Teens Encounter Christ #143
Team Community Agreement for ALL Participants (youth & adult)
As a participant in the Teens Encounter Christ Weekend I agree:
1.Not to bring or use tobacco*, alcohol or any illegal, non-prescription drugs. I understand that if I arrive under the influence of, or use, drugs or alcohol my parent/guardian will be notified and I will be sent home.
2.To respect the needs and property of others, and not to participant in any inappropriate sexual or violent behavior.
3.To be present for the entire event and participate in all scheduled activities.
4.To have fun and listen to how Christ has been encountered in the lives of others.
Participant’s Signature ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Release
I/we, the parent or legal guardian of ______understand that he/she will be participating in a St. Paul Teens Encounter’ Christ Weekend. The time and place of this weekend is:
St. John The Evangelist Episcopal Church located at 60 Kent, St Paul.
Thursday evening, April 3 through Sunday evening April 6,2003
I/we have read and understand the community agreement. I/we also understand that all reasonable safeguards will be taken but that the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota, The Episcopal St. Paul Teens Encounter Christ Community, the above named facility, and the leaders of this event are not responsible for accidental injury. In case of medical emergency, I/we hereby authorize and consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under, the general or special supervision of any licensed medical personnel on the staff of any licensed hospital. This authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or hospital care required, but is given to provide authority and power to render care which is deemed advisable in the best judgement of the physician.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
In case of emergency please contact: ______Phone (____) _____-______
Please list any medications, allergies, & health information that would be helpful to the leaders of this event:
Diet restrictions______
Date of last Tetanus Shot ______
Insurance Company ______Policy #______
**The Youth Board of the Diocese of Minnesota discourages the smoking and chewing of tobacco because we value life. We encourage your presence in our community of faith, and ask that you do not smoke or chew while with us. Since we understand that tobacco is a highly addictive substance we recognize that this may not be possible for all people. The smoking and chewing of tobacco by participants is tolerated only in designated areas and at designated times. Minnesota law states that it is illegal for those under 18 to smoke. Therefore, if any person, under 18 uses tobacco at Diocesan sponsored programs, his/her parent/guardian will be contacted.
Teens Encounter Christ #143
Team Application
Thursday April 3, 7 pm to Sunday April 6, 2003
Name ______Age ___ Grade ___ Gender __
Street ______City ______State ___ Zip ______
Phone (____) ____-______eMail ______
Name of High School ______City ______
Your Church and denomination ______
Note: You do not need to be ‘churched’ to attend this event.
Signature of your Priest/Pastor or Youth Worker ______
Note: Signature if possible; don’t let this signature prevent you from applying
Parent/Guardian ______Work phone (____)____-______
Parent/Guardian ______Work phone (____)____-______
See Team Information page for definitions of Talks & Teams
There are 4 team meetings to plan TEC for the event to be a success. Please circle which of the Sunday dates you plan to attend: March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30
Please number the teams from 1-5 in order of your preference
__Conference __ Earth __ Kitchen __ Wheat __ Music – Instrument: ______
Please list the talks you would consider giving: ______
Team Leaders must be present for the entire weekend
Application for consideration for leadership is due Saturday, February 15
Meeting for leadership selection is Sunday, February 16
Please check which teams you would be interested in a leadership position for:
__Conference __ Earth __ Kitchen __ Wheat __ Music
Attach one page explaining why you want to be a team leader and what you have to offer, including your spiritual life.
Why do you want to be part of the weekend? What did your TEC experience do for you? What did you take back to your church from this experience?