The***6th Annual 2015 USARD Convention
Crown Plaza Hotel, Danbury Connecticut
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday April 17, 18 &19
Arrive and Register with the hotel 2:00 – 6:30 pm
Arrive and Register with U.S.A.R.D. 2:00 - 7:00 pm
Social Hour (cash bar in the ballroom)
Opening Ceremony: 7:00 - 7:05 pm The Danbury Drum and Bugle Corps: Director, Sean Bigham 203-470-8615 The Corps will play the National Anthem and a four minute medley
Presentation: 7:05 - 7:15 Dominick 203-405-1176 "Family Drum Ensemble" will present a "Salute to the Troops" performing as The Great American Fife & Drum Band featuring Dominick Cuccia drum, Therese Cuccia fife & drum, Grace Cuccia fife, Little Dominick Cuccia drum, John Paul Cuccia drum, Tess Cuccia fife, Francis Cuccia mascot just 2 years old.
Our U.S.A.R.D. Welcome and Announcements:7:15 - 7:25 pm:There will also be introductions, announcements, participant requirements, coffee and a description of the weekend. Everyone isencouraged to attend. Announcements will include needing to prepare and have a higher sense of order and awareness for Mass Drumming, making use of our program handouts which identify the flow of the Convention. Keep an eye on the schedule and please don’t do a play and stay without registering. Stay within allotted time and don’t wait for your time slot if your next then go ahead and perform. We will also clear the main Ballroom tomorrow from 9:20 to 9:30, reopening them at that 9:30 time. There will also be raffles throughout the day…please help if you can. Mostly…have fun!
Presentation: 7:25-7:55 pm NE Chapter U.S.A.R.D. Presenter: Gary Gillotti 978-502-1611 Introductions by: Phyllis Gillotti.
Performers are Gary Gay, Gary Gillotti, Joe Gillotti, Mary Saunders, Paul Saunders, Randy Wilcox, Roger Hunnewell Dave Hervin, Hattie Hevrin, Denise Ciastko, Al Merritt, Toni Noach, and Lee Caron.
- There will be a family theme with Joe & Gary Gillotti performing a solos "Belmont Boys", "Off to Danbury" and "Road to Bethel"
- Mary & Paul Saundersplay Stillman's reel & backsticking solo
- The Ct. Rebel Drum Line will play a piece known as "Heat Wave", performers: Paul and Mary Saunders, Gary Gay, Tony Noach & Al Merritt
- Father and daughter duet Dave and Hattie HevrinwithDenise Ciastkoaccompanying on fifewill perform Frog in the Well and Mifflin Guard.
- Randy Wilcox and Roger Hunnewell play "Cooperman's"
- The performers of the N.E. Chapter will play Downfall of Paris and combined will conclude with a Tribute to John Hanewich "Yellow Rose of Texas (Connecticut Half Time)".
Lee Caronof Fairfield Ct., an educator, clinician; American rudimental and Swiss rudimental drummer will perform two Berger solos.
Presentation: Frank Zappone 7:55-8:05 pm.203-758-0362 performing on a rod tension and high tension pipe snare drum. Titlesof selections are: “Back In the Day.” & “Crazy Drumming.”Frank’s experience includes the Torrington Vagabonds, St. Peter’s Drum Corps, Ct. Alumni, Drum Company Percussion Ensemble and the Ct. Hurricanes. He enters his sixteenth year as a solo drummer at local parade and charity events.
TRIBUTES8:05 to 8:30 pm
Tributes: A tribute and moment of silence for recently departed Rodney Goodhart, Eric Perrilloux, Leo Ehrhard and John Hanewich also the mention of the sudden passing of Karole Green the wife of well known West Point drummer Harold Green. John Hanewich was President of the Company of Fifers and Drummers, and a drummer with Civil War Troopers and Black River Fife and Drum Corps.
Performance: Solo tribute to Rod Goodhart by John Flowers & Bill Mojica
Performance: Solo tribute to Leo Ehrhard by John Flowers & Bill Mojica
Performance: Solo tribute to Rod Goodhart by John Flowers
Performance: Solo tribute to John Hanewich by Dominick and Therese Cucciaperforming a Civil War Troopers drum duet piece.
First Clinic:Jeff Queen 8:30-9:15 pm, 317-201-0149. Jeff Queen, a 4-time Snare Drum Solo Champion and original cast member of the Tony and Emmy award winning Broadway Show "Blast!" will demonstrate a variety of well crafted drumming selections. These are entitled The Double Flag, Modulation, Tax Time and Tribute, all written by Jeff.
This segment will conclude with selections known as "Equinox" by Skrillex and "Third Rail" by John Ling performed on a Snare Drum, Frame Drum, and what Jeff calls, a Launch Pad. Please note amplification techniques used on these last two selections to enhance the overall quality of these selections.
