Unit 15

Check your understanding

1. F

2. W I did, and will always, pay my bills.

3. T

4. W She didn’t know where she was when she woke up.

5. F

In-Class Activities

1. (1) a. No business (is) too small, (and) no problem (is) too big (if you use IBM).

b. (If you) Take TOSHIBA, (you will) take the world.

c. Intelligence (is) everywhere (if you use Motorola).

d. (Don’t ask, question, doubt about Nike) Just do it.

e. (Maxwell coffee is) Good to the last drop.

(2) These are successful advertisements which bring huge profit and success to their business.

The customer is easily influenced by such concise slogans.

(3) Possible examples:

¨  Ask for more.—Pepsi (=You’ll ask for more if you drink Pepsi-cola or wear Pepsi sportswear. )

¨  feel the new space.—Samsung Electronics (=You can feel the new space if you use Samsung appliances.)

¨  Focus on life.—Olympus (=Olympus DC and DV focuses on life./ With Olympus DC or DV, you will begin to focus on life.)

¨  Believe it or not.—Adidas (=Believe it or not, Adidas provides the best sportswear.)

2. (1) This is a typical case of rhetorical ellipsis. The rhetorical effect lies in continuous incomplete sentences, which reveals the writer’s swift changes of thought.

(2) Through ellipsis, the author implies his disgusting feeling about what he sees.

(3) This passage is typical of “stream of consciousness”, which is the expression of thoughts and feelings in writing exactly as they pass through the mind, without the usual structure they have in formal writing

Ellipsis is quite useful to the depiction of the stream of consciousness, as its structures rightly match the style of stream of consciousness.

3. (1) Sign a: A hard hat is needed before anyone enters this area.

Sign b: Please be cautious as the floor will be slippery when it is wet.

(2) Sign a:“进入施工现场,请带好安全帽”

Sign b:“小心地滑”

The Chinese version for Sign a is too complex, but there is no way to simplify any more.

The Chinese version for Sign b is much the same in meaning and form as the English version; however, “the floor is wet” is not clearly stated in the Chinese version.

4. (1) a. Not for who I am but for what I've come to have. = I feel a certain responsibility to be philanthropic not for who I am but for what I've come to have.

b. “Relatives?” = “Are the mules your relatives?”

“Yeah, through marriage.” = “Yeah, the mules are my relatives through marriage.”

(2) Passage a leaves out a whole main clause in the subordinate structure.

Passage b first leaves out subject and verb, even determiner, then a complete main clause.

(3) The humor lies in a witty mock of the lady’s husband by referring to him as a mule.

5. (1)

a. I have Arrived safely on Saturday. The Hotel is OK, the weather is marvelous, sun is shining. I have Been sunbathing. There are Lots of things to do here. I’m Going on a excursion tomorrow.

b. I get up at nine, and have coffee, toast and marmalade. I Walk to the hospital…and do clinical work till one. I have Lunch at the hospital. I do Research from two to three. Then I go home to bed until six.

c. It Looks like all the housing bubble developed in the last 6-7yrs and oil prices soared. what does this mean and why has no one realized and why have no precautionary measures been taken? Is there any reason for this...

d. Pls infm us when smpl rcvd.=Please inform us when the sample has been received.

e. Anne, i will be thinking about you over the next couple of days, and praying that light sustains you through this difficult time. I give my heartfelt condolences to Christine and to the rest of your family, and to your dear friend who lost her loved one as well.

when all is said and done, there are no adequate answers, there are only questions that remain, and the certainty of the cycle that remain.

My love to you, my blessings to you, and wish you peace in mind and life.


f. Dear Mr Crane,

Thank you for your order (No. DR4316) which we are now making up. We have all the items in stock and we will be advising you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

D. Causio


a-passage: Ellipsis is used densely in postcards for lack of enough space, typically personal.

b-passage: Ellipsis is used very often and at random in diaries, with little consideration of grammar, strictly personal.

c-passage: Ellipsis is used quite frequently in web comments, with moderate consideration of grammar, generally informal.

d-passage: Ellipsis is used in extreme in cell phone message exchanges for efficiency, rather informal but most informative.

e-passage: Ellipsis is used more with intimate people in email.

f-passage: Ellipsis is not used very often in formal business correspondence.


