St Mary’s C.E.V.C. Primary School,
Mill Lane,
Bradford Abbas,
Telephone and fax: 01935 476515
Headteacher: Miss E Grunnill
Administrative Officer: Mrs. E. Hemsley
Dear Parents and Carers,
This half term there will be a wide variety of clubs being held, some are paid clubs and others are being run by our staff who voluntarily give up their time to enhance sporting and creative opportunities for our children.
All paid clubs will run whatever the weather and will hold precedence over other clubs for the hall space.
Clubs will run from W/B 14th September to W/B/ 19th October.
Day / 7:45-8:45 / Lunchtime / After School 3:30-4:30Monday / Chess Club KS2
Recorders (separate letter to follow) / Football KS2 – Cost £21
(Premier Education Group)
Tuesday / Start Active -Cost £21
(Premier Education Group) / Netball Yr. 5/6 / Netball Yr. 2/3/4
Cooking (separate letter to follow)
Modelling Club KS2
Wednesday / Recorders (separate letter to follow) / School Matches
Country Dance Yr1/2/3
Thursday / Juggling Club Yr 2/3/4 / Play Active Yr1/2 -Cost £21
(Premier Education Group)
Tag Rugby KS2
Friday / Guitar KS2
Clubs run by the Premier Education Group are to be booked through the following link.
This link also gives more detail about the clubs and their aims. Please note that payment is to be made direct to PEG.
If you would like your child to participate in any of the above clubs please return the reply slip ASAP. Clubs run by PEG will need to be booked online. If your child is in receipt of pupil premium funding and wants to be involved in any of the PEG clubs, please see Miss Grunnill or Mrs Hemsley beforehand. Places for clubs will be issued on a first come first served basis. Any issues or problems please speak to Miss Stuckey.
Yours sincerely
Kate Stuckey
Sports coordinator
Name of child………………………………………..
Please circle the clubs you would like your child to attend. Remember to book any paid clubs online.
Day / 7:45-8:45 / Lunchtime / After School 3:30-4:30Monday / Chess Club KS2
Recorders (separate letter to follow) / Football KS2 – Cost £21
(Premier Education Group)
Tuesday / Start Active -Cost £21
(Premier Education Group) / Netball Yr. 5/6 / Netball Yr. 2/3/4
Cooking (separate letter to follow)
Modelling Club KS2
Wednesday / Recorders (separate letter to follow) / School Matches
Country Dance Yr1/2/3
Thursday / Juggling Club Yr 2/3/4 / Play Active Yr1/2 -Cost £21
(Premier Education Group)
Tag Rugby KS2
Friday / Guitar KS2
EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER………………………………………………………………
My child is allowed to walk home by themselves YES/NO
My child will be collected by ………………………………..
Signed ……………………………….. Date…………