held at 7.30 PMon MONDAY 16 OCTOBER 2017
Part 1
Clerk and residents were waiting at 7pm. Police arrived at 7.15pm but had to leave. Access gained at 7.35pm
Opened at 7.50pm
1 Present
Chairman E Hudson
Councillors A Jones,D Ford, A Ambrose, G Wright, P Healey, C Gallagher, L Trevaskis, C Williams, I Moscrop [from 8.20]
Also present:
Clerk to the Council T Rogers-Smith
Public 5
2 Apologies none
3 Declarations of Interest none.
The Village Hall is now under the Parish Council
4 Minutes of the previous meetings
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting of 18 September 2017, proposed by CllrAmbrose and seconded by CllrJones, agreed by all, be signed as a true record.
5 Health and Safety
Peter Platt outlined the risk assessment carried out for this evening for access to the meeting room.
Note that there must be a nominated person to be the roll call marshal. He identified the fire exit and meeting point at the bus stop opposite the hall, and stated that in such circumstances the lift must not be used. Note that the main sources of ignition are gas and electric.
6 Committee Hale Village Hall
At the extra ordinary meeting held on 10 August, see 7q, Cllr Wright waselected to chair the Village Hall Parish Council Committee for the initial period. The Chairman was not present for that part of the meeting and has insisted a vote takes place at an ordinary meeting.
To propose and vote for a Chairman and Treasurer for the Village Hall PC Committee
Cllr Wright proposed by Cllr Ford and seconded by Cllr Ambrose.
Cllr Moscrop proposed by Cllr Hudson and seconded by Cllr Gallagher.
Discussion followed and all agreed on a joint roll for Cllr Wright and Cllr Moscrop with both as Chair and Treasurer of the Committee.
Cllr Wright and Cllr Moscrop to be joint Chairman and Treasurer agreed by all
7 Updates
a Bronze Childe of Hale face this was commissioned by the Friends of hale Park with lottery funding and has been passed to the Village Hall by Heather Charles. Ownership needs to be established.
b Charity Commissionhas an appalling phone service Cllr Jones has emailed and is awaiting a reply.
c Documentation copies of all agreements and risk assessments need to be stored by the Clerk. Mr Platt is carrying out the work and will provide risk assessment documentation. Copies of agreements must be forwarded to the Clerk by Councillors dealing with bookings.
d Howells Way gate Cllr Wright to obtain a quote.
e Job vacancyMr Antrobus queried the advertisement.
It will be done soon and will be advertised at the job centre, online with HBC and the Parish Council and at other appropriate locations.
Clerk to contact HBC to establish ownership of the Bronze Childe of Hale Face
Cllr Jones to contact Charity Commission
Village Hall PC Committee to implement appropriate documentation and ensure copies of all agreements and risk assessments are passed to the Clerk
Cllr Wright to explore gate options and possible match to Mr Stephen’s property
Joadvertisement to be place Cllr Jones
8 Police report
Representatives attended at 7.15pm, as agreed, but no access to the hall was possible at that time. They spoke to residents waiting and provided PCSO Marnick’s report which is also available online.
There have been burglaries which is a concern.
PCSO Marnick has carried out speed checks and monitored parking at the school.
9 Planning Report
a 17/00390/FUL 12 High Street Hale Liverpool L24 4AF Mr Hatchard Proposed removal of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey extension including the change of existing garage/garden store into habitable accommodation at 12 High Street Hale Liverpool L24 4AF
a 17/00408/FUL 17 Vicarage Close Hale Widnes L24 4BH Proposed enclosure of existing courtyard to form new kitchen with pitched roof and skylight window at 17 Vicarage Close Hale Liverpool L24 4BH
b 17/00445/TPO Hale Estate 5 Church Street Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 2DD Proposed work to trees protected by TPO 026 as follows : T3 English Elm, Fell, T5, Sycamore, raise canopy to 5.2 metres, T13, Sycamore, remove stubs, T14, Ash, prune by 3 metres all at Church End Amenity Woodland Hale Liverpool
c 17/00446/TPO Hale Estate 5 Church Street Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 2DD Proposed work to trees protected by TPO 026 all at Church Road Amenity Woodland Hale Liverpool
d 17/00322/FUL Retrospective change of use from detached garage to domestic dwelling at Church Lodge Cottage 10A Church Road Hale Liverpool L24 4BA
Tree Policy has been requested
Clerk to make a further request
10 Financial Report
**Parish Council Account
a ReceiptsTransfer from Village Hall Account inc Buy a Brick 8000.00
b PC Grant applications none
c PC Payments between meetings none
d Payments October
J LoughranCaretaker115.00 reference 002370
W StephensLandscape 45.00reference 002371
T Rogers-SmithClerk pay442.02reference 002372
Came & CoInsurance 2916.06reference 002373
Total 3518.08
There are payments for the Storage Unit and Civic Service to be made. These will show on next month’s agenda.
