 60 minutes / Applied Muscle Relaxation
14 weekly sessions of 60 minutes / NA / NA / Yes / Participants continued to receive pharmcotherapy and supportive therapy.
Hogberg et al., 200745 / EMDR
Five 90 minute sessions over 2 months / Wait list / NA / NA / Yes / One wait-list patient (G2) on SSRI
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)
Author, Year / Arm 1 / Arm 2 / Arm 3 / Arm 4 / Co-Interventions Allowed / Description of Co-InterventionsHollifield et al., 200746 / Acupuncture
2 times a week, 60 minute sessions / CBT-mixed
Cognitive restructuring, behavior activation, and coping skills
12 weekly sessions for 120 minutes / Wait list / NA / Yes / Allowed to be on stable medications (for at least 3 months) and received supportive therapy at same time but "no active treatment specifically for PTSD".
Johnson et al., 201147 / CBT-mixed
Psychoeducation and CBT restructuring
Up to 12 60 to 90 minute sessions over 8 weeks / Usual care / NA / NA / Yes / Psychotropic Medications
Overall: 21.4
G1: 20
G2: 22.9
Krakow et al., 200148 / IRT
Two 180 minute sessions spaced 1 week apart with a 60 minute follow-up 3 weeks later / Wait list / NA / NA / Yes / 79% of participants were concurrently receiving psychotherapy and/or psychotropic medications
Kruse et al., 200949 / CBT-Mixed
25 hours of total therapy, first 3 months weekly; after 3 months. once every other week. / Usual care / NA / NA / Unclear / Unclear
Krystal et al., 201150 / Risperidone
1 to 4 mg/day / Placebo / NA / NA / Yes / Entry criteria for study specified that patients had to be on a SRI medication or have had at least two prior trials of SRIs.
pharmacotherapy allowed.
Kubany et al., 200351 / CBT, cognitive restructuring
8 to 11 90 minute sessions / Wait list / NA / NA / Yes / Continuation of prior treatment
Table D-3. Intervention and control components from randomized controlled trials (continued)