Technology Makers
Directions:Use the hypertext links to go to a web site that has the answer. If a link is broken, use your Internet research skills to find the information you need to answer the question.
1.Mary Andersoninvented the windshield wiper.Edisoninvented the light bulb.Teslainvented the radio.Bellis credited with inventing the telephone.Bessie Blountinvented several assistive devices to help handicapped people with daily activities.
TheAltair is considered the first "successful"personal computer.
Who developed it?
2. Name the Steve who invented thefirst Apple Computer.
3.Marcian "Ted" Hoff'sinvention drastically changed computing. What did he invent?
4.Doug Engelbarthas invented many things that make computing easier for us. Name three.
5. A revolutionary in thinking about computers, he believed in Man Computer Symbiosis.
He also envisioned a network of computers around the world.Name him.
What is symbiosis?
In what way(s) have we achieved his vision of symbiosis with computers?
Use you Internet searching skills to answer this question
6. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee wrote a new language. You may not speak it or write it.
Yet you use his language all the time. What is that language?Where do you use this language?
7. At what age didBill Gatesbecome interested in computing?
What was his early vision of computing?
By The Way - Bill Gates did not invent the computer.He developed the software BASIC.
8. Your keyboard has its roots in the Typewriter which wasinvented by:
9. In 1958,William Higinbothamwrote a program that was an interactive display for guests at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
What was it called? It was probably the first what?
10. She is credited with being the first computer programmer. Name her. Use your Internet research skills to find the answer.
11.Grace Murray Hopperinvented the first computer compiler.
What does she say aboutinformation and knowledge?
12. Who invented the “Control-Alt-Delete” keystroke technique that helps you when your computer freezes up? What was another name for this combination of keys?
What was the inventor's motivation?
Use your online research skills to find the answers:
13. Vinton Gray Cerf has played a vital role in the development of ______.
His role was so important he is called: ______
14. How was the Homebrew Computer Club important in computing history?
Is there a similar group in your school or community?What is the group's name?
15. In 1977, Dennis C. Hayes invented a computer component that is essential to computer communication.
What did he invent?
What does his device do?
16. Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit.
What device did he go on to invent that helped people value the power of his IC's?
17. Using the resources at theInternet Societysite, select 2 computer or Internet revolutionaries.
Write their name and what they contributed.(If the site asks for a sign in, just click cancel)
Use your online research skills to find the answer.
18. Robert E. Kahn was awarded the National Medal of Technology for what?
19.Linus Torvaldsdeveloped a basic operating system for computers called Linux.
What did he do with that OS (Operating System) that challenges companies that charge for their computer software?
20. Scott E. Fahlman developed something to smile about. What is it?
Enter one here:
21. Steve Jobs' Think Different leadership has changed our lives. Explain.
22. The 2007 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg for simultaneously and independently
discovering giant magnetoresistance. How have their discoveries impacted your life?
23.Who, would you say, is the "father or mother" of the iPod?