Technology Issues and Solutions
ISSUE / STEPS TO RESOLVEStudent cannot log into the computer / Test administrator may decide to use a generic login for the campus, if there is one.
Student did not bring laptop / *Notify the hall captain about the number of laptops needed in your testing room.
*Station someone in the hall with a laptop cart and sign laptops out to students. On the Borrowed Laptop Form, record the student name, student ID#, laptop ID#, charger ID#, room number, date, time, and the name of the room test administrator.
*The laptop will then be brought the classroom.
Student does not have the laptop fully charged / *If the student does not have a charger:
The student may ask to borrow a charger from a classmate.
If the student is unable to borrow a charger, put the number of needed chargers on the “Borrowed Laptop Form”
Student is not able to login with the testing ticket / *The testing administrator will verify that the students are not able to login with the testing ticket.
*Notify a hall captain and s/he will notify the appropriate individuals to check the STAAR TOMS system.
The student name on the roster does not match the name of the testing ticket / *The testing administrator will verify that the student’s name does not match. Student does not proceed with the test.
*Notify a hall captain. The hall captain will notify a school AP who will check the STAAR TOMS System.
Student is inactive during the test session / The online testing system will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity, but the student laptops go into sleep mode after 15 minutes of inactivity. If the laptop is in sleep mode, students will need to log back in with their HISD login. If students have been inactive for 30 minutes and have been logged out the testing system, students will need to login again with their testing ticket.
Students need to exit from the online test (without submitting) before going to lunch.
The error message instructs you to contact a system administrator / Contact the hall captain immediately.
The student is sick during the test / If a student is ill during the test, notify a hall captain to contact the school nurse to come to the room.
Acknowledgement: Prepared by Northside High School