Temperature Stakeholder Group Meeting
July 6, 2006
1:30 Carson Room, CDPHE
Sarah JohnsonWater Quality Control Division
Andrew ToddTrout Unlimited
Eric OppeltWater Quality Control Division
David MoonU.S. EPA
Melissa YoungCO Rock Products Association
Pat NelsonCH2M Hill
Amy WoodisMetro Wastewater
Jim DorschMetro Wastewater
Todd DahlbergCO Springs Utilities
Lee BergstedtChadwick Ecological
Lareina WallChadwick Ecological
Ed MeadCity of Boulder
Park PifherAurora
Gabe RaczTrout Raley/NCWCD
Chantell JohnsonTri-State
Jerry RaischVranesh & Raisch
Nancy KellerPueblo WRF
Phil HegemanWater Quality Control Division
Mindi MayWater Quality Control Division
Aimee KonowalWater Quality Control Division
Esther VincentNCWCD
Mary GardnerLittleton/Englewood WWTP
George RobinsonWest Elk/CMA
Scott ClarkBurns, Figa & Will – SCWCD
Christine JohnstonXcel Energy
Heather GutherlessJeffersonCounty
II.Database Status
The initial rollout will be presented at the July 18th meeting.
III.Attainment Issues/303(d) List
These issues will not be discussed in the Temperature Stakeholder Group, but will be addressed in the 303(d) Listing Methodology Workgroup headed up by Phil Hegeman.
The Division’s current thinking on this topic is shown in the attached document Temperature Standards and 303D.pdf.
IV.Species Margin of Safety
The Division’s current thinking on this topic is shown in the attached document Margin of Safety.pdf.
- CTM/UILT Relationship
There does not appear to be a clear relationship between CTM and UILT. The Division recommends that CTM data and UILT data be evaluated separately and that only UILT data be used for acute criteria. The Division’s current thinking is summarized in the attached document Comparison of CTM and UIL Data.pdf.
VI. Thermal Shock
The Division continues to evaluate thermal shock issues. The draft thermal shock provision includes the following: 2 to 4 degrees C for cold water streams and 1 to 2 degrees C for warm water streams. The Division’s current thinking on thermal shock is summarized in the attached document thermal shock.pdf.
VII.Community Composition
The Division has been working with the biologists in the workgroup to investigate the aquatic life community for different river basins in the state. The community composition issue also needs to be connected to the work being done by the Aquatic Life Workgroup. The current status of aquatic life species is summarized in the attached document The Boxes.pdf.
VIII.Next Steps
The Division is strongly recommending that dischargers and other interested parties submit relevant data to assist in the development of the final temperature proposal for the January rulemaking hearing.
Regulatory proposal and Statement of Basis and Purpose is due to the Water Quality Control Commission office on August 30, 2006.
Upcoming Temperature Stakeholder Meetings include:
July 18, 2006 10-12 (Carson Room, CDPHE)
August 16, 2006 10-12 (Carson Room, CDPHE)
September 6, 2006 1-3 (Carson Room, CDPHE)
September 20, 2006 2-4 (Carson Room, CDPHE)