Catholic Mutual Group

1000 Howard Ave., Suite 1202

New Orleans, LA 70113

(504) 527-5767

(504) 527-5799 Facsimile

(877) 527-5760 x 2227 Toll Free

(504) 450-2979 Cellular

Cheryl Harper

Regional Manager

We are in deep freeze season! Avoid ruptured pipes and freeze damage by the following:


  1. Inspect and service all the furnaces and heat pumps to ensure they are clean and operating properly with clean filters. Clogged and dirty filters cause the heating system to waste energy while heating the building to your desired set point temperatures.
  2. Check carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to make sure they are operational.
  3. Pipes identified as being potentially subject to freezing should be properly insulated, especially those pipes which are located outdoors above ground.
  4. Clean chimneys to ensure they are clear and not clogged with soot and other debris, which can cause gases to build up inside your buildings.
  5. Windows, doors, and ventilation openings should be examined for gaps or cracks where cold air may enter. Minor gaps can be eliminated by caulking; however, major gaps may require replacement. Check for drafts and other areas of heat loss. Windows and doors that do not close tightly should be repaired to mitigate heat loss during these extreme weather conditions. There is a removable window caulk product that is available for indoor use to help temporarily seal window drafts.


1.All properties should be adequately heated during winter months to prevent pipes from freezing.

2.All unoccupied buildings with water/plumbing should be checked twice daily. Heat should be temporarily adjusted to at least sixty degrees during these extremely cold temperatures.

3.Be aware of fire sprinkler piping located in unheated attics. Most sprinkler system piping contains water. If you have an unheated attic with sprinkler lines, be certain to run the heat in the upper-most floor to prevent temperatures in the attic from remaining below freezing for any length of time.

4.As winter arrives, a designated person should routinely inspect the property in order to limit damage if a water pipe has frozen. Mission churches, parish halls, schools, and other occupancies that are used on a limited basis should also be checked. These buildings can

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Freeze Prevention

sustain extensive water damage before the problem is discovered. During holidays and weekends, when buildings are unoccupied (such as schools) or have minimum staff on

hand, substantial losses can be incurred before it can be determined that a water pipe has frozen and burst.

5.If a building is unoccupied, a designated person should either maintain an adequate building temperature or turn off the water and drain the pipes. You cannot turn water off to buildings with sprinkler systems for fire protection.

6.The temporary use of indoor space heaters and other non-fuel supplied heaters to maintain building heat during a boiler or furnace repair can mitigate the extent of any potential damage to your pipes and plumbing. Be sure to remove all combustibles and storage away from space heaters.

7.Any cabinet, closet or other enclosure can restrict the flow of heat to pipes and plumbing, especiallyon outside walls or in entranceways.

8.Leave faucets dripping and open doors/cabinets to expose water supply pipes to warmer temperatures.

9.Keep light bulbs turned on near pipes and plumbing fixtures. Heat emitted from the light bulb in a closet can help keep these pipes and fixtures from freezing.

10.Have a plan in place in the event of a boiler or furnace malfunction. Make arrangements with your HVAC service provider to provide 24 hour response to your location.

If your location experiences a frozen pipe burst or other water loss – turn off the main water supply and immediately contact your plumber or mechanical contractor, then Contact Catholic Mutual Group who will arrange for a contractor to remove water and dry the area.


serving the temporal needs of the church since 1889