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Local Advocate[s] [Or Specific Title if Applicable] to Represent [name of community/organization] at 2013 Building a Grad Nation Summit in Washington, DC

Summit is Premier Annual Event Measuring Progress in the Work to Close Opportunity Gaps and Raise Graduation Rates for Youth

[CITY, STATE] – [DATE, 2012] – [City, State, Organization name] today announced, [name or # of local advocates] will represent [name of community/organization] at the 2013 Building a Grad Nation Summit in Washington, DC February 24-26. [last name/these individuals] will [attend/present/speak at/add more specifics here if necessary] the annual event, which brings together a powerfully diverse group of community organizations, national nonprofits, school systems, business leaders, government officials of all levels, parents and youth to examine the progress and remaining challenges in the nation’s efforts to increase high school graduation rates and prepare youth for success in college and career.

The theme of this year’s Summit is Realizing the Promise with all sessions and information organized under three focus areas: Thinking Differently (new perspectives on persistent challenges), Reality Check (how are we currently doing and where do we need to be), and Imagining Success Holistically (how do we incorporate the social and emotional needs of young people into the national dialogue on education). The Summit is expected to draw around 800 people from around the country and will include appearances from America’s Promise Alliance Founding Chairman General Colin Powell and Chair Alma Powell, Tim Shriver, CEO of Special Olympics, Bill Shore, founder and CEO of Share our Strength, Andre Johnson of Magic Johnson Enterprises, and a video appearance by Dr. Maya Angelou, and others.

America’s Promise hosts the Summit in partnership with the Alliance for Excellent Education, Civic Enterprises and the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University School of Education. Summit sponsors include: Grad Nation Presenting Sponsor State Farm®, Premier Sponsors AT&T, Sun Life Financial and Target, and Signature Sponsors Apollo Group Inc., Bezos Family Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Ford Foundation and Lumina Foundation.

“We have a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the progress we’re making,” said John Gomperts, president and CEO, America’s Promise Alliance. “Graduation rates are rising but this work will never be finished until we’ve closed the achievement and opportunity gaps that persist for too many youth. This Summit is a special opportunity for the people, organizations and communities engaged in this work to measure progress and recommit ourselves to the cause.”

Summit attendees will have the opportunity to learn the latest data on national and state level graduation rates as well as the latest ideas for what works in preventing dropouts and preparing students for success in school, college, career and life. They will hear from some of the nation’s most revered practitioners and thought leaders on: expanded learning opportunities, early childhood education, child health, national service, common core state standards, how to build a successful business-education partnership, social and emotional learning as well as the latest in education reform efforts and public policy. The full summit agenda can be found at:

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“The Building a Grad Nation Summit is unique because it is the only event in the nation where all sectors can come together under one roof to discuss progress and strategy in this united effort to raise graduation rates and support our children,” said [name, title]. “The spirit of collaboration at this Summit is at the heart of all the work our community is doing and [our community/organization] is excited to be a part of it and the Grad Nation Campaign.”

[Add specifics on your community/organization’s work here as it relates to the Summit if applicable]

The Building a Grad Nation Summit is the premier annual event of the Grad Nation campaign. Launched in 2010, the Grad Nation campaign is a large and growing movement of dedicated individuals, organizations and communities working together to raise the national high school graduation rate to 90 percent by 2020, with no school graduating fewer than 80 percent of its students on time. To learn more visit:

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