Standard 7a Proficiency Examination Option

For those applying for STEP beginning Oct. 1, 2003, there is a technology requirement (Standard 7a) that must be met before internships may begin. Students may satisfy Standard 7a in two ways:

1) Successful completion of IST 397 or

2) Satisfactory performance on the Seventh Standard Proficiency Examination.

The Seventh Standard Proficiency Examination documents proficiency on Standard 7a only. Other seventh standard proficiencies are assessed based on a portfolio of work developed in university courses and field placements.

Requirements of Standard 7a

Upon completion of an approved teacher preparation program in Michigan, a person recommended for the Michigan Provisional Certificate must demonstrate an understanding of and ability to use information age learning and technology operations and concepts to enhance personal/professional productivity.

Level of Performance

The level of performance that must be demonstrated to satisfy Standard 7a is Level 3 - proficient performance. Students must demonstrate a solid performance with consistent, appropriate application.

Indicators of Achievement

Demonstrates knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts and learning related to information age learning processes and techniques, including individualizing instruction, student-centered learning, interdisciplinary instruction, grouping by mastery and maturity, engaging and authentic learning, use of rich multi-media and interactive content, virtual and long distance learning, and instructional practices enhanced by evidence of learning from student work.

Demonstrates continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

Example Tasks Documenting Standard 7a Achievement

1-Create a newsletter with graphics and text in columns using a word processor

2-Create charts and graphs of numerical data using a spreadsheet

3-Calculate students’ grades using a spreadsheet

4-Search the World Wide Web for information to make choices of hardware and software

5-Create World Wide Web pages to be accessed by students as part of a lesson

6-Use software such as PowerPoint or HyperStudio to create a multimedia presentation

7-Capture images using a digital camera or scanner and transfer them to a computer

The Seventh Standard Proficiency Examination will be offered in March of the Winter 2004 term. Students who wish to take the examination must register in the ERL within the first 4 weeks of the Winter term and pay a $200 fee at the time of registration. The examination will be a 5 hour hands-on assessment administered in a computer laboratory. Students will select a single assessment platform (Windows or Mac OS) and be expected to use a variety of software tools demonstrating their competencies including: Microsoft Office, a Web browser, Web development tools (Netscape Composer or a text editor for html), file transfer utilities (Fugu for the Mac, WinSCP for Windows, or HomeFS), and a number of other widely used tools.

Examination tasks will include creating, linking, and uploading a variety of electronic documents that include PowerPoint slideshows, Web pages, Word documents, spreadsheets, and others. All examination materials will be submitted both on a Zip disk and posted to the student's OU Web/email account. Students who wish to prepare for this examination can participate in ERL workshops designed to develop competencies that are assessed. Alternatively, students may wish to register for IST 397, a course designed to take students beyond state mandated requirements. Students who successfully complete IST 397 are not required to take the Proficiency Examination. Students who believe they already have competencies required by the Seventh Standard may choose to take the Proficiency Examination without participation in ERL workshops or formal course work. A student who fails to achieve a passing score on the Proficiency Examination, however, is required to register and pay for further testing until a passing score is attained or complete IST 397.

For more information please contact Janine Corbets:

Phone Number: 248- 370- 3099