Mass Drumming Rehearsal #1: 9:15 - 9:45 pm: Pieces to be played: “Yankee Doodle,” “Three Camps” and The Downfall of Paris
A special notice in regard to mass drumming: We are going to need to structure mass drumming a little differently this year. There will only be three selections this time around: Yankee Doodle, Three Camps and The Downfall of Paris. See attachments above. We want to put our best foot forward in the appearance and quality as this effort will be video recorded and shown at the Fredrick Fennell Tribute on May 2.
We will be playing these mass drumming selections a total of three times. The first two times will be considered rehearsals that being Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. The final run will be Saturday evening and will be considered a performance. All 3 will be taped.
The general operation, flow and gathering of the mass drumming has to stay on track, we can't be as casual as we have been in the past (but still while having a good time). Some of the call-outs, or what we would refer to as random selections, will only take place at the end of the last Saturday evening mass drumming and after that last taping. We will need the following elements to take place.
We will encourage as many as possible to put on a drum and fact...the more the better. That said, we want all to participate who are there.
For taping purposes, there cannot be any clumps of people in groups here and there as it needs to be in one continuous curved line with a normal close-interval no matter how many participants there are. Therein, you may be asked to do an elbows up or dress center etc.
Bass drummers will need to be on risers to be seen and in somewhat of an equidistant interval. We also will need to get through these mass drumming segments within the twenty-five minute time frame designated. Also...once you are set ... please be sure to note who is standing next to you and be in that same position in all three renderings of mass drumming if possible.
Friday Social Continues...
Saturday Morning,April 18
Rehearsal Time For All:8:00 - 9:20 am(both rooms)
Main Ballroom Open for All Displays 8:00 - 9:20 am
Clear Main Ballroom of All Personnel 9:20 - 9:30 am
Second Clinic: 9:30–10:00 am: Andrew Adams 802-535-5414. and the North East Pipe Band. Snare: Andrew Adams, Jameson Grout and Ryan Firmbach; Tenor: Jessie Adams, and Seton Helwigand on Bass is Tamara McLendon.
The first half of Andrew' lecture and discussion will be on the differences between pipe band drums of snare, tenor, and bass and how they are used. His accompanying group then will perform one of the most famous pipe band drum solo ever known called “The Salute to Max Rayne” by Alex Duthart.
Third Clinic:10:00-10:30 am: George Carroll 571-213-6757. Mr. George Carroll is one of the best known authors of the historical findings and reporting of Drumming and Military music in the world. He is a fascinating and truly interesting historian who will share Revolutionary War and Civil War knowledge and fact going well beyond captivating.Jim Smith 724-832-0420
BREAK: 10:30 - 10:40 am
Performance: 10:40 to 11:05 am. H203-837-8359 C 203-952-3399 W. Ct. State Percussion Ensemble Presented by Dave . Performers are :Dave Smith, Kevin Thompson, Steve Niemitz,Dave Pelaggi, Gabe Bacewicz and Tom Morris. They will be playing Rope Snare Drums, Rope Bass Drums as well as several standard concert percussion instruments.
Titles of the pieces played are: “Contents are Flammable” by Dominick Cuccia. He has taken rudimental figures and used them as rhythmic cells that overlap much like the music written by Steve Reich.
“A Little Bit of This / A Little Bit of That” is a piece written to combine both traditional rudimental and classical drumming / percussion techniques. It was written by a member of the President’s Own Marine Band Glenn Paulson.
Performance: 11:05 am-11:25 am: Old Guard Alumni Drum Ensemble, Presented by Ed Asten 703-887-1814. Performers are Snare: Ed Asten, BrianPentony, Jim Stickley. Bass: Jim Coffee Mike Flaherty. Selections are: "The Adventures of Joe 90"; the second solo is "Evolution". The two pieces we will play with the Air Force group are The Army 2/4, and Crazy Army.
Performance: 11:25–11:37 am: Air Force Drum Ensemble Presented by: Bob Zarfoss 717-873-2983. Former members of the USAF D&B: John Bosworth, Eric Landis, Bill Mojica, Bob Zarfoss, John Flowers, and rudimental bass player Bill Stricklin. Selections: The Lancers Street Beat, Jimmy Dinkins Street Beat and Stars and Stripes Solo, AF Flam Solo, and Shade 83 Solo.
Performance: 11:37-11:40 am: Jimmy Dinkins 334-567-2747. Jimmy Dinkins performs an individual snare drum solo.
