Monday 13 November at 7.00pm at The Library
In attendance: Alan Collins, Bryn Williams, Catherine Desmond, Julia Cork, Meriel Flux, Tei Williams, Stella O’Neill
Apologies: - Diane Cogan
1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)
3. Chair's Report
3.1 AC proposed that the meeting accept OCC's new financial offer for 2 years from April 2018. It has gone up by 8% to £6180 P/A (£515 P/M). The meeting formally accepted the motion.
3.2 In memory of Celia Clarke £50 was raised and donated to Katharine House. Colin Clarke thanked the library for its support.
3.3 S106 Money from David Wilson Homes Development - no further update although OCC has the money. It can be spent on enhancing facilities ie cloakrooms, kitchenette. We should be prepared for March meeting with a list.
4. Treasurer's Report
4.1 the balance on 10th November was £17,511.19
4.2 We now have 95 monthly subs. Three annual subs have switched to monthly contributions.
4.3 Calendar Sales at the end of October was £1,360.
£1,446.76 calendar surplus with two sponsors still to pay.
Reminders going to outstanding invoices.
4.4 DFM to be thanked for its donation of £300 towards a Shed and laminator.
5. Volunteers Update
5.1 One volunteer has been absent and might well be off until the end of January with damaged knee. Julia has been standing in.
5.2 Xmas get together with volunteers - we currently have 10 library community
and 9 home library volunteers, 5 rhyme time volunteers and 2 digital helpers. A couple of dates were suggested for coffee and mince pies. An email to be sent out to all volunteers to see which time is the most popular.
6. Library Manager's Update
6.1 Library Fund Update - no update.
6.2 Xmas opening - OCC has decided that the library should be open over Christmas, but without volunteer support. Stella is on leave, but Gail will stand in for some shifts.
7. Web & Social Media
Photos to be added to Facebook to show the library in use.
8. Library Yard Weeding & disposal
The yard is now clear, and thanks were offered to all the helpers. The weeds need to be disposed of. A quote to be obtained.
9. Fundraising
9.1 Book Sales - we've had more donations and still pricing up older books
9.2 Parish 2018 Calendar - 144 sold by end of October. Each sponsor has had one copy and the complimentary ones to be held back. Lots of good feedback on the new format. The hole for hanging could be made larger next year. Maybe next year we should sell on ebay or Amazon.
9.3 Postcards & notelets - Bryn brought samples. The calendar people can do the design and print. A6 postcard 100 x 8 images
Solo Press quoted £240 - The Calendar people £160 plus design £45. Bryn showed a sample Notelet and it was decided that we should get a quote with envelope.
9.4 Nicholsons' Christmas Fair - Saturday 2 December - from 9 - 7pm tbc.
9.5 Other Sales opportunities for calendars before Christmas - Meriel will offer 20% to the church when she sells at the Christmas Sale. Hempton will sell at their Christmas Bazaar. Bryn to see if he can do Barford Market.
9.6 Bengal Spice night - Bryn saw Mr Chaudhry who has offered us two evenings. 20 or 27 Feb. Bryn to find out half term date and circulate the date.
9.7 Dee - She has donated her ex stock to FoDL for sale. Some to be sold at the market. TW to bring mugs to the market. Meriel showed sample book bags. Cost about £1.50 and sell for a fiver. Meriel to provide samples for the market where orders will be taken.
11. Any other business
Meeting concluded at 8pm
Monday 8th January