August 2004 doc.: 11-04/975r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Teleconference Minutes of TGs

Date: August 26, 2004

Authors: Tyan-Shu Jou
Accton Technology Corporation
2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite 200
Santa Clara, CA95054 USA
Phone: +1-408-330-0940 x285

Donald E. Eastlake 3rd

Motorola Laboratories

11 Locke Drive

Marlboro, MA 01752 USA

Phone: +1-508-786-7554



Minutes and participants list for the Teleconference of the IEEE 802.11 TGs held on August 25, 2004 hosted by TGs Chairman Donald Eastlake of Motorola Laboratories.


Highlights 2

Full Minutes 2

Participants 3


§  For the coming September 2004 802.11 Interim meeting, TGs is scheduled to meet on Monday late morning and early afternoon, Tuesday afternoon and evening, and Thursday morning for total 14 hours.

§  The tentative thoughts on the agenda are:

Monday: the required initial policy announcements, secretary election, and presentation and discussion of term definition, usage cases, and TGs scope documents.

Tuesday: Joint meeting with TGr, Medium Coordination ad hoc group report, military usage cases and mesh routing presentations. In the evening session, we can consider motions on the documents discussed Monday and general process discussions.

On Thursday there can be more presentations and further discussion of the process, which may include work on a functional requirements document and a call for proposals skeleton document. Any additional time left can be used for ad-hoc group discussion.

§  The tentative TGs agenda will be found in 802.11-04/831.

Full Minutes

Minutes was taken by ESS Mesh Study Group Secretary Tyan-Shu Jou and edited by Donald Eastlake.

Teleconference started at 3PM (Pacific Daylight Time, 6PM Eastern US Daylight Saving Time).

Donald mentioned that in the coming Berlin meeting, TGs will have 14 scheduled meeting hours. The tentative 802.11 agenda can be found in document 04/818r1.

The sessions will be:

Monday from 10:30 to noon, and 13:30 to 15:30.

Tuesday sessions start with a joint meeting with TGr at 13:30, follow with 2 sessions for the rest of the day.

And then 2 sessions on Thursday morning.

So far Donald has received 3 presentation requests, 2 of them are related to military usage cases, and one for mesh routing overview.

There will also be ad-hoc groups result/documents report and discussion, at least for definitions, usage cases, and scope.

Toward the end of Tuesday and Thursday some time will be used for process discussion.

One suggestion was to schedule the discussion of ad-hoc group documents earlier so the task group can have time to adopt the documents, if it wants, before the end of the meeting.

There are some working TGs related documents (term definition and scope of TGs) that can be found in 802.11WG document pool and Tricci So urged people to send comments to her by the end of the week so she can announce the availability of the documents in 802.11 reflector to draw attention from the larger audience.

It was mentioned that the newly re-named “Mesh Media Access Coordination” ad-hoc group (formerly MAC enhancement group) will make a report too.

The routing ad hoc group will have a tutorial presentation and maybe a routing requirement discussion.

The security ad hoc group may be able to make a contribution.

Donald mentioned 802.21 may show interests to have a joint session with TGs/TGr like they did in Portland.

Donald is planning to use Monday to have 802.11 required initial policy announcements and the permanent secretary election in the first session. He emphaized we are still soliciting the candidate for the secretary position.

On Tuesday, we will have the joint session with TGr. This will be announced soon to the 802.11 mailing list to solicit contributions for that session. We can shorten the joint meeting time if there are not many issues to discuss.

We can plan to have most presentations done on Tuesday.

Steven Conner mentioned that in the last meeting a straw poll indicated that people wanted to call for proposals after the November meeting this year with proposals possible due in March 2005 without any detailed plan to back up the choice of the date. He suggested to adopt a functional requirements document in addition to the requirement mentioned in the PAR. Or, we can form a formal sub-committee to define the requirements. Donald agreed to discuss those things initially on Tuesday evening and then on Thursday.

Tricci So seconded Steven’s idea on adopting a functional requirement document.

The tentative thoughts on the agenda are:

Monday: policy, secretary election, term definition, usage cases, and TGs scope documents discussion.

Tuesday: Joint meeting with TGr, Medium Coordination subgroup report, military usage cases and mesh routing presentations. In the evening session, we can handle motions on the documents discussed on Monday.

As of now, no presentations have been requested for the joint TGr meeting but if it is short, we can break into TGr and TGs early so TGs could use the rest of that Tuesday session.

On Thursday there can be more presentations and further discussion of the process. Any additional time can be left for ad-hoc group discussion.

Donald suggested having a skeleton call for proposals, and such a document can be filled in and adopted in November, if a call for proposals is issued them. But some on the teleconferecne were dubious of this and Donald offered to compile a short list of pointers to calls for proposals that other TGs had issued. These issues can be discussed on Tuesday/Thursday as well.

Donald mentioned there had been a complaint that an ad-hoc TGs sub-group appeared to be “official”, and suggested the removal of any “IEEE” from the path name of any web pages being used by informal groups to develop submissions. Guido promised to do so for any pages he manages once Donald has clear instructions.

Donald will try to bring a projector with him for ad-hoc groups to use.

The tentative agenda will be checked in under DCN #04/831 in 802.11 document poll.

The teleconference adjourned at 3:40PM PDT.


TGs August 2004 Teleconf Minutes page 3 Tyan-Shu Jou, Accton Technology Corp

August 2004 doc.: 11-04/975r0

Patrick Foy (3eti)

Donald Eastlake 3rd (Motorola)

Vann Hasty (Mesh Networks)

Guido R. Hiertz (Aachen University)

Tricci So (Nortel)

Dong-Jye Shyy (MITRE)

Lily Yang (Intel)

W. Steven Conner (Intel)

Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony)

Myung J. Lee (CCNY)

Tyan-Shu Jou (Accton)

Malik Audeh (Tropos)

TGs August 2004 Teleconf Minutes page 3 Tyan-Shu Jou, Accton Technology Corp