Performance: 11:40-11:50 am: Middle River Ancients...Md. Bill Mojica C443-570-2307 Performers are: Nick Biscotti, Ron Church, Charlie Kammer, Bill Hartman, Bill Mojica and Bill Strickland. Selections are“Thunder & Lightening,” “Black Pearl” and “Just Having Fun.” AUSLESE by Charlie Terzi, is followed by a medley of solos: Drums & Guns, Empty Pockets and President Garfield.
Performance: 11:50–12:20 am Joe Fontana 917-562-5711 Skyliners Alumni Drum Ensemble: “A tribute to Wes Myers”. Performers are...Snares: Joe Fontana, Jack Murray, Matt Dennison, Kyle Murphy, Ken BurbulakCymbals are Karen Cox,Evelyn Krejci and Barbara Rogers, Bass Drummers are Steve Turner and Ed Burns Quad / Tenor andJack Stein. Triple Bass drummer is Chet Figurski.
There is a long list of Drum Corps that Wes Meyers has written the drum book and taught but it is his iconic work with the NY Skyliners that heis best known. Anyone who has played in a drum line lead by Wes, quickly realizes that the drum parts are musical, challenging and most importantly, fun to play. And that is the key, it's fun to play in a Wes Meyers drum line. During practice, in performance or just hanging out after a show, it's the laughter and good times is the reason that so many of us in the Skyliners Alumni Corps have been a member for so many years. It is for that very reason that all of us want to dedicate our 2014 percussion ensemble piece to Wes. A great majority of the tribute pieces are actually made up of parts from Wes's solos or Wes's drum parts from songs played by the Skyliners through the years. For all of us in the ensemble, it was fun putting the piece together and working hard to execute the piece to the best of our ability. At the 2014 DCA I&E, we were all very excited and grateful to win the percussion ensemble championship. It's because of Wes that all of us are together, enjoying what we love to do. So as always, let's do this for Wes. Jack Murray.
Lunch Break12:20 am-2:05 pm: 1 hour & 45 min.
Saturday Afternoon,April 18
Performance: 2:05-2:15 pm: St. Lucy’s Alumni Drum Ensemble,201-919-8461 Presented by Chew Gernandt. Performers: Chew Gernandt,Ray Schmerin, Dave Richardson, Joe Fontana/Snare, with Nick Stefano & Woody DeTrolio/Bass. They will play a 2 minute warm up followed by 4 minute piece by Chew Gernandt.
Performance: 2:15-2:40pm: New York Drummers Association Presented by Bill McGrath and Bill Putnam C 585-354-4752. This ensemble consists of performers: Snare Bill Putnam & Bill McGrath, Jr. and Kevin McGrath on Bass.
This N.Y. Chapter of U.S.A.R.D. / N.Y.D.A. will perform 4 solos from a Jr. corps of the late 50’s-60’s; known as the "Emerald Cadets", of Rochester, N.Y. These solos were written for this field competition corps by Doug Kleinhans, and adapted by Bill McGrath Jr. The two Bill's areoriginal members of the Emerald Cadets. These selections are dedicated to the McGrath family, Arlene Putnam and corps members.
Also, in keeping with the original intent of the N.Y.D.A. we will perform "Paddy On The Hand Car" in its original written form without variations, extensions or modifications. This is done to encourage drumming groups to include a solo in their repertoire of an ancient style and promoting a piece as much authenticity as possible.
Performance: 2:40–3:10 pm: CADRE Co Presenters are Paul Mosley and Fred Johnson C 613-884-4187 Performers: Paul Mosley, Brian Fazackerley, Gary Gomez, Jim Kane, John Swartz, Cliff Blundell, Ron Meyers and Josh Jarrell. Performers will be on their primarily tasked instrument but will migrate throughout performance to enhance intention of the written score. Selections from our 2015 competition arrangement entitled: “Boy in a Red Barchetta” (‘barchetta’ is a small, Italian sports car) We will also play ‘Rudimental Classics’–possibly with one-or-two guest performers.
Performance: 3:10 - 3:20 pm John Flowers and Paul Mosley Duet
Saturday Afternoon Continued:
Mass Drumming Rehearsal #2 3:20-3:45 pmPieces to be played: “Yankee Doodle,” “Three Camps” and The Downfall of Paris
Special Presentation: 3:45–4:30 pm Patriots Presenter: Don Mason rendanMason203-439-1109PerformersSnare:BrendanMason,Matt Thompson, Peter Mason, Dave Sady, Joe Sastre, Lee Caron, Bass Colin Mason, Scott Bousquet, Don Mason, Fife: Laura Degree, RobRandall, TishkaMusco, Phyllis Thompson, Pete Degree, Lois Lafrance, PaulMason, Melissa Burritt, Cherri Costa, Michael Andrews, Amanda Avery, KathyHutchinson, Michelle Randall, Kathy Bousquet, Sara Brown, Drum Major-Joe Campbell
Synopsis: Connecticut Patriots Sr. Ancient Fife & Drum Corps willperform in full ensemble highlighting fife, snare, and bass. The focus of the presentationwill be on performance, with an emphasis on the interplay between segments of the ensemble. The Patriots were founded in 1978 with members coming from the Connecticut Yanks, the Connecticut Blues and the Yalesville Seniors Fife and Drum Corps.
Over the past 37 years a number of members have come and gone, but the unique, driving sound of the Corps remains. Most medleys in our repertoire are written or arranged by members or friends, with custom harmonies on the fife and complex rhythms and high demand in the drum parts. Pay special note to the interplay between the snare and bass drums, coupled with the melody line on the fifes.
Performance Pieces
- Southern Comfort - a medley including Dixie, Kingdom Coming, the Girl I Left Behind Me and Ruben Ruben.
- Stillman's Reel/ When We Go Down to Washington which includes drum beat Crazy Monumental by Lancraft Legend Jack McGuire.
- When We Go Down to Washington arranged by Eleanor Borek and Robert Redican for the Connecticut Yanks.
- The March Past of the Kitchen Utensils - a 6/8 Standpiece based on the 3rd Movement of Vaughan Williams' The Wasps. Drum chart by Brendan Mason.
- When Sick Is It Tea You Want? - a 6/8 Standpiece arranged by former member and instructor Jim Shea. This medley takes it's name from the Irish Jig - a popular fiddle tune.
- Yankee Doodle - The Connecticut state song is a crowd favorite and includes a drum score by Paul Cormier with a difficult pedal tone arrangement on the fifes by Jim Shea.
- Edinburgh Castle - This is the Connecticut Patriots Signature Standpiece, arranged by Mal Karwoski and Jim Clark, the first instructors of the Corps. It has remained relatively unchanged, and played continuously throughout the Corps existence.
- Red Wings - a folk song written in 1907 by Kerry Mills and ThurlandChattaway. It was sung by John Wayne in three different movies, and now arranged by Bill Hart and Brendan Mason for the Patriots.
- Drummony #4 - This harmonized drum solo begins with an Ostinato bass part in the first movement that resolves at the end of the first movement. The second section includes traditional fife & drum parts "with a twist" and ends with an exciting accelerando leading up to the hard driving finale. This drum feature is arranged by Brendan Mason.
Clear Ballroom4:30 - 6:30 pm
Saturday Evening, April 18
Cocktails in Ballroom6:30 - 7:30 pm
Dinner: 7:30 to 8:05 pm
Speakers: 8:05 - 8:33 pm
Presentations and Acknowledgements:
- A moment of silence and acknowledgement for Rod Goodhart, Eric Perrilloux, Leo Ehrhard and John Hanewich
- Lifetime Achievement: Frank Arsenault, Hugh Quigley, Bobby Redican, Bobby Thompson, Sanford Augustus "Gus" Moeller, Les Parks, Billy Reamer, and Rodney Goodhartwho passed on Sept 3, 2013
- Acknowledgement of Lifetime Member: Ron Church
- Gary Gillotti, of the N.E. Chapter and the Connecticut Rebels will present two awards for the Sullivan Scholarships. This years recipients are Jessica Wahlers of Western Connecticut State University and Hattie Hevrin of Johnson State College.
- Joe Gillotti to introduce Mathew Lyons Jr. to announce the 2015 Sonny Lyons Memorial Student Awards. Presented by Matthew Lyons, Jr. this year's recipients are: TBA
- President's Comments: Drumming in schools, connecting the dots with USARD, NARD and NAfME! Dr. H.
After Dinner Performances
Performance: 8:33 to 8:45 pm"Jeff Prosperie, Section Leader and Principal Drummer of West Point Hellcats; only individual to capture "Triple Crown" (DCI, PAS, DCA), performs his award winning solo.
Forth Clinic - Feature Presentation:8:45-9:30 pm Dominick Cuccia 203-405-1176 . "The Groove & Interpretation of traditional & not-so-traditional rudimental drumming."We will share thirty minutes of exercises and music that help teachers working with students of traditional style rudimental drumming, as well as people looking to participate at a fife & drum muster.
"Massed Drumming Performance":9:30 - 10:00 pm. Pieces to be played: “Yankee Doodle,” “Three Camps” and The Downfall of Paris. There may be a few shout-outs…then stop shortly there after.
Cash bar available in Ballroom until…
Sunday, April 19
9 - 10 am Breakfast on your own:
Available 6:30am to 1 pm, Sunday.
Please check out by 11 am.
Have a safe trip home. See you next year!
Future Dates TBD:
Christine Mazzoli
phone 203-830-5115