(overall serial no.) univ./yr – qual./serial no.

(e.g. (11) VUW/12 - BSc/1)

Name of university

Name of new qualification or Name of qualification being amended

Page references in Calendar of year of submission

(in the case of amendments to current qualifications)

Note: Where there are multiple page references, e.g. admission requirements separate from regulations, all must be included. It is also useful to provide URLs since not all staff have access to printed Calendars.


Purpose of proposal

A succinct description of the purpose.


A statement as to why the proposal is being put forward at this time, in the context of the institution’s strategic and planning goals.


Evidence of consultation in the preparation of the proposal and acceptability to relevant academic, industrial, professional and other communities. If there is a professional registration or licensing body relevant to this area of study, it must be named and written evidence from that body of the university’s consultation with it provided.

Goals of the programme

A statement as to what the programme aims to achieve, the academic rationale on which it is based and how overall programme coherence is achieved.

Graduate profile

A statement of the generic and specific attributes and skills of graduates of the programme including the body of knowledge attained. (See accompanying notes.)

Outcome statement

As proposed for the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, being a succinct statement of the attributes of graduates of the programme, including likely employment prospects.

Programme overview

A brief narrative setting out the progression from the entry requirements to the end of the final year, identifying landmarks such as initial or intermediate selection processes, work placements, research projects.

Proposed regulations

Include the complete new degree statute (with schedules) or amendments to existing statute(s) as they are intended to appear in the Calendar.

Proposed teaching/delivery methods

An overview statement which describes any distinctive features of delivery and also comments on inclusion of practical applications, e.g. a clinical component. If there is a contribution by another provider that contribution must be clearly identified and quantified as a percentage of the programme.

Prescriptions for papers

Include the proposed prescriptions for all new papers.

Assessment procedures

A description of the proposed assessment regime for the programme, including the use of external assessors and examiners.

Predicted student numbers/EFTS

An estimate of the likely enrolment and EFTS numbers for 3 years from introduction of the programme, including any intention to limit enrolments.


A clear statement of the institution’s ability to offer the new programme at a high level of quality (including reference to such factors as the availability of appropriate expertise, physical facilities, equipment and library resources; access to practical and clinical experience [where appropriate]; strengths in related disciplines).

Plans for monitoring programme quality

A clear statement of provisions for monitoring quality, including teaching quality; reviewing regulations, content and delivery; reviewing whether papers should be added or deleted. Such provisions should include the establishment a small monitoring group to collect information in respect of student numbers, pass rates, retention, and student satisfaction, to prepare any peer or self-review reports and to compile the Graduating Year Review.

Statement re Section B

A confirmation that Section B has been prepared and will be made available to CUAP on request.

If the programme is a NEW one the following are also required

(a) EFTS value

Required for funding purposes.

(b) A statement regarding funding

For new postgraduate qualifications. The statement should indicate whether the qualification meets the criteria to be fully funded at the postgraduate level or whether the courses will be disaggregated and funded appropriately at postgraduate or undergraduate level. If disaggregated the papers to be funded in each mode must be clearly specified. The guidelines regarding funding may be found in Appendix B of this booklet.

(c) Information about the Memorandum of Understanding

Where the programme will be jointly taught or jointly awarded with another New Zealand university or an overseas provider, confirmation of the existence of a Memorandum of Understanding, as set out in sections 15 and 16.5.3.


Relationship to strategic planning goals

Learning aims/objectives for each new paper

Student workload, terms requirements and assessment procedures for each paper

Availability of teaching and support staff

Availability of teaching space and other required facilities (e.g. laboratory, theatre, etc.)

Availability of library resources

Timetabling arrangements

The required extracts from any Memorandum of Understanding agreed with another New Zealand university or overseas provider in respect of a jointly-taught or jointly-awarded qualification (see sections 15 and 16.5.3).

May 20121