1.1 / General / C/1
1.2 / Professional Services Agreement / C/2
2.1 / General / C/3
3.1 / Project Description / C/4
3.2 / Outline of Program and Project Overview Requirements / C/5
4 / SCOPE OF SERVICES - Design Phase / C/6
4.1 / Program Verification Phase / C/6
4.2 / Schematic Design Phase / C/7
4.3 / Investigations / C/8
4.4 / Preliminary Design Phase / C/9
4.5 / Computer Generated Model / C/11
4.6 / Master Program / C/12
4.7 / Detail Design Phase / C/12
4.8 / Project Risk Management Requirements and Conditions / C/13
4.9 / Permits/Sustainability / C/14
4.10 / Quantity Surveying Services / C/14
4.11 / Building Permits / C/15
4.12 / Tender Documents / C/15
5.1 / Project Team Requirements and Conditions / C/16
5.2 / Method Statement / C/16
5.3 / Quality Assurance / C/16
5.4 / Documentation / C/16
5.5 / Progress Reporting and Review Meetings / C/17
6.1 / Design / Tender Phase – General Requirements / C/18
6.2 / Design / Tender Phase Time for Completion / C/18
6.3 / Design / Tender Phase Fees and Payments / C/19
6.4 / Fee Payment and Payment Conditions / C/19

BA 14/15 D 032 S C/ (CONTENTS) January 2015

Pre PSA for 2 New Quran Memorization Centers



1  Introduction

1.1  General

1.1.1  The State of Qatar is a peninsula located on the northeast coast of the much larger Arabian Peninsula with a total land area of approximately 11,500 square kilometers. The population is approximately 1.7 million inhabitants (2009 census) with almost 83% of the inhabitants residing in Doha and its main suburb Al-Rayyan.

1.1.2  The State of Qatar has experienced rapid economic growth over the last several years. This economic growth has resulted in increased demand for the State to construct and provide first-class infrastructure such as government buildings (hospital, schools, and the like) transportation networks (harbors, airports, highways, roads etc.) and services (power, water, sewerage, waste disposal etc,).

1.1.3  This increased demand has consequently placed extraordinary requirements on the relevant government entities and their resources. It has become necessary to enhance the capacity of these government entities in order to deliver the required infrastructure.

1.1.4  The PWA (Public Works Authority), also known as Ashghal, is responsible for the planning, design, procurement construction, assets management, and delivery of infrastructure and building works in the State of Qatar.

1.1.5  PWA contributes to the economic and social development of the State of Qatar through implementing public projects in accordance with the approved plans of the State. In coordination with other agencies in the State, PWA implements and programs the execution of public projects consistent with the approved State objectives and allocated budget.

1.1.6  PWA’s tasks also include preparation of studies, designs, and technical specifications for the public projects; procurement of public projects and overseeing the work; implementing major maintenance projects according to the plans, programs and studies developed; as well as implementation, management, operation and maintenance of drainage, groundwater, surface water, and water treatment projects.

1.1.7  Through its major departments, PWA strives to develop, the State’s infrastructure and public amenities to the level of international standard achieved by developed countries and communities, and in general, it contributes to the overall sustainable development of the State in economic and social areas of the State.

1.1.8  The PWA consists of administrative units set out below:

a)  First: Administrative units under the Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning: The Internal Audit Unit.

b)  Second: Administrative units under the President including Office of the President, Public Relations and Communications Unit, Legal Affairs Department and Corporate Development & Planning Department.

1.1.9  PWA’s major business unit consists of five major sectors as below:

a)  Buildings Affairs.

b)  Infrastructure Affairs.

c)  Technical Support Affairs.

d)  Assets Management Affairs.

e)  Shared Services Affairs.

1.1.10  Buildings Affairs: This sector is subdivided into Design and Projects Departments; dedicated to government building projects such as schools, ports, recreational facilities, healthcare facilities and other government buildings.

