SEPTEMBER 14, 2009
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Fluids Distribution Systems Task Group (FLU) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 14-Sept-09
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
William / Austin
Caton / Parker
The Boeing Company
Ted / Clements
Goosen / The Boeing Company
Parker Stratoflex
David / Griffin / Boeing Commercial
* / Kevin / Heck / Lockheed Martin
* / Mike
Andrew / King
Mau / Northrop Grumman
Fred / Meyer / Cessna Aircraft
* / Robert / Schreiber / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
* / Mark / Scott / The Boeing Company
* / Dan / Smith / GE Aviation
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEJohn / Brittan / Eaton Corporation
Earnest / Brown / DSCC
Alex / Choisser
Chozen / Esterline Engineered Material
National Utilities
* / Roger / Christianson / Hydraflow
Jeff / Deadler / Alcoa Fastening Systems
May / Danhash / Designed Metal Connections
Carlos / Garfias / Airdrom
Mike / Gordon
Howlett / Aerofit Inc.
James / Hudlet / Jetseal
Doug / Klamar
Kutzer / National Utilities Company
Sampson / McCann
Mekuria / Esterline Engineered Material
PFW Aerospace
Kevin / Metcalf / Nelson Aerospace
Mansoor / Motavvef / Kirkhill-TA Company
Dan / Munley / Eaton Corporation
Ky / Nguyen / AdelWiggins
Nilesh / Patel / Shur-Lok
Mike / Paveglio / Smiths Tubular Systems
Bill / Perea / Atlas Specialty
Leo / Perez / Allan Aircraft Supply Co.
Bret / Pio / California Technical Plating
Clayton / Ramclam / PAMCO
Tim / Rusk / B&E Manufacturing
Mark / Scatoloni / Faber Emprises Inc.
Dave / Sherwood / Eaton Aerospace
John / Smith / Sandvik Special Metals
Larry / Solinger / B&E Manufacturing
* / Ron
Dennis / Spencer
Spry / Faber Enterprises Inc.
Jon / Stanek
Swann / Wyman Gordon
GE Aviation
J&M Products
Hans / Tomsic
Vandervelden / Voss
SAE Consultant
Mark / Wade
Wilson / Smiths Tubular Systems
PRI Staff Present
Ken Lefebvre Auditor
Keith / Purnell1.2 Nadcap Code of Ethics (CLOSED / OPEN)
The attached Antitrust and Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest were reviewed with the Task Group.
1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes / RAIL Review – OPEN
The minutes from the 16-Mar-09, Fluids Distribution Systems Task Group meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
The following RAIL items were reviewed: Balloting of AC7123 and auditor training materials.
2.0 Auditor Training – (CLOSED)
Auditor training will be conducted the week of 19-Oct-09 in Pittsburgh, PA. The training outline was reviewed and the Chairperson and Staff Engineer will be conducting the training.
3.0 AS85052 Loop Clamps – (CLOSED)
Loop and saddle clamp audit questions developed by the Sub-Team were added to a draft AC7112/3 audit checklist. Sub-Team is in process of reviewing the draft checklist to verify no additional questions are required. Staff Engineer is identifying where section N/As need to be added.
ACTION ITEM: Sub-Team to report any additional changes required to the draft AC7112/3 to the Staff Engineer. (DUE DATE: 30-Sept-09).
4.0 Staff Delegation – (CLOSED)
Staff Engineer delegation metrics were reviewed. Staff Engineer K. Purnell exceeded the minimum 10% oversight and 90% concurrence therefore maintains delegation status.
5.0 Subcontracting – (CLOSED)
Reviewed and revised the proposed wording to address subcontracting of machining.
Revised wording will be a topic of discussion in the Open Nadcap Meeting.
6.0 New Business – (CLOSED)
Samuel Buri of Boeing submitted a written request to fill the Nadcap Fluids Distribution Systems Vice Chairperson position.
Motion made by Mark Scott and seconded by Dan Smith to accept Samuel Buri as the next Nadcap Fluids Distribution Systems Task Group Vice Chairperson. The Task Group voted unanimously in agreement and the Motion passed.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update S. Buri eAuditNet status to Vice Chairperson. (DUE DATE: 16-Oct-09).
