Teenage Pregnancy Pilot

Description / A 3 year pilot promoting use of Long Acting Reversible contraception (LARC) and targeting repeat conceptions in "Looked After children (LAC)" i.e. teenagers. This will involve quantifying the vulnerable population and the current teenage pregnancy rate in LAC by Local Authority; provide one-one training for identified staff cohort and implement the NICE guidance. The programme is multi-phase project aimed at reducing teenage pregnancy in Wales. Phase 1 Reduce repeat conceptions in teenagers; Phase 2 Reduce conceptions amongst looked After Children and Care leavers ( in some areas up to 1/3 conceptions amongst this group); Phase 3 Reduce teenage conceptions amongst wider population
Priority area / Sexual Health
Life course stage / Children & young Adults
Intervention / This pilot project to reduce unwanted pregnancies in teenagers contains a number of different elements including clinical services to provide Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) in primary and secondary care. The health improvement element involves education and raising awareness of the benefits of LARC to avoid repeat conceptions in young women who first conceive before their 18th birthday with particular emphasis on Looked After Children and Care leavers in selected areas of Wales.
Level of intervention: Targeted Population
Total cost 2012/13 / £150k (Public Health Wales funded)
Evidence of effect AIII / AIII No directly relevant evidence of effectiveness of the specific health improvement intervention used in the initiative was found. It is a pilot project with on-going evaluation and monitoring of outcomes.
Cost effectiveness RII / Red II no evidence available
No evidence available specifically for long acting reversible contraception for looked after children to reduce teenage pregnancies. However, there is evidence of cost-effectiveness for long acting reversible contraception.
Reach / This is a programme for those at risk of teenage pregnancy, particularly girls aged under 17years who are at risk of repeat pregnancy. The service offers long acting removable contraceptive (LARC) implants and has contact with around ? 2,500 teens per year.
Inequalities / The programme targets vulnerable girls, particularly those who are ‘looked after’, leaving care, or those involved with substance misuse services.
Mechanisms of delivery / Delivery: Training, awareness-raising & individual counselling.
Setting: Community
A multi-faceted intervention to reduce unplanned pregnancies in Wales by:
1. Targeted contraception provision in those who present in termination of pregnancy services or maternity services for those who are aged 17 or under.
2. Roll out the NICE guidance for children in care in selected areas across Wales.
3. Development and implementation of training on sexual health issues for foster carers.
Wider views / Engagement events
The teenage pregnancy pilots were identified as valuable by 2 LPHT’s.
Key Issues/ perceptions:
·  Evidence based programmes rolled out nationally with good monitoring data available locally.
·  Providing good value with centrally developed resources that could be used locally
Alternative delivery as proposed by stakeholders / No available information
Policy Context(s) / Fairer Health Outcomes For All - Reducing Inequities in Health Strategic Action Plan (2011)
Identified Actions:
“The Teenage Pregnancy Grant Scheme will be led and evaluated by Public Health Wales, and delivered by local partners (Action 2.9).”
Child Poverty Strategy for Wales: Delivery Plan (2010)
Identified Action:
“Take forward action to reduce conception rates in girls under 16, as part of the Sexual Health and Wellbeing for Wales 2009-2014 Working Paper.”
Also referenced in the Sexual Health & Well being Action Plan

PBMA Report – Teenage Pregnancy Pilot 22/11/2012 Version 1