DIME/ITDG Plenary February 2017

Directors of Methodology/IT DIRECTORS

PLenary MEeting

14/15 FEBRUARY 2017

ESS Vision 2020: DIGICOM, towards an ESS strategy on (linked) open data


14/15 February 2017


Directorate B: Methodology; Corporate statistical and IT services
Unit B-1: Methodology and corporate architecture

1.  Recommendation for action by the ITDG/DIME

The ITDG/DIME is invited to discuss the draft joint framework for action and approve the roadmap outline below.

2.  Background

In the European Union, the statistical data domain was one of the first areas that provided transparent and open access to the public in response to the requirements of the so called PSI Directive in 2003 on the reuse of public sector information. Meanwhile, statistical data has been identified as high value data in the G8 Open Data Charter. Official statistics have an extremely high reuse potential, and even more so when combined with other data. NSIs are continuously striving to improve the way their data is disseminated, inspired by the emergence of state-of-the-art technologies, such as linked data.

Accordingly, the ESS Vision 2020 foresees that we provide a pool of European statistics in a machine-readable open data format. Third parties may also access and re-use the data pool, e.g. for integration (with source notification) in their websites or apps." And "In a next phase we will investigate if the data can be made available as linked open data, for easy combination with other data pools".

This has been reflected in the DIGICOM project in which Work package 3 deals with open data dissemination. In advancing on the project's agenda, a first exchange of experience has started between the pioneers (ISTAT, INSEE, CSO, ONS) and other NSIs and Eurostat commissioned PWC to carry out a review of the current practices and provide input for a joint approach. In parallel in 2016 use cases on Linked Open Metadata were elaborated in the context of the High-Level Group (IMS project).

3.  Results from the ESS Workshop in Malta

In the context of the DIGICOM project an ESS workshop was held in Malta on 18-19 January 2017. 56 delegates from 27 countries, including 24 EU and EFTA Member States, representatives from private companies and academia, joined together in order to discuss about the potential benefits of disseminating official statistics as (Linked) Open Data, the limitations and challenges for a broader uptake and a possible way forward. Open data seems to be largely achieved in the ESS, thus the workshop focused mainly the possible next step, which is Linked Open Data.

Main conclusions from the workshop are the following:

·  There is a shared understanding of the benefits of LOD among NSIs who have experimented it. LOD supports more flexible means of data dissemination, enhanced data exploration between datasets and enables the linking with other sources (e.g. within a national statistical system) while keeping the information on data provenance. Indirect benefits are that LOD projects foster internal coherence of data and metadata, reinforce the role of NSI as standard setters and stimulate partnerships.

·  LOD is an area in which NSIs are still largely experimenting. It is not yet perceived as mature for full production but there was broad agreement on the advantages of developing further steps in a coordinated way at ESS level. This can best be achieved through concrete results and pilots to further demonstrate the feasibility and benefits from LOD. The following priorities were identified:

o  We need to build capacities at NSI and ESS level, through training, common pilot projects and collaboration across multidisciplinary teams (IT, dissemination, content and classifications).

o  Governance is a key element in LOD. Common governance approaches and processes for LOD should be developed collaboratively and embedded in existing structures of the ESS, Eurostat and NSIs. The existing governance structures and communities will first be examined. New governance structures will only be established if necessary.

o  The technology is available but the ESS would benefit from an evaluation and selection of standard tools and for guidelines concerning performance issues.

o  The ESS should liaise more systematically with standards setters beyond the EU, and from experiments outside the EU (e.g. Australia, Japan).

4.  A joint framework for action

These conclusions are reflected in the document in annex 1 which outlines a proposal for an ESS framework for action. Following the guidance provided by the DIME/ITDG, main actions will then be carried out by the DIGICOM WP3 team and an Essnet to be launched in 2017 which will also offer an umbrella for co-ordinating on-going and new work by individual NSIs. More specifically, the following activities are suggested to address the above mentioned priorities:

·  On the basis of further analysis, development of a proposal for a reference architecture for LOD (see section 2.3 on the annex) and for the relevant governance aspects (see section 2.5 of the annex)

·  Elaboration of joint pilots (involving several NSIs), focusing on data and metadata (in particular classifications). See section 2.1 of the annex.

·  Development of a community of practice for all NSIs investing in LOD or wishing to learn, it would particularly focus on:

- Engagement with users and stakeholders (see section 2.1 of the annex)

- Training and knowledge sharing (see section 2.2 of the annex)

- Guidance on how to design and build an LOD portal (see section 2.4 of the annex) and for implementation of standards

- Toolkit: evaluation of existing tools, selection of a standard set of tools, recommendations performance optimisation (see section 2.4 of the annex)

5.  Roadmap

In line with this framework, the following roadmap is envisaged:

March 2017


PWC final report including overview of the use cases and Proofs of concept

March 2017- June 2017


Further exploration of governance aspects (use of existing governance frameworks or creation of new ones), in particular for URIs, and relevant projects (OpenGovIntelligence)

September 2017


ESTP course on LOD

December 2017


Definition of an reference architecture for LOD

July 2017- June 2018


Pilots and their evaluation (metadata and data) involving several NSIs

July 2017-December 2018

/ Creation of a community of practice for all NSIs
- Guidance on how to design LOD portal and for implementation of standards

- Toolkit

- Training

- Engagement with users and stakeholders



Development of a full LOD strategy based on the reference architecture and results of the pilots

Annex 1: A joint framework for action on linked open data at ESS level