Additional Example 1 (meeting notes)

NMRG Meeting Notes -- September 15 & 16, 2002


Last meeting in Pisa, discussed future directions in NM. Agreed to focus on use of XML/WS, and agreed to schedule for next meeting.

In the meantime, the IAB has organized a similar WS. Also came to conclusion that we should look at XML for device management.

Also, held BOF in Yokohama to discuss use of XML in device management.

Additional Example 2 (blog)

Here in US I love watching Extreme Home Makeover every sunday, it make me cry all the time, very inspiring. I was moved by the story of this young woman who had 3 kids, she was a victim of illegal recruiter, now she is Palaboy in Manila, towing with her 3 kids!!!

6. (1) a. I; b. You

(2) In a, it is the speaker who expresses the hope; in b, it is the addressee that the speaker asks to imagine sth.

Post-Class Tasks

1. a-e CDBAC f-j DCABD


Picture 1: Some people see a problem. Others see an opportunity to triumph. Go on and be a tiger.

Picture 2: We are hiring salespeople now.

Picture 3: There is hazardous voltage inside which can shock a person, burn a person, or cause death to a person. If you see it open or unlocked, please call the electric company immediately.


a. Now I put all this aside.I put it on the shelf from which the historians may select their documents in order to tell their story.We have to think of the future and not think of the past.

There are many who wish to hold an inquest upon the conduct of the government and the conduct of Parliament during the years which led up to this catastrophe.They wish to indict those who were responsible for the guidance of our affairs.

This also would be a foolish process and pernicious process.There are too many in it.Let each man search his conscience and search his speeches,as I frequently search mine.Of this I am quite sure,that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present we shall find that we have lost the future.

The military events which have happened in France during the last fortnight have not come to me with any sense of surprise; indeed,I indicated a fortnight ago as clearly as I could indicated to the House, that the worst possibilities were open and I made it perfectly clear that whatever happened in France,it would make no difference to the resolve of Britain and the resolve of the British Empire to fight on,if it is necessary for us to fight for years,and if it is necessary for us to fight alone.

(Winston Churchill’s speech to the Parliament on June 18, 1940)

b. What is true of this city is true of Germany: real peace, lasting peace in Europe can never be assured as long as one German out of four Germans is denied the elementary right of free men, and that is to make a free choice. In 18 years of peace and 18 years of good faith, this generation of Germans has earned the right to be free, including the right to unite their families and their nation in lasting peace, with good will to all people.

You live in a defended island of freedom, but your life is part of the main. So let me ask you, as I close, to lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, to lift your eyes beyond the freedom merely of this city of Berlin, or the freedom of your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, to lift your eyes beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, and to lift your eyes beyond yourselves and beyond ourselves to all mankind.

Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all men are not free. When all men are free, then we can look forward to that day when this city will be joined as one and this country and this great Continent of Europe will be in a peaceful globe and hopeful globe. When that day finally comes, as it will come, the people of West Berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades.

(John F. Kennedy’s speech in Berlin on June 26, 1963)

4. a. Although the youngest of the class, Betty captured all the prizes.

b. Become a successful writer? This book shows you how.

原句改成:"Become a successful writer? This book shows you how you can become a successful writer.”

c. Peter planned and Jane paid for the holiday.

d. He remained a great lover of sport, as he had been in his youth

e. If you could, I'd like you to help me this evening.

5. a. He never worried about nor tried to help with her problems.

b. She didn't know where she was when she woke up.

c. There are more flowers than there used to be.

d. Johnson will interview some candidates this morning and Thomas will this afternoon.

e. The company was returning to England, and I to Los Angeles.

6. a. I stayed at Sheraton (Hotel) in November.

b. He was a fellow of St. John’s (College).

More Examples:

¨  We spent the weekend at the Stewart’s (home).

¨  At her mother’s (house) she passed many happy days.

¨  Walk to the comer. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. Make another left to Wooster (street).

¨  My wife, son and I tried Vermilion (Restaurant) last night.

¨  This Michelangelo model shows the complexity of his design for the dome of St. Peter’s (Church) in Rome.

7. a. – Shall we go swimming this afternoon?

– (No, I cannot go swimming this afternoon.) Perhaps (we’ll go swimming) some other day.

b. – Was Tom working hard?

– (No, Tom was not working hard.) He ought to have been (working hard).

c. – I’m going to write a detective story?

– (Are you crazy?) What (are you going to write a detective) for?