Board Approved 7-26-01 – Revised May 2009

S / Grade 1 Mathematics

TEKS/LINKS - Student Objectives

/ Suggested TimeRanges
The following processes and tools should be used daily and are ongoing throughout the year.
6 / M1.11 The student will:
(A) identify mathematics in everyday situations;
(B) solve problems with guidance that incorporates the processes of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness;
(C) select or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, or acting it out in order to solve a problem; and
(D) use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.
M1.12 The student will:
(A) explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology; and
(B) relate informal language to mathematical language and symbols.
M1.13 The student will justify his or her thinking using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology. / Ongoing
Note: The suggested time ranges reflect a minimum of 60 minutes of daily mathematics instruction.
Technology TEKS
T7(B) The student will use appropriate software to express ideas and solve problems.
T8(B) The student will use electronic tools and research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment.
T1 (A) The student will use technology terminology appropriate to the task.
T1 (B) The student will start and exit programs as well as create, name, and save files.
T1 (C) The student will use networking terminology such as on-line, network, or password and access remote equipment on a network such as a printer.
T 2(A) Use a variety of imput devices including Digital Cameras
T2(B) Use proper Keyboarding Techniques such as correct body position.
T3 (A) The student will follow acceptable use policies when using computers.
T3 (B) The student will model respect of intellectual property by not illegally copying software or another individual’s electronic work.
T7(A) The student will use software programs with audio
T 7(B) The student will use appropriate software
T 10 (A) The student will use font attributes
T10 (B) The student will use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for the communication media including multimedia screen displays and printed materials.
T11(A) The student will publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy or monitor display.
S / Grade 1 Mathematics