1.1.11  Infrastructure Affairs: This sector is subdivided into Local Roads and Drainage and Expressway Departments.

1.1.12  Technical Support Affairs: this sector consists of three departments;

a)  Contracts Department, which is responsible for procurement, process and procedures in the delivery of PWA Projects.

b)  Engineering Business Support Department, which provides technical support for the Projects in terms of project planning, estimating, tracking and documentation.

c)  Quality and Safety Department, which is responsible for the quality control of projects and safety at work sites and offices.

1.1.13  Asset Affairs: This sector handles operation and maintenance of assets through two departments namely, Drainage Operation and Maintenance Department and Road Operation and Maintenance Department.

1.1.14  Shared Services Affairs: All other departments that deal with technical support come under this sector including Administration and Finance Department, Human Resources Department, General Services Department and Information Technology Department.

1.2  Professional Services Agreement

The Consultant shall be appointed under the terms and conditions of the Professional Service Agreement (PSA) General Conditions of Engagement 2010 (Rev A) – Edition to provide Professional Services to the Building Affairs Section of Ashghal, the Public Works Authority.

2  Scope of services overview

2.1  General

2.1.1  The Consultant shall:

a) provide complete and comprehensive professional services as outlined in this agreement;

b) Perform its services consistent with professional skill and care to provide for the level of quality required in the agreement;

c) Perform its services as expeditiously as possible and as required to meet the schedule requirements of the agreement;

d) Manage and coordinate the activities of its team members, including all required specialists, to produce a project as set forth in the Project description and as required to meet the agreement;

e) Conform and comply with all provisions set forth in the agreement.

f) Conform and comply with all codes, guidelines and standards as described in the Project Brief and as required by the agreement.

2.1.2  The required pre-contract professional services include but not necessarily limited to prepare and submit of the following:

(1)  Architectural drawings :

(a)  A narrative explaining the concept of the scheme and demonstrating adherence to the design brief.

(b)  Concept/Preliminary Design.

(c)  Floors plans to a scale of 1:50.

(d)  A section through both main axes to a scale of 1:50.

(e)  An elevation drawing of each façade (north, south, east and west) to a scale of 1:50.

(f)  Detailed drawings.

(g)  Sketches/Perspectives.

(2)  Computer Generated Model

(3)  All structural drawings.

(4)  All services drawings (electrical, mechanical, civil defense, water, drainage …etc)

(5)  All permits related for the above mentioned projects.

(6)  Final building permits with final two approved & stamped sets of drawings.

(7)  Tender document according latest QCS. & Awqaf regulations in Arabic language we will amendments when started works & cover page show perspective for each Center separately.

(8)  Bill of Quantities in English language & attached with tender documents.

(9)  Clarifications to Tenderers queries (related to construction tender).

2.1.3  The Consultant shall gather and study all available supporting information and incorporate it as appropriate into the Scope of Services deliverables.

2.1.4  The Consultant shall undertake all works necessary for the design as described culminating in and including the preparation of fully detailed designs and complete Tender/Contract procurement Documentation for inviting competitive tenders for the construction of all Works as described.

2.1.5  The Services required is Pre-Design / Design Services / Construction Tender and Awarding.


3.1  Project Description:

The target of the proposed project includes but not limited to create designs for 2 new Quran Memorization CENTERS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS as mentioned below:

3.1.1  Type 1: Create new design for Quran teaching CENTER and EID PRAYER AREA at New Al

Rayyan, Pin No. (53216051) consists of the followings:

-  Main and Secondary Entrances

-  Reception

-  Manager office with toilet and secretary

-  Administration office

-  10 No. of Classrooms 35 Sqmt Each with services

-  Library

-  Toilets

-  Cafeteria

-  Kitchen

-  Kitchenette

-  Meeting room

-  Baby care

-  Staff Room

-  Staircase and an elevator to the upper floor

-  7 no. of Offices

-  Kitchenette

-  Multi-purpose hall with services

-  Private shaded Car parking for the Center

-  Car parking

-  Guard Room

-  Boundary wall

Type 2: Create G+2 new design for Quran teaching CENTER at Fereej Bin Omran, Pin No.

