Options for Action Community Priority Checklist

The Options for Action Community Priority Checklist was designed for community groups to prioritize their policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to address healthy eating, active living, and obesity prevention. The checklist is aligned with the Options for Action Goals and Objectives in the Community Setting. To reflect the views of numerous community members, the checklist should be administered with a group of people, such as an ESMM chapter/coalition. The group may choose to complete one checklist collectively, or have individuals complete the checklist and then compile scores.

Answer each question in the checklist Yes (Y) or No (N).

Then, rate each question from 1 to 3 in the “Current Status” column based on the resources and infrastructure currently in place in the community:

1 = Very limited or no resources and/or infrastructure in place

2 = Some resources and/or infrastructure in place

3 = Adequate resources and/or infrastructure in place and available for most members of the community

Next, rate each question Low, Medium, or High in the “Priority” column, based on the level of community capacity and interest:

L = Low Priority

M = Medium Priority

H = High Priority

The Options for Action Community Checklist was adapted from the Strategic Alliance’s Environmental Nutrition and Activity Community Tool (ENACT)

“Current Status” - rating based on:

1 = Very limited or no resources and/or infrastructure in place

2 = Some resources and/or infrastructure in place

3 = Adequate resources and/or infrastructure in place and available for most members of the community

“Priority”- rating based on the level of community capacity and interest:

L = Low Priority

M = Medium Priority

H = High Priority

Does your community provide an environment supportive of active living? / Yes (Y) or
No (N) / Current Status (1-3) / Priority
(L, M, H)
Has your community conducted a physical activity policy, systems, and environmental assessment to determine priority areas for improvements related to physical activity?
Has your community advocated for community planning and development that support regular physical activity opportunities in a safe environment?
Has your community established local Complete Streets policies?
Has your community developed or maintained community parks, greenways, and multi-use trails?
Has your community supported local Safe Routes to School Programs to improve safety and promote walking and biking to school?
Has your community maintained and developed programming and facilities, such as park and recreation programs, for physical activity for all age groups?
Has your community developed and implemented guidelines for providing physical activity opportunities in afterschool programs?

“Current Status” - rating based on:

1 = Very limited or no resources and/or infrastructure in place

2 = Some resources and/or infrastructure in place

3 = Adequate resources and/or infrastructure in place and available for most members of the community

“Priority”- rating based on the level of community capacity and interest:

L = Low Priority

M = Medium Priority

H = High Priority

Does your community provide an environment supportive of healthy eating? / Yes (Y) or
No (N) / Current Status (1-3) / Priority
(L, M, H)
Has your community conducted a community food policy, systems, and environmental assessment or used county specific data from the Food Environment Atlas to determine priority areas for improvements related to healthy eating?
Has your community worked with government agencies to develop, adopt, and implement healthy food and beverage purchasing policies and standards?
Has your community advocated for community planning and development that provide access and availability to healthy foods?
Has your community advocated for the placement of grocery stores in underserved areas?
Has your community established community-supported agriculture initiatives, such as CSAs, co-ops, mobile markets, common markets, food hubs, and processing facilities?
Has your community established a community farmer’s market or enhanced an existing market to include acceptance of EBT cards and vouchers?
Has your community established a community vegetable and/or fruit garden?
Has your community established breastfeeding-friendly community environments?
Has your community established a process for including fruits and vegetables in emergency food programs?
Has your community encouraged small food storeowners in underserved areas to carry healthier, affordable food items?

“Current Status” - rating based on:

1 = Very limited or no resources and/or infrastructure in place

2 = Some resources and/or infrastructure in place

3 = Adequate resources and/or infrastructure in place and available for most members of the community

“Priority”- rating based on the level of community capacity and interest:

L = Low Priority

M = Medium Priority

H = High Priority

Does your community provide an environment supportive of healthy eating? / Yes (Y) or
No (N) / Current Status (1-3) / Priority
(L, M, H)
Has your community assisted local restaurants in supporting healthy eating practices to include nutrition labeling, healthy children’s meals, and appropriate portion size options?
Has your community worked with retailers to develop point of decision prompts to promote healthy eating?
Has your community provided healthy food and beverage options at community parks, programs, festivals, and special events?
Has your community developed and implemented guidelines for providing healthy food and beverages in afterschool programs?

Next Steps

Group scores for each item will help determine healthy eating and active living priorities based on the community’s capacity. After the priorities are identified, ESMM chapters/coalitions can build an action plan for implementation. See the ESMM Action Plan Template and Template Instructions for additional guidance.