F. Author

Template for IMID 2018 Technical Digest

First Author3, Co-Author2 and Corresponding Author1

1Dept. of Inform. Display, Your College, Town/City, Seoul 121-791, Korea

Tel.:82-2-563-7992, E-mail:

2Dept. of Electric Engineering, Your College, Town/City, MA 02139, U.S.A.

3Dept. of Electric Engineering, Your College, Town/City, MA 02139, U.S.A.

(2 line spacing)


F. Author

The text should be in 11 point Times New Roman with single spacing.We normally recommend the use of 1.0 (single) line spacing. However, when typing complicated mathematical text it is important to increase the space between text lines in order to prevent sub- and super-script fonts overlapping one another and making your printed matter illegible.

Figure captions should be centered below the figures; table captions should be centered above. Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the text. Use the abbreviation “Fig. 1,” even at the beginning of a sentence.Figure axis label are often a source of confusion. Use words rather than symbols.Tables should be presented in the form shown in Table1. Their layout should be consistent throughout. Equations are placed in center and should be preceded and followed by one line of white.If they are numbered, make sure that they are numbered consecutively. Place the numbers in parentheses. Flush with the right-hand margin of the column and level with the last line of the equation.Graphics may be full color.All colors will be retained on the USB Proceeding.Graphics must not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly.Please use only SOLID FILLcolors which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy, as shown in Figure1.

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Fig. 1. A sample line graph

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This template is for IMID 2016 Technical Digest. Your file should be submitted via our home page below.( you follow the foregoing, your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.

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1. G. W. Scherer, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,2(9), 243 (1990).

2. H. J. Kim and J. S. Im, SID’05 Technical Digest, vol. 1, p.401 (2005).

3. O.V. Mazurin and E.A. Porai-Koshits (eds.), Phase Separation in Glass, North-Holland, Amsterdam, p.21 (1984).

4. D.L. Eaten, Porous Glass Support Material, US Patent no. 904, 422(1975).