TEFL Techniques
- Intro 11.10
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn” (Bartposter)
Today: 7 x 10 minutes, flexibility, 1st half talking at you, then involving, vid at half-time
My background: Forced choice. Tatte kudasai
B.A.(Hons) Eng and Am Studies, some linguistics (IPA vs katakana)
Film then MAF, communicative strategies, deep end, JET 30-40 (in principle)
CELTA 1999, Drivers license, basic tools, teaching from 2nd day
DES (+ Spain, U of Sun) 40 nats. Eur spkg + Asian grammar Snr T: class placement
Immersion(ALT-relevant): swimming pool, skiing, granny: “grown this much”
DELTA Methodology, Exam, 30 000wds, 5 obs, jargon:schemata, TEFL chip, Leslie
Adults vs Japanese SHS: 12 vs 40, monolingual, motivation: extrinsic vs intrinsic ,
result vs process-focused (e.g. info gap), attention span, level, vocational high schoolsOC vs Eng. Realistic aim is not fluency but awareness, make Eng fun
Steep learning curve, trial and error, 55x, benefits of repetition:timing, fine-tuning, resources: love your copier, reveal (TV news)
- Approaches 11.20
Grammar Translation: Teacher-centred, trad e.g. Latin, Japan vs Europe, UK, NZ
good for dead languages, good for exams e.g TOEFL, TOEIC, bad for speaking
Audiolingual Approach: WW2 drilling, Chomsky: "Language is not a habit structure. Ordinary linguistic behaviour characteristically involves innovation, formation of new sentences and patterns in accordance with rules of great abstractness and intricacy".
Communicative Approach: familiar, interaction,pair-work, info gap, games, roleplay, learning by teaching.TT vs JTL alone. P-P-P, T-T-T, deductive, elicitation, Krashen:i+1, acquisition,scaffolding (ashiba = ashi no bashou)
“Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication– in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding”
Silent Way: Caleb Gattegno, Cuisenaire rods, Fidels,ogdens, pointer,Ben Franklin
Task-Based Learning: e.g visit doctor, drama, video, mag, haka, field trip, other subjects
Total Physical Response: Dr James Asher San Jose U: Like a child, best with beginners, limited(imps)“Hokey-Tokey”, “Head,Shoulders”, “Simon Says”, sport, hunt, haka, dance
Suggestopaedia: Bulgarian Georgi Lozanov 8 sec diff. intonation, 60 bpm Baroque
Community Language Learning: new age, tape, knower and client
Recap 8 approaches Communicative the norm for teaching adults (elements from all)
- Excellent Teaching 11.30
A:Hattie’s “Visible Learning” Effect-Size”“Expert Teaching”
First 8 minutes. 3 things per lesson. Studies of 83 million students,
Everything teacher does is good. Not class-size, school type or facilities, Feedback
Read highlights from Table of Effect Sizest
“The major source of student variance lies with the person who gently closes the door of the classroom and performs the teaching act”
Survey: most important“The teacher knows me and cares about my progress”
“Seeing through the eyes of the learner”
“Atmosphere of trust where students can say we need help and errors are ok”
B: PJW’s “Excellent Teaching 11.35
Atmosphere of imperfection: Nihongo, singing, drawing, clumsiness, skiing
Excellence = Enthusiasm, Energy, Experience, Elicitation (go, play, do poster)
Praise (not chocolate) “Really good guess but wrong”Imp of guessing, engagement.
Miss Thompson: “You can’t sing. You’ll never be able to sing”Terrible (possibly true)
Patience: need time to react, esp Japanese, Yogo Gakko teachers with my Nihongo
Every situation, school, class, individual, day is different. Dynamics change.
Eye contact, neck, masks. Making connections. 90% personality (Leslie)
1000 names, handing out, baseball shirts, rugby bags, band, bunkasai, Nihongo
Variety in activities, VARK learners. Kiwi and kiwifruit pic demo
Variety in topics, fun, involvement. Expectations,weekly/monthly 2A “Nihonjin desu”
Learn on the job, best training, free hand,”If you can teach 46 uber-genki P.E. boys”
Keep it simple. Teach to strengths. Realistic goals. Sleep well at night! Bereavement
Very worthwhile. Command world peace. Important job. Miss Thompson/Noddy Sensei
- Video:Taylor Mali. (N.Y)11.40 (3. mins)
Slam poet.Nobility of teachers. At a dinner party, talking with lawyers and bankers (the W is silent) about how much money they make.
They ask Taylor the teacher:“What do you make?””What do teachers make?”
- Pair Work 11.50 (ideal unit, max speaking) “Don’t copy!”JTL translate rationale
“Oral Communication”: Info gap or jigsaw activities, one worksheet between two
Self-intro (poster) info gap (also Countries, famous sportspeople)
Battleships (poster) pre-teach sank, hit, miss (ball, ship, iceberg)
Animals 2 Drawing (posters x 2)
People: “In my picture…”(poster) “My monster has…”(poster)e.g. of scaffolding
Food: Odd one Out (demo) Draw apple, banana, orange, house
- Group Work 12.00 (works well in Japan)
Olympics: magnetic medals, mime (demo)(Sport and Instrument cards)
Music: mime (demo), instrument race (bus, baiorin, chero, shinbaru, fruit, UFOkneeum)
Song listening: choose clear, simple lyrics, elicit, Rainbow CD, farm boys
Families: Personalize. Opp Race (demo) Usually 6 teams, here 2 or 3. Throw pens.
Adjectives: Pelmanism(Memory) (magnetic cards), opposites race (demo)
People: Body Parts race: Kids (and adults) love writing on board
Cars: Racetrack
Trains: Board Game: Orange train line: make words from names in Romaji
Planes: Magnetic words
Internet: Board games, word search (great filler, settler, recycling)
- Whole Class Work 12.10
Animals mingle ( 2 xposters) Drill questions. e.g of process vs product
Pictionary: (Animalcards ( bear, ebi-CD)
Haka cultural role, TBL. TPR, change of environment, big empty room e.g. AV
Horseshoe Lesson (demo if time) birthday, name, club (Soft Tennis story)
Phone numbers bingo
Guitar: lyrics with scaffolding, variety
Hunt: out and about, practical directions and find the vocab.
French: Use katakana. (French numbers poster)
(Stand-by)Haka(Haka poster)
P/W demo (eikaiwa) volunteer: involve, difference, teacher, communication, connection
REVIEW: 3 things: 12.18
1.“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn”(Franklin)
2. What do teachers make? A difference (feedback, connections)
3. Scaffolding (ashiba = ashi no bashou)
Eight Ps: Participation-Personalization-Practice-Professionalism-
Preparation-Performance- Praise-Patience
1. Bart at blackboard Rugby ball
2. Go, Play, Do Pin magnets
3. Self-Intro Titanic and iceberg
5.Animal parts work sheet Sport cards
6.Animal Pictures A and B Music cards
7.Adams Family Animal cards
8.My Monster has… Adjective cards (magnetic)
9. Animal Mingle questions
10. Animal grid Rainbow CD ??
11. French katakana poster
12. Haka poster 2 x Whiteboard pens
13. Bart again 2 x sticker prizes
Forced Choice True or False
Go to the left or go to the right
(“Raise your hand” if insufficient space)
- I am from Australia F
- I have a degree in Education and Japanese Studies F
- I have spent two years of my life at sea F
- I have worked as a stuntman T
- I did my teacher training at Cambridge in the U.K. F
- I have taught students from more than 40 countries T
- I have 3 children F
- I love sashimi T
- I love natto F
- My country has more sheep than people.T