(37370049) consists of the followings:

-  Reception

-  Toilets

-  Staircase and 2 elevators

-  Car parking

-  Manager office with toilet

-  Secretary

-  2 Administration offices

-  Kitchen

-  Cafeteria

-  Kitchenette

-  8 Classrooms 35 Sqmt Each with services

-  Multi-purpose hall with services

-  Guard Room

-  4 No. of offices with services

3.1.2  The consultant is required to create one complete design for each on a particular land given for each type. The consultant shall note that PWA reserves its right to use those prototype designs for any other location wherever they require those Centers types to be constructed in future.

3.1.3  Important points to carry out the design

(1)  Create new design for the types matching with Gulf Architectural style, society and climate requirement.

(2)  Design should be matching with disabled people’s requirements.

(3)  Study for suitable furniture & internal design.

(4)  Special studies should be submitted to be revised and approved by end user to start preliminary design as follows :

-  Study for the proposed site location

-  Different areas as per standards

-  Climate and wind studies ... etc.

(5)  Plots:

New Al Rayyan Pin No. 53216051 / 12717 m2
Fereej Bin Omran Pin No. 37370049 / 486 m2

3.2  Outline of Program and Project Overview Requirements

All Project Description information included in this Project Brief is to be considered by the Consultant as Preliminary and subject to change as per the requirements defined by the Client during the Project Verification Phase and the project Design Phase. The purpose of the information provided within this Brief is to give the Consultant the best information available to Ashghal at this time, and to provide the Consultant with the general magnitude of the Project for bidding purposes. All project specifics will be confirmed by the Consultant during the Design Phase.

4  SCOPE OF SERVICES - Design Phase

The scope of services required shall be in accordance with the Professional Service Agreement General Conditions of Engagement 2010 (Rev A), of which all shall apply in full unless specifically omitted or replaced and which may be further supplemented and added to by the Project Brief. All relevant notices or circulars issued by MMUP and Public Works Authority shall be taken into account.

4.1  Program Verification Phase

4.1.1  Attend orientation meetings at the Project site, the Client offices, and/or Ashghal office to review the Project, Ashghal requirements at various development phases, and the Program of the Project. For the purposes of the Agreement, the term "Program" includes: this Agreement, Project schedules, Justification and Scope of Work, Ashghal Program Directives, and the comprehensive Project program including Client plan requirements, site program, facilities program, equipment program, budgets, schedules and program addenda.

4.1.2  Review, analyze, and evaluate the contents of the Project Program. Prepare an analysis including the following factors: intended use, space and sequencing requirements; site and property requirements; environmental considerations; provision of all utilities; local building practices; time schedules for all phases of the Project; budget and cost forecasts; pedestrian access and egress patterns; public transportation facilities; vehicular traffic and parking availability and requirements; relationship to other projects either existing or proposed; sufficiency and adequacy of the Program; and other relevant factors.

4.1.3  Conduct initial client interviews to verify general space and use requirements of the client.

4.1.4  Level of Sustainable Design Criteria, and/or level of required GSAS Certification shall be Gold Level minimum (3 Stars).

4.1.5  Consultant shall obtain all necessary Government and third party approvals and consents regarding the Project including, without limitation, GSAS applications, building permits, easements, rights-of-way and licenses, including the processing and payment of all applications, fees and charges.

4.1.6  Prepare a Project Program Report verifying the function, scope, sequencing, budget, content, stakeholders and practicability of the Project Program and identifying any possible deficiencies and, shall include preliminary site planning drawings including the contract limits of each of the proposed construction contracts.

Prepare diagrammatic studies of the Project showing, in the case of a project involving a structure, the relationship of rooms and spaces to the program requirements of Ashghal and to the site, services, utilities and other structures; and in the case of a project involving sitework, the relationship of site systems to the site, services, utilities, and structures.

4.1.7  Prepare a Project Required Approvals and Permits Report indicating all required permit and design review approvals required by all Municipal and government Authorities having Approval Jurisdiction over the Project. The report will indicate all contact information, information required, application forms, approvals, permits and anticipated schedules required for obtaining approvals. This report shall be included with and made part of the Construction Contract Documents and outline the Design Consultant’s, the Construction Supervision Consultant’s, and, the Contractor’s responsibilities for these items during the Construction Phase and Post Construction Phase.