7.0 Routing Attendance List – (OPEN)
Roster was circulated for all in attendance to sign.
8.0 Approval of Minutes – (OPEN)
The minutes from the 16-Mar-09, FLU Task Group Meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
9.0 Nadcap Staff Report – (OPEN)
Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report and Task Group Metrics (attached).
Suppliers were reminded to verify their scope of accreditation during the Nadcap audit. The Suppliers QML Scope along with their QPL listings identifies to buyers products they are approved to manufacture. Some questions were raised concerning the specifications being listed in the QML scope of accreditation. A Sub-Team was formed to review the Fluids Task Group’s Preliminary Questionnaire s-frm-14 to verify the specifications listed are correct. Sub-Team formed consisted of S. Buri, D. Gordon, K. Purnell, M. Scatoloni, M. Scott and D. Smith.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to set up a Sub-Team conference call to review the Task Groups Preliminary Questionnaire. (DUE DATE: 18-Dec-09).
10.0 Periodic Tests – (OPEN)
M. Scott G3 QPG Chairperson provided an update on projects the Qualified Product Group (QPG) is working on. They are also trying to expand the number of primes participating in the QPG. To increase productivity periodic test matrixes have been completed and the following presentation on Periodic Testing was reviewed.
11.0 Supplier Report – (OPEN)
R. Spencer presented a summary of the supplier meeting:
· Primes have spoken of leakage problems with fittings; suppliers requested more specific information so they could help in determining a root cause.
· Suppliers asked if they are permitted to see their supplier’s Nadcap audits. Currently, only Nadcap Subscribing Primes, Subscribing Government Activities & PRI Staff have access to supplier audits in eAuditNet. Subscribers pay a yearly fee for access to this information. Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-001 defines a Subscribing Prime as “Nadcap Subscriber Prime members are those aerospace or defense contractor prime companies who are Nadcap Subscribers and Production and Design Approval holders (such as Technical Standard Order [TSO], Type Certificate [TC], Production Certificate [PC] holders) from regulatory agency approval. These Subscriber Members have the design authority to write their own special process specifications and have internal engineering organizations to provide technical directions and support.”
Suppliers have access to their own audits in eAuditNet. If you want to see a subcontractors Nadcap audit, you will need to ask them for a copy.
· Suppliers expressed concerned that their suppliers may have a supplier advisory issued against them, and they would not be aware of the advisory. PRI Staff clarified that when a Supplier Advisory is issued the supplier is required to notify its customers.
12.0 Subcontracting – (OPEN)
There has been a lot of discussion concerning auditing of subcontractors that perform machining. The following proposed wording was discussed: “In the event that an OCM uses sub tier contractors for machining of sealing surfaces and threads which includes surfaces contacting the metal tube, machined fittings, inner hose or of threads on fittings and couplings (excluding bolts) that do not have AS9100 & AC7112, AC7112/2 or AC7112/3 accreditation as applicable to the operation being performed by the sub-tier contractors, the OCM shall implement compliance with applicable requirements of AS9100 & AC7112, AC7112/2 or AC7112/3 as applicable to the operation being performed by the sub-tier contractors. This is to include an initial audit of the sub-tier supplier performed by onsite audit. Future onsite audit frequency can be 12, 18 or 24 month dependent upon the supplier’s monitored performance and the OCM's quality assurance system requirements. Performance will be monitored by the OCM performing critical attribute inspections / verifications upon receipt of the product from sub-tier supplier. If an OCM delegates sub-tier supplier to make and perform all final inspection / verification then annual onsite audits are required.”
Primes will review the proposed wording one more time during the next QPG Conference call and then forward to suppliers.
13.0 New Business – (OPEN)
No new business was discussed.
14.0 Action Item Review – (OPEN)
Action items will be included in the Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) attached to the end of these meeting minutes.
ADJOURNMENT – 14-Sept-09 – Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Minutes Prepared by: Keith Purnell
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