**Parish Council New Village Hall Account
e Receipts none
f Payments between meetings September/October
GERRARD O'DONNELLfor B&Q & Topps tiles1675.85reference 000121
Morgan Demolitionskips1044.00reference 000122
G RathPlastering1325.25reference 000123
Ashton EngineeringBalustrade5032.00reference 000124
ASA SERVICESPLUMBING balance2584.00reference 000125
T & A COLQUITT & SONSBUILDER 19579.89reference 000126
Martin DugdaleSupply and plant1080.00reference 000128
HAYSCASTLEELECTRICAL balance2907.60reference 000129
Beesley and Fildesbattens 60.37reference 000130
Travis Perkinswaste system parts 41.32reference 000131
Total 36299.88
**Village Hall Management Committee Account
g Receipts none
h Payments between meetings none
i Payments October
W StephensLandscape work Sept 85 .00reference 001488
Payments approved by all.
j Audit internal audit ongoing. Accounts being prepared by the accountant Mr Moon. It is recommended that he also prepares accounts for the year 2017/2018 given the large amounts being processed.
BDO want the documentation asap.
k VAT claim to be done for remainder of September and October
l HMRC re Clerks. Document issued as some Councillors think it should be self-employed. Clerk outlined the history and the HMRC document, updated October 2017, clearly states that a Parish Clerk is an employee.
m Loan HBCClerk has approached HBC for a short term loan of £20000. This will assist with cash flow until VAT refunds and final Lottery grants are received.
n Health and Safety
P Platt has been asked to submit quote to provide expertise and documentation to enable compliance.
o Cleaning village hall
Cllr Gallagher has obtained quotes for discussion.
11 Correspondence
1265emailsHBC Democratic Services various
1266emailsHBC Planning various
1267 emailsvarious Police & Crime Commissioner
1268emailsRural Services Network updates
1269emailsCheshire Police Alerts various
1270emailsTrading standards ican alerts various
1271emails/phoneVillage Hall various
1272email/postvarious suppliers/services
1275emailsCame and Co
1276emailCrime Commissioner
12 Parish Issues
Issues raised last month regarding hedges and grids appears to have been dealt with by HBC.
a Items raised by Councillors
[i] Rubbish at the shopsCllr Wright is following up on the lack of recycling facilities and bins for flat residents.
[ii] Job Advert Cllr Healey stressed the urgency to do this as people are enquiring.
[iv] Village Hall
Cllr Gallagher – John Clark representing the Landrover working group is liaising and they will clear the additional parking area if this can be agreed with Hale estates.
Update on last weeks meeting from Cllr Wright including offers of some furniture etc by M Spargo.
Consider the use of fob keys.
Phone line is now connected. Internet provider will be agreed soon.
The kerb outside the Village Hall is uneven. Cllr Wright reports that HBC say it is not their responsibility.
b Items for the next meetingnone
13 Public Forum 8.20-8.50
a Bus service Mr Antrobus informed that the 82A no longer goes to Runcorn. People have to get 2 buses.
Cllr Ford said there is no bus from Hale to any station. Parking charges at Runcorn are £12 per day. Together
with toll charges companies are already moving things to Warrington.
Clerk to contact HBC
b Bowls mats Mr Antrobus spoke on behalf of Mr Lamb who has 2 mats available. They are 10ft wide and on
wheels. They will fit in the storage area.
Cllrs Wright, Jones and Hudson will view and consider the effect on the floor
c Accounts Mr Collins asked if the accounts would be made public. Clerk said all records are available to the
public on request and on completion of the VH accounts will be provided.
d PreceptMr Collins asked if the precept would decrease. The Clerk reiterated that when the precept was
increased it was not done for 1 year, as people have previously implied. It was intended to be long term.
Clerk will not advise a decrease when the budget is discussed in December.
eCable worksMr Platt said that the company doing the work are nice workers and providing good duty of care.
Believed to be D T Hughes.
f Vintage car event Mr Antrobus said the event in aid of Children in Need was very good but could have been
better supported.
14 Date of next meeting
Ordinary Meeting 20 November 2017 and a finance meeting to be agreed.
Closed 9.15pm
Signed as a true record ………………………………
Councillor E Hudson
20 November 2017
Tina Rogers-Smith, Clerk to Hale Parish Council
32 Coppice Green, Kingswood, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7WA, Tel: 01925 710947 Email: