Hall of Fame Nomination

The Michigan Promotional Professionals Association has prospered and nurtured the growth of the promotional products industry throughout the state, the region and the nation. This success is possible because of the selfless and tireless efforts and dedication of individual volunteers who have shared their enthusiasm, professionalism, time, knowledge, vision and efforts to advance their industry and their association. The Michigan Promotional Professionals Association would like to give these individuals permanent recognition through induction into the MiPPA Hall of Fame.

Eligibility and Deadlines:

To be eligible for our highest honor, a candidate shall have made significant contributions to the membership of MiPPA, the promotional products industry and their community. The candidates may be living or deceased. Candidates must have been a member of MiPPA for a minimum of five (5) years as defined by the MiPPA bylaws. Current MiPPA Board of Directors are not eligible. Candidates must have been off the board for a minimum of two years to be considered.

Nominations open on March 1, 2017and close on September 1, 2017. Inductees will be announced and honored at the MiPPA Annual Meeting and Dinner.

Nomination Procedure and Election:

Nominations for Hall of Fame shall be by Association membership. All current MiPPA members are eligible to submit a nomination. Nomination forms are collected by the Executive Director who will forward eligible nominations to the MiPPA Hall of Fame Selection Committee. The Hall of Fame Selection Committee will select and notify the President of the Association and the Executive Director of their selection.

Nominees who are not selected will automatically be reconsidered the following year. If not inducted the second year, candidates will need to be nominated again before being reconsidered.

MiPPA Hall of Fame Members

2009 - Kenneth R. Kelsey MAS, Alvin H. Ellwood, Sr and Howard J. Steinmetz MAS

2010 - Paul A. Kiewiet MAS+ 2012 - Donna Hall 2013 – Allen Bates MAS

Nominations must be returned by September 1, 2017 to Paul A Kiewiet, Executive Director

MiPPA • PO Box 151520 • Grand Rapids, MI 49515-1520 • •

fax 734-699-7363 • 800-771-0269 • or via online form submission


Name of Nominee______


Zip Code______Telephone______Email______

Optional - Date of Nominee’s Birth (and death if deceased)______

Years involved in the industry______Current Company______


InstitutionDegreeDate Attended





Company NamePosition(s)Approximate Dates







MiPPA Board of Directors______

(include offices held)______





MiPPA Committee Service______

(include offices held)______

Industry Education______

Certifications (CAS/MAS)______

MiPPA Awards______

Industry Speaker______

Articles Published______

Notable Contributions to MiPPA ______




(Include PPAI or Regional offices held)

Board of Directors______


Committee / Task Force______

Advisory Boards______

Industry Awards______

Articles or Books Published______

Notable Contributions to PPAI, Other Reigional Associations or the Industry at Large






Fraternal Organizations______

Religious Organizations______

Military Service______

Professional / Business______


Public Offices Held______

Civic Club Affiliations______

Special Recognitions and Achievements from any of the above______




Please provide a synopsis of why you believe the nominee should be inducted into the MiPPA Hall of Fame on a separate sheet.

Nominator’s Name______

Company Name______

Only one seconder is required for a valid nomination; however, up to four seconders may be listed. It is the responsibiity of the nominator to verify with a seconder that her/his name be listed. The seconder does not need to sign this form. Seconders may submit a letter of recommendation and endorsement if they desire. Current MiPPA Board and Hall of Fame Selection Committee members are not eligible to second the nomination.

Seconder’s Name______Company______

Seconder’s Name______Company______

NOMINEE VERIFICATION: I have reviewed the information submitted on this form and provided all the necessary changes and/or additions. To the best of my knowledge, all information is correct.

Nominee’s Signature______Date______

MiPPA Hall of Fame Nomination