TEKS/LINKS - Student Objectives

/ Suggested TimeRanges
First Six Weeks
LM The student will name and use ordinal numbers to sequence objects or events. / 1 – 2 days
LM The student will read and write numbers to 25 to describe a set of concrete objects. [M1.1D]
LM The student will compare and order whole numbers up to 25 (before, after, between, less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models. [M1.1A]
LM1.1(B) The student will create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe, compare, and order whole numbers to 25. [M1.1(B)]
LM The student will identify place value to 25. [M1.5(C)]
LM The student will solve problems by drawing a picture and acting it out. [M1.11(C)] / 8 – 10 days
LM The student will model and create addition and subtraction problem situations (sums to 6) with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences.[M1.3(A)]
LM the student will use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition facts (sums to 6). M1.3(B)
M1.12(B) The student will relate informal language and mathematical language and symbols. / 8 – 10 days
M1.4 The student uses repeating patterns and additive patterns to make predictions. (Patterns will be continued into the Second Six Weeks.) / 2 – 3 days
Second Six Weeks
2 / M1.5(B) The student will find patterns in numbers, including odd and even.
M1.5(A) The student will use patterns to skip count by twos, fives, and tens.
LM The student will solve problems by looking for a pattern. [M1.11(C)] / 8 – 10 days
LM The student will read and write numbers to 50 to describe a set of concrete objects. [M1.1D]
LM The student will compare and order whole numbers up to 50 (before, after, between, less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models. [M1.1A]
LM1.1(B) The student will create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe, compare, and order whole numbers to 50. [M1.1(B)]
LM The student will identify place value for tens and ones for numbers to 50. / 2 – 4 days
1 / LM The student will model and create addition and subtraction problem situations (sums to 12) with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences. M1.3A
LM The student will memorize facts sums and differences to 6. / 6 – 8 days
2 / LM The student will learn and apply addition and subtraction facts (to 12) using concrete models. M1.3B
LM The student will identify patterns in related addition and subtraction sentences (fact families for sum to 12 and differences from 12). M1.5E
LM The student will solve problems by looking for a pattern. [M1.11(C)] / 3 – 4 days
Third Six Weeks
M1.8 (A) The student will order three or more events according to duration.
M1.8 (B) The student will read time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks. / 5 – 7 days
M1.6(A) The student will describe and identify two-dimensional geometric figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares (a special type of rectangle).
[M1.6(B) The student will describe and identify three-dimensional geometric figures, including spheres, rectangular prisms (including cubes), cylinders, and cones.
M1.6(C) The student will describe and identify two- and three- dimensional geometric figures in order to sort them according to a given attribute using informal and formal language.
M1.6(D) The student will use concrete models to combine two-dimensional geometric figures to make new geometric figures. / 10 – 12 days
2 / M1.9(A) The student will collect and sort data.
M1.9(B) The students will use organized data to construct real object graphs, picture graphs, and bar type graphs.
M1.10(A) The student will draw conclusions and answer questions using information organized in real object graphs, picture graphs, and bar-type graphs.
LM The student will explain and record observations about graphs. [M1.12(A)]
The student will reason and support his or her thinking using words. [M1.13] / 4 – 6 days
Fourth Six Weeks
M1.1(D) The student will read and write numbers to 99 to describe a set of concrete objects.
LM1.1(B) The student will create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe, compare, and order whole numbers to 99. [M1.1(B)]
M1.1(A)The student will compare and order whole numbers up to 99 (before, after, between, less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models.
M1.5(C) The student will compare and order whole numbers using place value.
LM The student will solve problems by systematic guessing and checking. [M1.11(C)] / 8 – 10 days
1 / LM The student will use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts(sums to 12).
The student will memorize facts sums and differences to 10.
[M1.3 (B) The student will use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to 9 + 9 = 18 and 18 – 9 = 9)] / 3 – 5 days
1 / LM The student will use patterns to skip count by fives, and tens. M1.5A
M1.1(C) The student will identify individual coins by name and value and describe relationships among them.
LM The student will determine the value of an amount of like coins, (sets of only pennies, only nickels, and only dimes).
M1.5(A) The student will use patterns to skip count by twos, fives, and tens.
M1.11(A) The student will identify mathematics in everyday situations.
LM The student will solve problems by appropriate problem-solving strategy. [M1.11(C)] / 8 – 10 days
Fifth Six weeks
M1.7(A) The student will estimate and measure length using non-standard units, such as paper clips or sides of color tiles.
M1.7(B) The student will compare and order two or more concrete objects according to length (from longest to shortest).
M1.7(C) The student will describe the relationship between the size of the unit and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. / 8 – 10 days
M1.7(D) The student will compare and order the area of two or more two-dimensional surfaces (from covers the most to covers the least). / 2 – 3 days
M1.7(F) The student will compare and order two or more objects according to weight/mass (from heaviest to lightest). / 2 – 3 days
M1.7(E) The student will compare and order two or more containers according to capacity (from holds the most to holds the least). / 2 – 3 days
M1.7(G) The student will compare and order two or more objects according to relative temperature (from hottest to coldest).
LM The student will justify his or her thinking using words. [M1.13] / 2 – 3 days
M1.3(B) The student will use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to 9 + 9 = 18 and 18 – 9 = 9).
LM The student will model and create addition problem situations, (sums to 18), with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences.
[M1.3(A) The students will model and create addition and subtraction problem situations with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences.]
M1.3(A) The students will model and create addition and subtraction problem situations with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences.
M1.5 (E) The student will identify patterns in related addition and subtraction sentences (fact families for sums to 18) such as 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 – 2 = 3, and 5 – 3 = 2.
LM The student will explain and record observations using numbers. [M1.12(A)]
LM The student will reason and support his or her thinking using numbers. [M1.13]
M1.5(D) The student will use patterns to develop strategies to solve basic addition and basic subtraction problems. / 4 – 6 days
Sixth Six Weeks
M1.2(B) The student will use appropriate language to describe part of a set such as three out of the eight crayons are red.
M1.2(A) The student will separate a whole into two, three, or four equal parts and use appropriate language to describe the parts such as three out of four equal parts. / 7 – 9 days
M1.10(B) The student will identify events as certain or impossible such as drawing a red crayon from a bag of green crayons.
M1.11(D) The student will solve problems using technology. [M1.11(D)] / 4 – 5 days
LM The student will read and write number words to 99 to describe sets of concrete objects. Note: Review compare and ordering / 3 – 4 days
LM The student will use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to 9 + 9 = 18 and 18 – 9 = 9) in problem situations. M1.3B
LM The student will memorize facts sums and differences to 12. / 6 – 8 days


M - Mathematics

LM – Local math objective

LM – Local math objective

Brackets & Italics– TEKS statement referenced by local objective (LM)